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1、无教师优秀范例:A more realisti andatona crierion o valu teacherwor( threfre dide hrsaa) should includefactorsuha comprhensivedeelopmen fstudets, acers wn caacity to culivaead eduate,anparns eedbak.Yet mdseemet esot uestthat studns perormnc hould b abndoed bt ath included longwith oher ndisenablefctor in ev

2、uatintecherswork, since scl reort isstl amog mstparnstp cnrn a stde have to uet as ancor he aling ther stuies. Als, itis raabl tht tace wh can hancetudents perfrncehouldbe p ette, as the masur woul modeatly otiate taes to work hrd.优秀范例:Tee are two hlet ahiving a ew raity: omushvemeto eam, ad youtkct

3、io. Giv yourlf ime forreativ visualztio dailyNotieatatme,and kee a record fthee.aka re tht you spend Xamunt tim dily tain actionn ourdram. Artissproduceartwrk. uthors wrte Iyoure nottaing t, yu wil nachieve you ream。无教师优秀范例:Ram up yor ntworkng. Join indIad Plxo, and akfo rcommndais rom cuet and cook

4、er. Use Twittr toupd th world oyur urnt pjectas ell netwrwithothr lke-minded indvials.Lok for locantorkg groups, nd tart attennthm。无教师优秀范例:evhels, i wou not work ther f erybd just kp to emeve ithot ommuiaig. It is also essentiafor ommatesto shareter xeiences wh n nother and ths etcloseihir etnsip. I

5、n thics,a od sene umor ca e uh a vluale qalit as asngle okeayrathe iln n penp a nice convesa.无教师中文释义:但是,如果每个人都与外界封闭的话,其实风趣也是没用的。室友之间就该分享她们的经验,这样才干拉近彼此之间的关系。在这种状况下,风趣感,就是一种很重要的品质,例如一种笑话就有也许打破长期以来的沉默,让人们立即活跃起来。无教师优秀作文范例:Furthermore,moern eholog gies tudnts n llusio tt infomtio an eal knowledge is sto

6、earn just bclicking moueor wahigdeosBut i fa ti forms oly he irst stetoward usul infomtion ad ffctive larni, a rning oay kind quires full concenraion nd intrctv thnk, whic ar almos absent inth procss of populare-erning expin.无教师中文翻译:不仅如此,现代科技会给学生一种感觉,也就是信息和真正的知识是很简朴易学的,只要通过点击鼠标,或者看录像就可以了。但是,事实上这只是获得

7、有用知识和高效学习的第一步,由于学习任何一门知识,都需要全神贯注和进一步浅出的思考,而这些又恰恰是大众网络学习过程中最欠缺的。无教师优秀范例:Secn, tehloyhsequiecildr wit professionl appraus which ould inallreli their imgintio. Thistaks rom partcrlyas ptr soft wares and appctions,sch aPhotoshp for reatn graphic dsgn, Oertre fo eaily comoin a piec of music, DMax fr buil

8、dig upa virtual wrd,etc.All t softwrs erener hnd as thy ae preent,ad tiworlabsoluel roves our childrn an fve tol for ealizing heirretvity.无教师翻译:第二点,科技已经用诸多专业化的仪器来驱动孩子的想象力,而这些专业的工具可以最后实现这些孩子们的想象力。所有的这一切都是源于计算机软件和应用的使用,例如说Photosp就可以用来进行图像上的创作,Oveture可以用来很容易的在电脑上剪辑歌曲,Max则可以发明一种虚拟世界。所有的这些电脑软件从没有像今天这样易用和

9、便捷,这个世界绝对是为我们的孩子提供了一种强大的可以实现她们发明力的工具。优秀范例:Tird, thnology telfia market la wher ceatv ides areeonomially encragd. Stev bsearned ilion of dollars a year fr his unparllel creato, an Mark ukbrggaied hiseuion for the enis oial newok.reor, enologhas providedchidren the intenal motieto develop ther crtivy.

10、I a nutsell, I ti regardchild abcoming inreasingycratie n technoogydevlon,lthough it ght brigminor seeffect. s ngas e keep a baance modo chilenenjoi tefito technogy,theyar sure to contribuemr o innovation thaninhe as无教师优秀翻译:第三点,技术自身也是一种能对创意自身起到了很大的经济上增进作用的一块市场。Steeobs由于她无可匹敌的创意一年赚了数百万美元。MarkZkberg则是

11、由于她的天才的社交网络的创意为自己赢得了巨大的声望。因此,技术自身也是为孩子们提供了一种发展自己发明力的内在动机。综上所述,我坚持觉得孩子是会随着技术的发展变得越来越有发明力,虽然有也许带来一点点负面效果。只要我们对于孩子们享有技术发展的果实抱有一种平衡的心态,技术的发展也一定为孩子们的创新做出更多的奉献。优秀范例:Fr,elnedstudy bdi bydingxrcsing,ilingsimmng inth swiming polorplaingfootll on epagound. T e haly, epethen ca uruitthe eoymet om th metlt appr

12、ecte t.Secondy,not allpeopeenoy a ct, but llpeople need to do erce. The peolewho reo favorabl of e art arel et the rt mmsor muic erformnce ener.ut ifgovrnt buildsereaiona faciltie, ibnefit al ciizensfor providing placs toexercie.无教师中文翻译:一方面,人们通过在游泳池游泳,或者在场地里踢足球这样的锻炼形式来获得强健的体魄。为了(心理)健康,人们还可以通过欣赏艺术品来获

13、得精神上的愉悦。第二点,事实上并不是所有人都喜欢欣赏艺术,但是几乎所有人都需要锻炼身体。对于那些主线不喜欢艺术的人,她们几乎不回去艺术馆或者音乐厅。但是如果政府建某些娱乐设施,这将会为所有人民提供一种锻炼身体的地方。无教师优秀范例:Howee, success depedsonmanycotion,suha te, hard wk ad lcke listgs on n on. A one o the boksbyran ray ays, thuccss cois of 21 secr. mte wa er one sin, e hs to trisone bst wok a ight tie


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