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1、教学课件完形填空提升练(二)A(2018 浙江绍兴一中高考冲刺)When you buy something with money,you feel as if its owed by you.1,when you receive something from someone else,the gift is a 2 of something bigger than yourself.In our living room,we have three shelves of books.We 3 them as the “open source” bookshelf because our gue

2、sts can take any book and 4 any book to it.No one 5 it;its all based on trust,6 our home hosts many events with hundreds of people passing through it.These books cover various types and you cant really be 7 what youll find.So,my brother happened to 8 a red book the other day.It 9 because it had no t

3、itle.Since it looked so 10,he checked it out.Page one 11 some hand-written words:To:DJBurrowesFrom:GrandmaandGrandpaBurrowes.We were 12.Every page had a quote written in the 13 shaky handwriting of DJs grandparents.They had given it to DJ and DJ,14,had given it to us.A couple of weeks back,DJ 15 to

4、go to China to learn its language and culture.Before leaving,he came for a(n) 16 at our place,primarily to offer his 17 gratitude.But this gift was over the top.Not only did he 18 such a precious part of himself,but he did so without telling anyone in our home!What a(n) 19!For a few seconds,all of u

5、s just stared at it in disbelief.In shocking silence,we all stood in 20 of the Burrowes for showing us,by their example,what life is all about.Thank you,DJ,wherever you are!1.A.ThereforeB.MoreoverC.MeanwhileD.However2.A.discoveryB.standardC.reminderD.wonder3.A.regardB.acceptC.recognizeD.mistake4.A.e

6、xposeB.contributeC.distributeD.deliver5.A.tracksB.affordsC.recommendsD.overlooks6.A.ever sinceB.in caseC.as ifD.even though7.A.guaranteedB.informedC.judgedD.questioned8.A.obtainB.donateC.spotD.review9.A.worked outB.stood outC.went upD.turned up10.A.pricelessB.fascinatingC.delicateD.unusual11.A.repre

7、sentedB.expressedC.readD.provided12.A.astonishedB.cautiousC.frightenedD.nervous13.A.occasionallyB.apparentlyC.partiallyD.randomly14.A.in advanceB.in turnC.by mistakeD.by chance15.A.promisedB.managedC.hesitatedD.decided16.A.eventB.discussionC.partyD.conference17.A.naturalB.vividC.silentD.casual18.A.s

8、how offB.take overC.see aboutD.leave behind19.A.pityB.offeringC.reliefD.coincidence20.A.defenceB.memoryC.admirationD.favourBIn 1973,I was teaching elementary school.Each day,27 kids 1“The Thinking Laboratory.”That was the 2 students voted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too 3.Freddy was an av

9、erage4,but not an average person.He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情).He would5 the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyones 6.Before the school year 7,I gave the kids a special 8,T-shirts with the words “Verbs Are Your 9” on them.I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词)may s

10、eem dull,most of the 10 things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.Through the years,Id run into former students who would provide 11 on old classmates.I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his 12 from high school and remained the same 13 person I met forty years before.Once,while wo

11、rking overnight at a store,he let a homeless man 14in his truck.Another time,he 15a friend money to buy a house.Just last year,I was16 a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door.A woman17 the interruption and handed me an envelope.I stopped teaching and 18 it up.Inside were the “Verbs” sh

12、irt and a 19 from Freddys mother.“Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving.He wanted you to have this.”I told the story to the class.As sad as it was,I couldnt help smiling.Although Freddy was taken from us,we all20something from Freddy.1.A.builtB.enteredC.decoratedD.ran2.A.nameB.ruleC.brandD.plan3.A.smal



15、ureB.billC.noteD.diary20.A.choseB.tookC.expectedD.borrowedCI stayed for a while in Costa Rica years ago:One morning I was 1in a local market.I had parked my car a few blocks away.After an hour,I 2 in my purse for my phone,I dug 3,searching and searchingno phone!I had butterflies in my stomach 4 the zipper was not zipped on my bag.Perhaps my phone fell out 5 got picked by wandering hands.


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