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1、2022年考博英语-江西财经大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Some of the ideas are very simple and sound intuitively plausible. The underlined part means( ).问题1选项A.directlyB.reasonablyC.franklyD.instinctively【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项directly“直接地;立即;马上”;B选项reasonably“合理地;相当地;适度地”;C选项frankly“坦率地;老实说”;D选项instinctively“本能地”。int

2、uitively意为“直观地;直觉地”,D选项的意思最为接近。句意:有些想法非常简单,听起来觉得很有道理。2. 单选题Theres always intense media coverage of airplane crashes and that can really play into peoples fears and skew their perceptions of how safe it is to fly. The underlined part means( ).问题1选项A.misconceiveB.distortC.changeD.preoccupy【答案】B【解析】考查近

3、义词辨析。A选项misconceive“误解,误会”;B选项distort“扭曲;使失真;曲解”;C选项change“改变”;D选项preoccupy“(使)全神贯注;提前占据”。句意:媒体总是对飞机失事进行密集报道,这真的会加剧人们的恐惧, 他们对飞行安全的认知。根据句意和常识可以推断,当媒体大量报道某事时,往往会误导、曲解人们对该事件的客观认识,因此B选项正确。3. 单选题The road outside the school is a menace to the childrens safety. The underlined part means( ).问题1选项A.troubleB.

4、headacheC.barrierD.threat【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项trouble“麻烦;烦恼”;B选项headache“头痛;麻烦”;C选项barrier“障碍物,屏障;界线”;D选项threat“威胁”。句意:学校外面的道路对孩子们的安全是个( ) 。根据逻辑可知,对学生而言,校外的道路是有交通安全隐患的,即“威胁”,因此D选项正确。4. 单选题This kind of songbird sleeps much less during its annual ( ), but that doesnt seem to affect its flying.问题1选项A.mig

5、rationB.emigrationC.conveyanceD.transference【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项migration“迁移;移民”;B选项emigration“移民;移民出境”;C选项conveyance“运输;运输工具”;D选项transference“转移;转让”。句意:这种太阳鸟在一年一度的迁徙期间睡眠极度减少,但是这并不影响其飞行。由空格前的关键词“annual年度的,每年的”可知“迁移”符合句意,因此A选项正确。5. 单选题Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase

6、 for each numbered blank from the four choices marked A, B, C or D and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Public officials and candidates for public offices routinely use public opinion polls to keep(31)of what the people are thinking. An important question is the degree to which the

7、se polls should guide leaders(32)their actions. There are arguments for and against the use of polls as the basis for policy(33).Polls can contribute to effective government by keeping political leaders from getting too far(34)line with the publics thinking. In a democratic society, the effectives o

8、f a public policy depends on the extent of its public(35). When a policy is contrary to the publics desires, people may choose to(36)or undermined it, thus making it counterproductive or inefficient. Furthermore, when government(37)a course of action with which a large proportion of the public disag

9、rees, it(38)a loss of public confidence, which can have a negative effect on its ability to lead. The Reagan administration, flying high from 1981 to 1985, was brought low in 1986 by public reaction to news of its secret sales of weapons to Iran. The administration had not paid(39)attention to polls

10、 that had revealed the deep antagonism Americans still felt toward Iran because the Ayatollah Khomeinis regime had held three American hostages.However, leaders can also do a disservice to the public they represent by using poll results as a(40)for policy judgment. Effective government, as Walter Li

11、ppmann wrote, cannot be conducted by legislators and officials who, when a question is presented, ask themselves first and last not what is the truth and which is the right and necessary course.问题1选项A.traceB.tradeC.trackD.trap问题2选项A.withB.toC.forD.in问题3选项A.determinationB.conclusionC.decisionD.choice

12、问题4选项A.fromB.byC.atD.about问题5选项A.admissionB.supportC.disagreementD.reaction问题6选项A.disputeB.disregardC.disrespectD.disrupt问题7选项A.continuesB.carries onC.embarksD.pursues问题8选项A.risksB.costsC.makesD.endangers问题9选项A.efficiencyB.effectiveC.sufficientD.scarce问题10选项A.replacementB.substituteC.changeD.diversi

13、ty【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B第6题:B第7题:D第8题:A第9题:D第10题:B【解析】31、【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查名词与词组辨析。A选项keep trace of“保留痕迹,跟踪”;B选项trade“贸易”;C选项keep track of“记录;与保持联系,明了”;D选项trap“陷阱,圈套”。由空格后“what the people are thinking”(人民的想法)可知与其对应的是了解,明了的意思。A、B、D在此处语义不符。因此C选项正确。32、【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查介词辨析。由空格前后语义可知这里指这些民调应该在多大程度上指导领

14、导人的行动,在方面,使用介词in。A选项with“随着,由着”;B选项to“对于”;D选项for“给,对;为了”,在此处语义不符。因此D选项正确。33、【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项determination“决心;果断”;B选项conclusion“结论”;C选项decision“决定”;D选项choice“选择”。由空格前“polls as the basis for policy”(民意作为政治的基础)可知与其对应的是决定,即将民调作为政治决定的基础。A选项一般指人决心做某事;B、D在此处语义不符。因此C选项正确。34、【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查介词辨析与前后逻辑关系

15、。Far from意为“远离”,由空格前后语义可知这里指这些民调能帮助政治领导人避免与公众的想法偏离太远,从而提高政府的效率。因此A选项正确。35、【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查名词辨析与语义关系。A选项admission“承认”;B选项support“支持;帮助”;C选项disagreement“不一致;争论”;D选项reaction“反应,感应”。由空格前the effectives of a public policy depends on the extent of its public”(公共政策的有效性取决于其公众的程度)可知与其对应的是支持,即有效性取决于公众的支持程度。A、C、D在此处语义不符。因此B选项正确。36、【试题答案】


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