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1、可汗阅读生词istor目录Passage:B. Franklin-whether to ratify the final version of constitution1passage:Theodore Roosevelts speech on the Panama Canal4Passage:Federal v. Consolidated Government6(历史类除了标词汇,所有生词都要重点背诵!)Passge:B. Fraklin-whehe o rti t finl vsio f constitutn1. convenon1.大会 2.习俗,老式 hol ananualcovnti

2、召开年会2. constuion.宪法 .构造,构成3体质an irnconstition钢铁般强健的体格3. atify正式批准4. confess认罪,忏悔;坦白,承认5. olge1.逼迫 2.协助 te oblge to do smetig;to feelobigdto someting;觉得有义务做某事o ae ot oblige/they ano obigeyou dd tooblgetm.她做这事来协助她们6. pt(ilin) 易于做某事2.(sutable)恰当的 3.(cver)聪颖的 toe pt do soehig; tis is apt appen.这事

3、很容易发生obapt t oinothing;善于做某事7. pssession拥有,占有;财产,领地8. Poetn新教教徒基督教有三大派别:天主教、东正教和新教。16世纪,许多宗派从罗马天主教分离出来,不再属于天主教,统称新教,中国亦常称之为基督教,是为狭义的基督教。安立甘宗(AglicaComunin,即英国国教会, the Church fEngn)、循道宗(Methodist Curh)等都属于新教。和天主教相比,新教否认教皇的绝对权威,更强调布道(reachig)和圣经的权威性,礼仪上也更为简朴。英国和美国的大多数基督徒都是新教徒。9. dedicaton奉献精神,奉献典礼;致力于

4、10. inallible/infaibility绝对可靠的nsinct, memory, ntuiton; 不也许错的 resoing, eso; 绝对有效的 rmedy,methoddoctor areno infallil医生也是会出错的the c toa priaeundertandng她们秘密达到了谅解11. privat私下的,秘密的 the prvt citizen平民12. setient1. 情绪,感情2. 伤感3. 观点,倾向(常考)Iagreewith yor snimts egrdng e ad rdheconcil uhtsteps to contl theis f

5、racisentiment.13. aul缺陷,过错;地质断层14. Depoism专制主义/专制dtic15. crpt1. 腐败的,腐化堕落的2. 有缺陷,有错误的te dat/file ha co rupted数据/文献被破坏了16. incapabl无能力的le o do /cpab of doig b ncapableo sometng/doing soethng;17. rjude偏见,先入之见18. asebl1. 人群.Cuntale2. 立法机构Uncountabl litis政集会Uncounae机械等安装、装配 slative/aion assembly立法机构dm of

6、 assemy 集会自由19. council议会,理事会20. confouned1. 困惑的,混淆的2. 讨厌的,该死的he entire team was cnfouned byhibetrayal21. (Towe of)Babel巴别塔或称通天塔。圣经旧约创世记第1章宣称,当时人类联合起来兴建但愿能通往天堂的高塔;为了制止人类的筹划,上帝让人类说不同的语言,使人类互相之间不能沟通,筹划因此失败,人类自此各散东西。高塔半途停工的画面在宗教艺术中有象征意义,表达人类狂妄自大最后只会落得混乱的结局22. endeavorV=tr 努力,尝试N.1. (atept)尝试 2 (tiin)努力

7、 3.(udertaking)事业 t mkeevery edavo t do oethingpolitial/ilitary edeavor23. paian.坚定的支持者;游击队员 adj(bas)偏袒的 ppo,attude;盲目拥护的 pson (常考)newsar hv bece incresingypartisan24. saltar有益的t is saluary to do othin;做某事是有益的a tary lesso25. nnimit达到共识,一致批准unaniity amono betwee allebes所有成员的共识toreach r arrie at (a st

8、teof) nimity.26. proc设法获得27. integrity1. 诚实正直2. 完整 ma of ntgrity terrtoial itgry领土完整28. oerity后裔wdlife houldbepresrvd fr the beeft of ority29. artily1.热情和谐地 2尽情滴30. administer1. 管理治理2. 执行,实行,发放eac cool s aminird srateyafdal aency woul mnistr new ulaio.31. objction反对t raise or lodge or oea objetion提出

9、异议32. manifestV.清晰显示,显现Adj明显的s nifeste sgnso sevee ession.his ervousessws manfst us33. sffice足以,足够满足。的需求34. dirgd不理睬,忽视he bodof viden i too bsantial to direard.35. iadequate不充足不胜任36. adquae1.(fficient, enough)足够的2. (comnt)能胜任的 a dequteange ofotosto aequate t he ts a) sarcaic37. |sksk 挖苦的,挖苦的38. cyca

10、l1(seeingad rathr than god)愤世嫉俗的2.(sish)冷漠自私的a cynical dsrerd for th employe sfety39. exerend经验丰富的40. indecisive1. 迟疑不决、优柔寡断的2. 非结论性的、非决定性的41. rovncal1. 省的2. 狭隘的42. dometic1 国内的2 家用的、家庭内部的3 驯养的a ometic cat家猫ss vey domesti她非常恋家43. partsa.坚定的支持者Miltary 游击队员 adjcti:偏袒的; 盲目拥护的44. dismssa(reection of da,

11、opinioet)不予考虑 (remoam job)(oempo,orer)解雇45. aidity1.有效 2.对的、合法46. picpl原则、行为准则47. stubbon执拗的、固执的、倔强的48. allde to间接提及某事物/某人49.pasae:heodreRoosevels speec n hePnmaanl1) precednt pred()t 先例 wa withut rcedenfor pesident o eavth UtedSttes, btthiwrk iswithut precedet. 2) proudly pfandl/ 深刻地、深切地例句: a profo

12、undl thankfultht I shl be bleto tke ba te United Statese mesa tht hnations iked on arcarying theseles so well hre that I canbsoutelyuarnte te successof e mi wok wich thy areoing.翻译:选中的子民们在这里生活的非常好,我敢肯定她们一 定可以成功完毕正在进行的神奇工作,我非常激动可以把这 个消息带回美国。 3) ight/ma adj. 强有力的 dv. 非常例句:Mighty fethigtat re oh ding are easy. I want to y th word tu mn,- rih throgh, to al f y ho arengaged in te ork of dgngh canal, ehryo



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