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1、周 次第 周,第1-3次课编写时间.90章节名称 Uit 1 Th Pusuitof Dms教学目的与规定:pocmplionofthisunt,teahsarexpectetovenaledstuens(Ss)to:1. have a thooughunderstain of thext nexualy adlinguisiclly;2. uild up n cte oabla total abot the pursuit f dreas ad now oto ueth keyords d expressionsin conxt oprly;3. know what makeccssfulr

2、 hasers;4. talk abuheir ow deam jos and xplain howto ake theirdream coe true;5. write a well-deelpe paagraphwih acle topi sntence.教学重点和难点:.教学重点:Undertandinad analysis of th xts;Important lguage poins inth tets2.教学难点:) Spking: alk abot he ursuit f dreams; talabutirow drm obs and explainhw make thei d

3、reams e true2) Writing: araa wriingwtha clear topic sentence教学组织(含课堂教学内容、教学措施、辅助手段、师生互动、时间分派、板书设计等):教学内容:Part Text:eafDPart Reding JanitoFiaj, the emusrPat eadng2 Frm temercaDrea to a Chse reaPart heme-laed Lnage earingaks教学措施: Sdentsoene teaing pproahes Grup iscsson; resettin辅助手段: 多媒体时间分派: hsnit is

4、designed fo neigh-eriod clas.I e of the perio,ctain tsks are t be ompleted. Geeall speakin,ere ay be severl different ways o explr this uit. Heresa sugesed teahing plan.Tehing Pa Pat One: pner1. Introdue the opi t the class either i Engih r Chnese2. DraSsattentionto t twopicturesn Opene,hep tem use

5、tei celhone o scath Rcoes f inrmatioabu tetwo el in thepictus.3. thewhat qetin theyoul like tasaoutth to peop in he pictrs.Colle tei uestions oraly, summizthem, and if possible, narrw them down to th threeestinsliste in Oeer.4. Ask Ss to wor n pairs, disussin th tee questons ien in ener.5. Aft dscus

6、sion,give prs afew minuestoswap eir anwrs with ther negor6. Ask one or w pairso gvebriefeprf theiscusion. Part w:Rading& Interain1. troduce theopic of h text:a ea DJ who chasd seemgly imossle drea2. Beoremvio to te ex, hpSs faizethemslves ithhe new ods in h margi, or eae,y having them read he text o

7、 l, paragraph byparrap, llectig any wods whic they have fficult proouncn, wriing the ord on theoard ad reading e wodsout tothem. Ss rpat thrs togeter, gong dow h list oeby onean thnread the words seectedbythe acher.Thn soe o them wil b ask to rathe wrds sparael and othes impoe thir proniatinf thse o

8、ds By now te soul be clear as tohow he wrdsar rooed.3. GuideSs to apprch thetet by sdying thestoryine of the writer pesoa sory-time odeans key lets of a stry: ettingcoflct,evelopmet, d enng.Seting: The writer as bon n Engndwith perfct hri Wne five, hi family movdto th UnitedStts. Becs of a infecons,

9、h went dea interightearanwas let wit0% of earingn the left.oflic: he youg ma wo ws almos ef, hoever, got teese deeing whih sally requresacut hearig.Deelomnt: Athe geof25, begno recive utorinrom a fmous Nw Yrk D. He got jbs, djayingat clus nd, for iexcelprormance,won te nme tht Daf.End: he wri eplans

10、 hwh, a maih heari o, uceededi dejying Adtheieroffers encuageme for te youngto chasetirdreams. 4. Disshelowingelets one b wih s:Setting (Para 1): A S to cose te books andrais quesions bou thewriers earin lo. Fr example, Wa hedefatit?I e completlyel now? And ak ne or wostuens toanswrtheir qusts.The c

11、an referto Par. .Confli (Paras. ):As Ss to tae trns to retll te tory using h ollingwodlit:when I ws litle lv birhy deejayhoo emai challge utor develop tkeovDevelopment (r,4):Ak Ssto rea Para , ad cl thiboos at heyfish. Then a thm to ree tmainidea f he pargraph in thir own wors. The followig sa summa

12、ry foryour referce:When Ideejayed at lub, wod ju shw u, inroduc sel, andsar laying music Peole enjoyed mypformancebut n one neI wasahatwas why the just co bie ewhnItd hem I couldnthar. herefr, sometime, hato l temsemy dotorsnte.All hs showed ty gave me jos because I wsood a djaing, not ut of syathy. Peope hav calledme ht Def DJ vr sinceEding (Paas58): AskS to xplain how haf DJsucceed in jaying. b


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