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1、Greetings (第一步 打招呼)Hello/HiGood morning / afternoon / evening!How are you?How do you do?Nice to meet you./ Glad to meet you./Pleased to meet you./ Delighted to meet you.How are things with you? (最近怎么样)Hows it going? How are you doing?Pretty good, / Not bad, thanks.Whats up ?/ Whats happening?Nothing

2、 /much/ special/ The same old stuff.Introducing yourself第二步 做介绍)Let me introduce myself. I am.How do you do? My name is. I dont think weve met. I am. May I introduce myself? My name is . Excuse me, may I take the opportunity to introduce myself as.?Small talk (第三步(打招呼后的)寒暄)Fairwell (第四步 告别)什么时候都可使用的

3、表达方式1. Good-bye!2. Bye now!3. See you again!4. Id better take off. 5. Im afraid I must be off, I have to relieve the baby-sitter.希望下次再约会的表达方式1. See you later / soon!2. See you tomorrow!3. See you again next week!4. See you next term!只用于亲友、熟人之间的表达方式:1. So long!2. See you!3. Be seeing you!问好表示再见的表达方式:

4、1. Remember me to your family!2. Say hello to Jack!3. Give my love to your daughter!英美人独特的道别方式:Cheerio!再会!(含依依惜别之意) 美国人则常用Ill be seeing you. (表示暂别)Introducing someone elseThis is . Hes fromHave you met my Chinese teacher?Id like you to meet my roommateId like to introduce my friend, an American visi

5、ting scholar to you.Oh, allow me to introduce to you.May I introduce Prof. Wang to you?Responding to an introduction:How do you do?Nice to meet you.Pleased/Glad/Honored to meet youI have heard a lot about you.Getting Someones Attention and Asking the Way:Uh, excuse meCan you help me, please? Im lost

6、.Could you tell me where is?Can/Could you tell me the way to ?How do/can I get to the ? Which way is the ?Is this the way to ?Responding Negatively:Sorry, Im not sure (where it is).Sorry, I dont know (where it is). Sorry, Im a stranger here/Im not from here.Sorry, Im new here too. Giving Directions

7、(1): Go straight ahead until you reach Go along this road until you reach Its down this street, about two blocks/twenty meters away.You go straight up/down this street and then Its next to the Its (just) on the left/right of the Its (just) opposite/across the More useful expressions: near; next to ;

8、 close to ; in front of ; behind ; around the corner; across fromDo I have to transfer? 我要转车吗?Depends on if you drive or take the subway.取决于你是开车或乘地铁.a cross; 十字路口 ; fork 三岔路口; traffic signs 交通标志; shortcut 近道; rush hour 高峰期; sidewalk 人行道; subway/underpass 地下通道; skyway天桥 intersection: n 十字路口Whats your

9、 favorite sport?I like swimming/jogging/tennis, etc.My favorite sport is basketball/volleyball/soccer, etc.Playing badminton is my favorite.I am keen on playing basketball, badminton, etc.I am crazy about football, but I am a fan as a spectator.I take to playing basketball with my roommates.express

10、congratulations Im very happy for you.Im proud of you.Well done!Good for you!I knew you could do it!Congratulations on your marriage/promotion/ complete recovery.You deserve it.Im so happy/pleased/delighted to hear that!How wonderful!Fantastic/ terrific!express sympathyIm sorry to hear that.Im sorry

11、 about that.Im sorry about your misfortune.Thats unfortunate.Tough luck.How sad!How awful!(Thats) too bad.What a shame.Thats a pity.It happens!No big deal.It must be tough for you.It must be hard on you.Expressing complaints 1) I (do) wish you wouldnt play the TV so loud. 2) Do you think you could k

12、eep the noise down?3) That radios pretty loud. Could you turn it down, please? 4) You dont have to play that record so loud, do you? 5) Please ask when you want to borrow my records. 6) Would you mind not making long distance calls?7) Please dont borrow my clothes without asking. 8) Im fed up with h

13、im / the trains always being late / the way she leaves her rubbish on the floor! 9) Im tired of it.10) I can hardly bear / tolerate / put up with it any more. 11) Im sick of you / you always going on like this.12) I cant believe that this is happening again!13) Damn! Ive forgotten my car keys! 14) O

14、h! For heavens sake! Why is she so unreliable?15) Im sorry to have to say this, but the camera I bought yesterday has something wrong.Accepting a ComplaintOh, Im sorry about that.I cant tell you how sorry I am.Im so sorry. I didnt realize.I just dont know what to say.Rejecting a ComplaintWell, Im af

15、raid theres nothing we can do about it actually.Well, Im afraid there isnt much we can do about it actually.Giving WarningsBe careful!/ Watch out! / Mind!/ Look out! Be careful of / Be aware of / Watch out for (the hot iron / pickpockets!)! Be careful not to (break the glass)! I would be extremely careful not to if I were you.Take care (not to wake the baby)! You


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