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1、专题五时态复习复习要点:1用法2.时间3 .句型转换 一、用词的适当形式填空3. What time the shop(close) It(close) at nine oclock in the eve ning4. He (go) to school by bus every day1. Miss Guo (teach) us Chin ese this term.She (be) a very5. Tom can not walk fast because he (carry) a heavy box.good teacher. She ofte n(talk) with us afte

2、rofte n (read) En glish in the eve ningclass. Many of us like(talk) with her.2. Where(go) to school at eight o clock8. He usually up at 17:OO.(get )their father (work) He9. She (live) in Beiji ng(work) on a farm、句型转换:1.1 like the red sofa .(变否定句)2. She has a nice cap.(变一般疑问句,并做肯定及否定回答)am a bus drive

3、r.(变一般疑问句并做肯定回答)4. They play football in the garden everyday(变成否定句)js an egg in the basket .(变成复数形式的句子)(二)一般过去时复习要点:1.用法2 .时间3 .句型转换一、 将下列动词变成过去式。lookwatchlikehopedecidepla nstopcarrystudyplaystayletputreadcatchteachbuybringthi nksitwritedriveringsi nkrun givewinknowgrowthrowdrawshowfeelsleepkeepswe

4、epmeet二、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(buy) a new dicti onary the day beforeyesterday.2. - What day(be) it yesterday It(be) Friday3. He (be) here half an hour ago4. We often(play) games last term.5. She (give) me a book a moment ago6. The girl (get) up very early thismorni ng7 . They(take)photos n ear the riveran

5、 hour ago8 . He(not watch) TV yesterday eve ning9. - Why e boy late for school-Because he(be)ill10. Mr. Gree n (come) to visit me lastn ight.11. The teacher(agree) to our idea yesterday(make) himwork twelve hours a day lastyear13. I(see) him in the library two days ago14. She (write) her address on

6、theblackboard ten minu tes ago三、按要求改写下列各句He in a car factoryyesterday,was at home this morning.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)2. He did morning exercises in the morning .(改为否定句)3. They had a big dinner yesterday.(改为般疑问句,并作肯定回答)went to see my un cle last Sun day.(改为否定句)四、选择填空。A. work B. worked C. is working D. will

7、 work2. - he at this school lastterm- Yes,l think soA. Did; study B. Does; study C. Was; studyD. Did; studied3. - Who cleaned the blackboardDick-John .A. clea ned B. does C. did D. is1. - What did your father do whenhe was in England-4. There a lot of people at the street cornerwhe n the accide nt(事

8、7. Jenny went into the room, took off his coat anddow n on a sofa.故)happened (发生)A. was B. were C. have bee n D. had5. He tur ned off the lights and the nA. leaves B. left C. will leave D. isA. would sit B. was sitt ing C. sat D. had sat8. Every onethere whe n the meeti ng bega nA. was B. is C. are

9、D. wereleav ing现在进行时well last ni ght.6. - Hi, Kate. Youlook tired. Whats the matter-I复习要点:1.用法 2.时间 3 .句型转换一、用现在进行时完成下列句子:A. did nt sleep B. dont sleep C. have ntyoudoslept D. wont sleep(sing) an English song(A)l amlooking after the baby.(B)lm look afteringhe(me nd) a car5. you (fly) a kite Y es,6.

10、She (sit) in the boat7. you (ask)questions(play) games now二、单项选择()1.我在照看孩子.the baby(C) l look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking afterthe baby()2. friends making a kite (A)l,me (B)My,my (C)My,me (D)His,his()the woman yellow your teacher(A)in(B)putt ing on (C)weari ng(D) havi ng() twins their mother d

11、o the housework(A)are wanting(B)help(C)are help ing()are you liste ningtoaway(D)are look ing()5. are the birds doing They aresinging in a tree(A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where()shesometh ing(A)eat (B)eat ing (C)eatti ng (D)eats()7.你在干什么(A)What is you doi ng (B)What are you do (C)What(A)/ (B)for (C)at (

12、D)to()9.我正在听他说话.(A)I liste ning to him. (B)Im liste ning him.(C)lm liste n to him (D)Im liste ning him.()are their clothes(A)makei ng(B)putti ngC)put(D)putt ing on()! She in the classroomare you doing (D)What do you do(A)is si ngi ng(B)si ng(C)to si ng()Jim his white shirt and brow ntrousers(A)is pu

13、tting on(B)wear(C) put on(D)is weari ng()you eati ng rm eat ing_ meat(A)What,some(B)Which,a ny (C)Where, not(D)What,a() TV in the do their homework.(C)help ing()childre nfootball.(A)is playi ng (B)are playi ng (C)playthe (D)play aC ) are flying kites(A)他们喜欢放风筝.(B)他们在放风筝吗(C)他们在放风筝.(D)他们常放风筝( ),They a

14、re swimmi ng in the want you(A)to go with(B)go with(A)arewatch ing(B)ca ntwatchi ng(C)d ont(D)help)is a new bike todayA. apple B. stude ntsr C.milk D.paper()you know ifa meeti ng n ext(A)jump ing(B)r unning(C)ridi ng(D)takei ngTherebe 句型一、单项填空。() not nulk in the cup on thetableA. are, many B. are , much C. is ,many D.is ,muchSundayA. there was going to have B. there was going to beC. is there going to be D. there will be( )Is this the last exam we have to takeNo, but there another test three mon ths


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