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1、原版英语口语情景对话第0147集:讲述海滩嬉乐Richad喜欢海滩,享受在海里畅游和在沙滩上堆城堡的时光。Todd: Richard!Richard: Yes!Todd: Do you like the beach?Richard: I love the beach.Todd: OK. When, when do you go to the beach?Richard: So in the summer I like to go with my family and, yeah, in the summer.Todd: OK. Is there a beach near your home?R

2、ichard: No, do you mean in Japan or in England?Todd: In Japan.Richard: In Japan, we have to drive a long way to go to the beach.Todd: Oh!Richard: But I can go to the beach in Chiba. Kujuukurihama, or to the Izu Pennisula.Todd: OK. And what do you do at the beach?Richard: OK. We enjoy swimming in the

3、 sea and boating and just making sand castles with my son.Todd: OK. Ooh! Sand castles! Nice! What do you take to the beach?Richard: Beach towel, very important, something to put on the sand to try to stop the sand from getting into everything.Todd: OK. And what.Richard: Bucket and spade.Todd: But.what? / Richard: Bucket and spade.Todd: a bucket and spadeRichard: To make sand castles.Todd: Oh, nice. OK. -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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