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1、Starter1-3 and Unit 1-2你好!早上好,汤姆!下午好!晚上好!晚安!(非常)感谢你好吗?你妈妈身体好吗?我(身体)很好。这个用英语怎么说?这个是什么颜色?它是一个黑白相间的猫。请拼写它。1.姓/名/全名2.他的电话号码3.你的字典4.Tom的双肩背包5.我的橡皮擦/一块橡皮6.她的电子游戏机7.打扰了。8.谢谢你。9.一串钥匙10.拨打11011.拨给他打电话12.在失物招领处13.一张校园卡/一张身份证1.我叫Alice,你叫什么?2.我叫史密斯,而她叫什么?3.见到你很高兴。4.他叫Bob。5.你的电话号码是多少?6.他姓是什么?名是什么?7.这是我的文具盒。那是她的双

2、肩包。8.这是你的棒球吗?不,它不是。9.那是谁?他是我的父亲。10.这个用英语怎么讲?它是牛奶/橘子/字典。11.那是谁的双肩背包?12.它是Tom的字典。Hello!/Hi!Good morning,Tom!Good afternoon!Good evening!Good night!Thanks(a lot).=Thank you(very much).How are you?How is your mother?Im fine/OK/well.Whats this in English?What color is it?It is a black and white cat.Pleas

3、e spell it.=Spell it, please.1.family name,last namegiven name, first namefull name2.his telephone number3.your dictionary4. Toms backpack5. my eraser/an eraser6.her computer game7.Excuse me,8. Thank you. /Thanks.9. a set of keys10. call 11011. call him at 12.in the lost and found case 13.a school I

4、D card /an ID cardMy name is Alice.Whats your name?Im Smith,and whats her name?Nice to meet you./Glad to see you.He is Bob.Whats your telephone number?Whats his family name/given name?This is my pencil case. That is her backpack.Is this your baseball? No, it isnt.Whos that? He/It is my father.Whats

5、this in English? Its milk /an orange/a dictionary.Whose backpack is that?Its Toms dictionary.Unit31.这是一块橡皮。 那是一本字典。这/那是什么?2. 这是我爸爸。那是我妈妈。这/那是谁? 3.他是干什么的?他是一名老师。他是谁?他是我的老师。4.那是你的朋友吗?是的。5.这些是Tom的父母。 6.那些是你的兄弟吗?7.这些是什么? 那些是谁?8.她不是Tom的姐姐。9.Alice是他的女儿吗? 10.谢谢你的橡皮。 11.给你一张我的家庭照。 给你一些我的家庭照。12.我是一个男孩。我是一个女孩

6、。我是中国人 。我是英国人。This is an eraser.That is a dictionary.Whats this/that?This is my father.That is my mother.Who is this/that?What is he?He is a teacher.Who is he?He is my teacher.Is that your friend? Yes, it is.These are Toms parents.Are those your brothers?Yes, they are.What are these? They are dictio

7、naries.Who are those? They are Toms cousins.She isnt Toms sister.Is Alice his daughter?Yes, she is.Thanks for your eraser./ thank you for your eraser.Here is my family photo./ Here is a photo of my family.Here are my family photos./Here are some photos of my family.Im a boy./Im a Chinese boy.Im a gi

8、rl./Im an English girl.Im Chinese.Im English.unit 1-4一块橡皮一张身份证一个橘色的被子一本英语字典姓名你的棕色的直尺他的黄色的夹克她的白色的录音机 收音机我的电话号码Tom的朋友Lucy和Lily的妈妈在中国在一个中学我的一张家庭照这两张照片在第一/二张照片里我女儿的一张照片我cousin的一张照片我cousin的众多照片之一一个英国女孩一个中国男孩绿色这/那个蓝色这/那些在失物招领处(两种)在学校大门口一串钥匙拨给Lawrece打电话向我们的老师要这个电子游戏机在教室里在7E教室为。而感谢你在树上在墙上在Tom和我之间an eraseran

9、 ID cardan orange quiltan English dictionaryfamily name/ last name given name/ first nameyour brown rulerhis yellow jackether white tape player radiomy telephone numberToms friendLucy and Lilys motherin Chinain a middle schoolmy family photoa photo of my familythese two photosin the first/ second ph

10、otoa photo of my daughtera photo of my cousina photo of my cousins =one of my cousins photosan English girla Chinese boythe green onethe blue ones人 at the lost and found case物 in the lost and found casea set of keys (按单数处理)call Lawrence at e-mail Lawrence at ask our teacher for the computer gamein t

11、he classroomin Classroom 7Ethanks for.=thank you for.in the treeon the treeon the wall in the wallbetween Tom and me在教室前部在学生前边在沙发上在椅子上在书柜里在我祖父母的房间里在饭桌旁在吃饭他们的飞机模型紧挨着图书馆在Lucy的文具盒下快点。怎么样Lawrence的电话号码是.这是我的表兄弟 Tom。很高兴见到你。祝你一天过得愉快!她是谁?这块橡皮是谁的?给你。给你一块橡皮。给你一些橡皮。在桌子上有一块橡皮和两把直尺。紧挨着我父母的是我的女儿Lucy。打扰了,这些书是你的吗?这

12、些是你的书吗?谢谢你的帮助。你如何拼写它?我在学校大门口丢了一串钥匙。我在3A教室捡到一个黄色文具盒。一串钥匙在课桌上。在我的祖父母和我中间是我的叔叔和婶婶。in the front of the classroomin front of the class/ studentson the sofain/on the chairin the bookcase/on the bookshelfin my grandparents roomat the tableat tabletheir model planenext to the libraryunder Lucys pencil boxco

13、me onwhat about.=how about.Lawrences telephone number is .This is my cousin(,)Tom.Nice to meet you.Have a nice/good/great day!Who is she?Whose eraser is this?Whose is this eraser?Here you are.Here is an eraser for you.Here are some erasers for you.There is an eraser and two ruler on the desk.Next to

14、 my parents is my daughter Lucy.Excese me,are these books yours?Are these your books?Thank you for your help.Thanks for your help.How do you spell it?I lost a set of keys at the school gate.I found a yellow pencil box in Classroom 3A.A set of keys is on the desk.Between my grandparents and me are my uncle and aunt.My uncle and aun


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