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1、Uit 1 anguge d lture in CommnicatoThery Cmunitio s somethng e eery ay.I taes laco natay h w imply fail t notic i until it hicu or reas on.hugh ti commnplace, it n eaggratinto s tacommunicatonis life n lieis omuncaton.1.hen y ji a socia gathng, you mu baareof rlend rocedres hatorthe aytns e ng t proc

2、eed. There i tecnical term for uch rulea proerechma. . ce and poltessare tw te areawhich extreml vaussite. One o the ditntv earesof Chinesepolieness s sefdeiraon and otheelvatinas 1: Liz is a rofessor of crosculral commnicain i a uiersity i inland.Se ivited hr Cines tuetse for n evening part.The sch

3、a rom Lits poi o iew incluestheolwig:1.Givinginviatin: by pone bymal2. Peprevrythngefore he rival o uest3. Receivggests: pen the door / exress wlome /tak teiorcts / intoduegss / ofer them riks make them omotable4.Servig food: set thtabe / soup irst /mincourse /deser5. Posdiner ivities: cha plausic/

4、offrmr drins6. Singgusts of: thakthmfor omig / od nightitzs eenig paty a not er sccessful, bcasesh ws use bone f e gests. Her was the iital converion betwenLitz in:iz: (pen hedoor) O, in, owiceyu couldme!in: Its diicult to fd ur seit:oe on i.in: (cs i)Liz:Ca Itae your cot?Ln:No, ank.Ltz: , th ay lea

5、ein:(take of hercoat n han it)Alysis: i wa h bcas nidnot let he ang her t. Litoffrn tagLins coat is ono Litzsws (itson Litzs sha).O Lnside, she thoht that Ltws hesperviso and ht itsnapropriatetolether suervison hr coat. He we have an intance oo ctionatahed witdifferen cutravaus.Cas :Finding n nteese

6、d BuyerGoage all was inBeiingattendi a trade far and lking for n opporunityto d bses inChina. Head eevey successful in hi busislings in hUSad ride himselfn isablit “o get hn moving” Hs firsd was gongell.He loked aroundat te dilys fsportn equet to ge om iea f whome miht aproachHe s sure tat his prouc

7、t, tenns rakets wit a uusulesign, wuld rose some nteests O theeondhe pproached the ompayhichhe felt wouldb ms rspnsiv tohproucs.He inruced hime to the general, a r.L icehe hdread tht Chiese ind geting dw tobusinsimedately to rup d rude, e began acasal coetion, eetua ledi up to he topic of his produc

8、s ndsggestng how Lisompn mit bneft frmusin he. Geoge ten suggtdthathe oud rrange to get togher ith r. and providemore seifics a docention on his roucs.Mr. Li respnded infairl Egsh,”Thawold be tresng.”Knong ht e ha ny a few ays t in eijng, Gore ante tonail down a me,” Whencan e meet?”askd Georg. “Ah.

9、 hi weeis vey busy,”repledM. Li. “Iture is,”saiGorge,”How abt 1olok?Meet ou hee.” “Tomorrowat 0 clock?” sked r.ithoughtfull. “ight,” sad Geoge, “Ill seeyoute?” “Hmm,ys; why dont c by torro,” was te repl. “,” rendd Georg,” I as nc meting u.”Text day t10 oclok hepproaed.is copnys ehibit ny to fin ta M

10、r.Liad some mprtanbusiness ad was n abl meet wth George. He caled back latein the dy n was told tht M.Liws n aailabe.ayss: 英美人士做事情讲究守时。而中国人不太注重这方面。本案列中,李先生不仅没有准时接见预约的客户,甚至放了她“鸽子”。Case3: rfssor iangh writte a book on Cnsecultur ninse. His ookis uton lay n Beijing rnatiol Book Fai 9. Prfessor La would

11、 le to he hisook translte to nglshnd ubmittto Thompson Pblihers. Proessor Lianga aked L Yan, wom ems reulay in the Eglish Crner,toelphi to alk o Peter Alight, ahompsnrepsenttie.Pf Lia:奥莱特先生,这是鄙人的拙作。Li Tan: Mr.Alrigt, tis aclusybook writby yur umbe serantMr Alght: N, no,no, yorenm uble sant. We do no

12、t publis books in Cese.Li an(to PoessorLiag): 不,不,不,你不是我的仆人,我们不出中文书。Prfeor iang:我要请李艳翻译成英文。LiYn (to Mr. Allrght): ofessor Lin ill sk mto rlate it ito English.Mr.Alriht: Mm ats inesn.Analyss: Chinese athrs alost away blittle thi wrsby escriing them as clumsy wrings, an they use the same descripion whe they pres the to hnes ulihers.Btth wil


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