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1、atr ocabulry(0%)3ll the chrctersin the lay are_.imagib adj可想象的,也许的Bimanay adj.假想的, 想象的, 虚构的iginativj. 富于想象力的.iinin3T judge _ al te charges again mitAdsmised dssaharg驳回指控B.eliiate除去, 排除, 削减(人员)不予考虑eline thefale nd reti the ue去伪存真C.efusedvt.回绝, 谢绝.废物, 垃圾D.disdedo the dsd成为无用之物;被遗忘thro t. nt thedscard放

2、弃某事33.heatres _ the erms of hrcotrac andwas poscuted起诉by thproducer制片人A.inor(因证据局限性而)驳回诉讼B.rtifi atfy an mementto a conitution批准宪法修正案C.dafted vt.起草.iolated违犯,;扰乱;vote alaw犯法violteeep阻碍睡眠vioate s.s pvay侵扰某人的安静; 闯入私室3.At ti time f th year,nivrity adissinoffice e_th inquresfrxiou applnts.A.annoydB.tril

3、led.发抖.tamledn.踩踏,蹂躏.践踏, 踩坏, 轻视 repochedv.责怪35Whe th frer President_her cndida候选资格,s had oodchane bingeletd.enorced逼迫, 执行,坚持, 加强Benosed v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文献), 承认, 签订C.fllow u v穷追, 把.探究究竟,用继续行动来加强效果D.pt frwar v.放出, 拿出, 提出, 推举出36Th ountysghest med was_uon im o heosm.A.ened.bsowed给与, 授, 赠, 赐(on, upn)I do

4、 no deerve all h rises estowedupn m.我不配得到这些赞扬。C.creditedcrdit.t.把.归功于credisbwith觉得某人某事具有.rit sth.ith把.归因于某人某事D.grant3he ocalovenmentledesae makinevry effort to _theprbem of overty.A.tackleB.tprv.逐渐变细, 逐渐减少Theganizton tperedof nabouthala yea.那个组织大概半年内就逐渐消失了CsupesDtange38.At e pr e found htthe sy gir_

5、hr mother ll the timeA.aniing wih .协调.clingingto依附, 依托, 坚持C.depending on.adjutig to适应, 调节.39We aagd torecttop f he mntain,nhlfn hourlater e began t_Adcline.asced sced o升至; 追溯(到.时间) C.ecendecedfrom从.下来是.的后裔, 源于descnd on/on忽然拜访某人Dunge40Lsinghe job a bad,but even se was hfeeli h I hd_y der ieandchidA.e

6、alone停止, 中断, 放松.let down放下, 使失望, 辜负, 松劲, 减速下降C.et off放出, 饶恕, 准许.暂停工作.eup停止, 中断,放松secto B41h tempratre oftheamosphere becom colder as elvatioincrease. elevatin.上升,海拔, 提高, A.altitde n.(尤指海拔)高度,B.aptitude n恰当,智能, 聪颖,自然倾向C.atitu n.纬度, 范畴, (用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由(范畴)D.oitude n.经度, 经线42.Shas wo stubornhase wut

7、chan heropinions.Al B.lnted Cobstinate D.dtrmed43.O Chrismas Ee ,sh snttw hours decatin teroo with fowe chains. .modfyngB.oramening装饰, 修饰;Cisposng t.布置; furnitre i its prope order将家具布置在合适的地方.使易患(某病);Gettingyurfeet wt s ou catching cold.把脚弄湿使你容易伤风aking包装, 捆扎, 塞满drn t.装饰;修饰; embllishn装饰,润色,修饰decoate装饰

8、bdectwih装饰;bed wth fws (jewels, flag)用花(珠宝,旗子)装饰.44.Nob a stan fo ng aony of svrthache 极大的痛苦A.sufferance 宽容;默许;容忍;忍受;It eyd.这无法忍受. B.ppurtion化脓C.plague n.瘟疫, 麻烦, 灾祸; .折磨,使苦恼Dtormet痛苦;苦痛;sfng痛苦,灾害,损害,痛苦的tortue剧痛45.Whn e recall asoryo idencal offsprng of dlf itlreing aised ioder t furter his orrb work

9、, areoutged.A.enlighed授与知识, 启发,启蒙B.calmedC.povoked激怒, 惹起, 驱使r p/arousemove感动;鼓动4.Oy nativeborn itizns are eligibe or the US.resdny ible a清晰的, 易读的legal法律的,合法的lgibe常与 f 连用有被选资格的;e orpromion(membs)iociet在协会里有资格提高(当会员).A.oblig B.nteiiblecopeent指人有能力的;能胜任的;e n onewrk能胜任工作be to do sth有能力做某事.D.quaie7.Tomor

10、rowatchha been clld ff ecusef te fu wethe坏天气AprvnedB.delayeC.canlled.frbidn48.osng hsjo as ainancial catasop forhs amiA.caai.acint事故,意外伤害,偶尔事件frustratin挫折,失意D.dpreson,抑郁(症),阻抑,压低,抑郁,49Cildren were xpct to bobent andcntrt t the wl-ing f thefmiy.B.C.D.smrtefien效率高的; mthds oftahn有效的教学措施. Profice a.纯熟的,

11、精通的,有水平的;be indriing (a ar)开车纯熟C.ainstaking辛苦的, 勤勉的, 小心的be with ones wrk辛勤地工作,苦干.D.submisi服从的, 顺从的, 柔顺的50.hilemny applauthe inasng idvidualismand feedom o ile win tefaml,otes lamett ls o famly reponsilit an displie lamv.哀悼, 懊悔, 悲叹A.ourB.delightCproect v.进行, 实行,起诉acue hagwith seD.cne判刑, 责怪, 处刑,谴责deon

12、cerbuke nvict both证明有罪(错误); sf his erros证明某人有错误. b of theft宣布某人有盗窃罪.b ed fn确信有罪par Ipas one Altough speechn writing et specia mens o comnicatingof hmans,te inrcg also tkesacin manyoter ys.Aeson ma relais erfeeings,hgs adreaconsthrog d posiing,ody cact,bdy odor,ye nttct,sponsive actions,hais atitude,itersts,state ealth ,ressandgrooming修饰,choc f li-yl,andue otlentsin fct,throgh ev


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