英语基础模块1unit9(DOC 21页)

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1、 保康县中等职业技术学校 Unit9第一、二课时教学设计 授课人: 课题Unit 9 What club would you like to join?课型新授课课时2课时学习目标知识与技能:1. 知识目标掌握与俱乐部有关的词汇和短语,如united, in line, online, have fun with , fan, as high as, chat with, member, performance, qualification, fill in, form, application form, membership, schedule, certificate, experien

2、ce, science club, join, website, fee, etc掌握有关表达个人爱好特长的句型,有关询问或提供俱乐部相关信息的句型,如:about personal qualifications: I enjoy painting very much. I like writing to my friends in English. Im good at writing. asking for information: What club do you like to join? What qualifications do you have? Now fill in thi

3、s form, please.3) giving information: Im a member of English club. You can go to the club website for the schedule. 2. 能力目标学生能听懂有关加入俱乐部和询问相关信息的对话。学生能用所学句型简单表达个人的爱好、特长。(3)在日常生活中灵活应用所学到的关键句型. 过程与方法:首先让学生根据已有的语言经验与积累自己学习activity1和activity 2,通过对本课题在关的语言内容进行再现和再认,为新的语言点的学习找到良好的基础,达到”温故而促新”的目的”;然后通后通过在旧语言

4、知识的基础上植入新的语言知识,然后大密度的进行听力朗读训练,精讲多练,让学生对本课题有关的语言知识印象深刻;再进行拓展训练,学以致用;最后,适时的总结内化(课堂小结,背诵和作业),让语言根植大脑.情感态度与价值观:在真实情景交流中,剖析自身长处和短处,学会取长补短。通过师生互动、生生合作,引导学生积极主动地参与,营造良好的学习氛围,并能相互了解,相互帮助,相互赏识。重点听懂并掌握有关表达个人特长、爱好以及询问和申请加入俱乐部的词汇、句型。难点申请参加俱乐部时使用的词汇、句型问题导入.The teacher divides the class into eight groups:Today we

5、ll have a competition. The group getting the highest mark will be the winner. Each member in this group will gain a gift as prize. Well have rounds. Each group can get points in each round. So please listen carefully and work together. (设计意图:相互协作,互相竞争,促使学生精神集中,从而达到主动有效地学习,并培养团队合作精神)5分钟自主探究(1)the fir

6、st round:Brainstorm. Ask students to give the names of clubs as many as possible.Have students prepare for it together in groups, then the teacher collects answers from students by asking them to offer answers loud and quickly but orderly. Each different answer got one mark. (collect different answe

7、rs on the blackboard)(设计意图:通过头脑风暴,我们可以快速搜集多种俱乐部名称,并让全体同学尽快掌握)(2)the second round(activity 1):Ask students to match pictures with the words of advertisements. Have each group work together and write down the answers on paper. Then hand it in. The teacher will give each group a mark. For those that ha

8、ve no words of ads, the teacher will ask Ss to think out for them. The teacher will also give them scores.(设计意图: 培养学生的思考和理解能力,激发创新思维,加强团队合作。教师可以利用教材中的图片和广告语或者另外搜集更多。本环节需要学生课前的小组准备)(3)the third round(activity 2):Ask students personal likes and dislikes:Do you like playing basketball?Do you love playi

9、ng chess?Are you good at writing?What is your favorite?What do you enjoy?Do you often chat with your friends? In English?(设计意图: 培养学生的理解能力和口头表达能力,掌握有关表达个人爱好特长的句型,有关询问或提供俱乐部相关信息的句型,为下个步骤做好充分的准备)(备注:在此教师可以对各小组做简单的评估,决出优胜小组,给小组奖励。)25分钟互动质疑(1) 学生完成了任务后,小组内进行交流,选出班级交流的代表人.(2) 班级交流.为后面的学习奠定基础.15分钟检测反馈1、 在学

10、生交流展示的语言点的基础上,呈现新的语言知识点.2、 听力练习1.Activity 3 Listen and tick. Listen to dialogue A and tick the club mentioned. 2.Activity 4 Listen and complete. Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the following form.Application FormName:_Club to join:_Qualifications: likes reading _; good at_3.Activity 5 Read

11、and underline. Practice the dialogue with partners and then underline the sentences used to apply for joining clubs.4.Avtivity 6 Listen and repeat. Practice a similar dialogue with your partner.5.Activity 7 Listen and match. Listen to dialogue B and match persons with proper club.6.Activity 8 Listen

12、 and complete.Listen to the dialogue again and complete the sentences.(设计意图: 帮助学生通过听,获取有关询问或提供俱乐部相关信息的句型;引发学生积极主动地参与英语口语的操练,可以邀请学生上台表演, 以锻炼胆量)3、 口语练习1.Activity 9/10 Read and underline.Practice the dialogue with partners and then find out useful sentences.2.Activity 11 Act and practice.Teacher can gi

13、ve some concrete contexts and let the class think of qualifications. ClubsQualificationsBasketball clubEnjoy playing basketball Computer clubPlay online Singing clubSing both Chinese and English songs Cooking clubLike cooking and enjoy delicious foodLiterature clubEnjoy reading; would like to write

14、articles Chess clubPlay chess well Health clubLike a healthy diet and a healthy life style Football clubEnjoy playing football 15分钟Useful sentence patterns are given below:A: What club are you going to join? B: Id like to join A: What qualifications do you have ? B: Im good at I enjoy/love A: Fill i

15、n the form, please. B: By the way, how much is the membership? B: Where can I get the schedule?(1)Ask one student to make a dialogue with the teacher as example.(2)Work in pairs. Choose one of the clubs to join and make a dialogue with their partner.(3)Employment: Work in groups. Two of each group act as leaders of the clubs to employ members while the others ap


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