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1、青 岛 滨 海 学 院 教 师 教 案课 题Chapter 3 Family and SocietyChapter4 Government需2 课时教 学 目 的要 求The students are required to learn something about American Family and Society and its Government教学重点American Family, Class structure and Affirmative Action, Individualism and Political Participation, Social Security

2、 and Welfare, Three branches of American Government: the Legislative, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch教学难点Three branches of American Government教案编写日期10月22日教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程提示与补充I. Revision : 1.say something about the geographical features of the United States 2. say something about Amer

3、ican economic featuresII. New lessoni. A Presentation of the main contents learned in this period:Chapter 3American family structures in different times The changes of class structures and Affirmative Action Individualism and ParticipationSocial Security and WelfareChapter 4the Legislativethe Execut

4、ive Branchthe Judicial Branchii. Explain the main contents in detail:Words StudySalad Bowl 沙拉盘,nuclear family 小型家庭,single-parent families 单亲家庭,same-sex marriage 同性婚姻,Affirmative Action 平权措施,reverse discrimination 逆向歧视,Social Security Act 社会保障法案, Medicare 医疗保险,Unemployment Compensation 失业补偿金,Medicaid

5、 医疗补助 The changes of American family structures in different times In the 18th and early 19th century, the family was a working unit People marry each other usually for economic reasons. Servants and prentices also lived in the same house and were regarded as part of the family. In the second half o

6、f the 19th century, the nuclear family consisting of the husband and wife and their dependent children became the model for most Americans. Servants and prentices no longer lived with the family. Love and affection became a very important part marriage. By the beginning of the 20th century, an ideal

7、 family was supposed to have a breadwinner husband, a domestic wife, and their children who attended school. Things began to change in the 1960s. The enormous materials wealth available to Americans in the 1950s and early1960s expanded the middle class. The idle middle class family is that the fathe

8、r knew everything, the mother was always cheerful and loving, and their children were respectful and did well in school. However, the enormous amount of wealth also caused people to believe in more equality and social justice. The generation growing up after World War II began to demand more self-fu

9、lfillment. African Americans waged the Civil Rights Movement against racial discrimination This had enormous impact on the family: more women began to take jobs outside home and to develop careers. As a result, divorce rate rose quickly in the 1970 and 1980s. The high rate of divorce and separation

10、left many children living with one parent Most of the single-parent families are headed by women and have financial problems. The size of average American families is becoming smaller and smaller. During the 1960s and 2970s when the society as a whole was concerned about the rights of individuals, l

11、esbians and gays openly demanded their rights to be respected, including the rights for people of the same sex to live together and get married. Although most people still oppose same sex marriage and most of the 50 states have laws that ban same sex marriage, the judicial branch is becoming more to

12、lerant toward it. Class structures and Affirmative Actionthe reasons for the establishment of American class structureWhen industry developed in the late century, the middle class was mostly composed of the prosperous urban workers. After the Great Depression, the New Deal provided extra social prot

13、ection for the middle class by adding programs like social security and Medicare. More than half of the American population claimed to belong to the middle class.However, from the late 1970s on, things have changes. The American society has become more polarized and the gap between the rich and the

14、poor has become bigger than ever before because of the unequal distribution of the new wealth created by the technical revolution. Most of the wealth created by the technical revolution has gone to a small number of people who own the machines and capital. As more and more work in the manufacturing

15、industry has been replaced by machines and computers, a large number of high paying jobs disappeared. Most of the newly created jobs are in the service sector that usually pays low wages. This means that most of middle class people have not benefited from the increasing amount of wealth produced by

16、the new technology.Wealth distribution in the U.S. is unbalanced. The top 20% of the population controls more than 80% of the nations wealth; while the bottom 40% of the population enjoys only 0.2% of the wealth. In American, 12.7% of the population fell below the federal poverty according to the statistic from United States Census Bureau in 2005. (2) The Class Structures in th



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