2013年中考英语 口语最后冲刺训练(无答案)

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《2013年中考英语 口语最后冲刺训练(无答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013年中考英语 口语最后冲刺训练(无答案)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013年中考英语 口语最后冲刺训练 一、朗读 给你50秒钟时间准备朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后立即在80秒钟内朗读下面短文一遍。当你听到要求“停止录音”的信号后,应立即终止朗读。 Today, weight problems, heart trouble and many forms of cancer are becoming more common because of unhealthy diets. Everywhere, people are thinking about how they can eat more healthily. There are many diffe

2、rent answers to this question. Some people think that sugar is bad for your health. Others say that sugar is the best source of energy. Some people eat meat while others are vegetarians. It is difficult to say who is right. Most doctors agree on one thing, however: you need a balanced diet to stay h

3、ealthy. A balanced diet means eating various foods from each of the five groups: grains, vegetables, fruit, milk products, and meat. The importance of having various foods in your diet is quite clear. Doctors warn us that a lack of certain kinds of food is dangerous. Your body cannot work properly w

4、ithout a balanced diet. On the other hand, having too much of anything, including your favourite food, is dangerous too. Therefore, to help you decide what to eat and what nor to eat, you should do some research. The information about your bodys needs for fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins can he

5、lp you decide on the right things to eat and the right amount to eat. It can also help you understand your body better. If you learn how to balance your diet properly, you will have a healthier future. 中考口语评分标准-朗读题( 5 分)5分 能连贯地朗读,语调、节奏和语音基本正确,朗读充满情感。 4分 朗读能连贯,语调、节奏和语音有个别错误。 3分 朗读不流畅,有较多地语调、节奏和语音错误,但

6、不影响理解。2分不能连贯朗读,语调、节奏和语音错误较多,影响理解。1分只读出文中的一两句简单的句子。0分没有朗读。 自评:_ 他评:_ 老师:_二、 情景应答 请根据所提供的情景做出回应,每个情景播放两遍。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在20秒钟内做出回应。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止回答。【寒暄问候】1. Whats the weather like today?2. The exam is coming. How do you feel now? Are you afraid?3. You look so tired today. Whats the matter with

7、you?4. If your friend doesnt feel well, what would you say to him/her?【个人信息】1. What about you?2. What time (When) do you go to school every day?3. Oh, dear. You are late again. How far is it from your home to the school? 4. Your English is very good. How long have you studied English?5. I heard that

8、 you were going to Beijing. How soon will you be back?【邀请】1. Lets go to the theatre tonight.2. The weather is so nice. Shall we go out for a walk?3. Jack asks, “Why dont we go and playing basketball now?” What will you say if you want to?4. How to invite your friends to come to your birthday party?【

9、感谢】1. Your friend says Happy Birthday to you.2. I heard that you won the competition. Congratulations!3. You have done a very good job.4. Please help yourself to some drink.5. Would you like some orange juice? 6. Thank you for helping me so much.【祝福】1. What should you say to your friend on his birth

10、day? 2. I will take part in a match/ competition/ exam/ test next week.3. I am leaving to Paris in a week.【抱歉】1、 What would you say when your friend says:I failed the exam again.2、 Lily was ill yesterday.3、 If you are late for school, what will you say to your teacher?4、 Sorry, I forgot to bring the

11、 book. 5、 Oh, I am sorry. I took your umbrella by mistake.【意见】1. Your classmate thinks that Sichuan food is better than Cantonese food. What is your opinion?2. (I think) Eating more vegetables is good for our health.【其他】1. Your teacher tells you to do more exercise, doesnt she?2. Im so worried about

12、 tomorrows English exam.3. Do you mind my opening the window? 中考口语评分标准-问答题( 5 分)简短说话 给你两分钟时间准备发言。当听到“开始录音”的信号后请根据所给的标题上、图画和提示内容用6句话以上的英语句子在90秒钟内进行叙述。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时应立即终止叙述。A. 要点提示:1. 广州是个四季如春的美丽的现代化城市;2. 广州到处可见红花绿树,人们称它为“花城”;3. 到处可见到博物馆、超级市场、公园、高楼大厦和名胜古迹等;3、 在广州购物非常方便;广州以其美味食物而出名。B. 要点提示:1.上周你的一位美国朋

13、友到中国旅游;2.你带她参观广州的名胜、公园、商场等;3.你们在中餐馆吃午饭;4.她邀请你暑假去美国玩。2012广州市初中毕业生学业考试英语口语测试题 3A 一、 朗读 给你50秒钟时间准备朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后立即在80秒钟内朗读下面短文一遍当你听到要求“停止录音”的信号后应立即终止朗读。 Ive been in an Australian school for just over three weeks now. Im here as part of an educational exchange with my school in China. Ive noticed that

14、Australian people and Chinese people have very different ideas about education.In China, students are often very quiet in class. They dont think that it is polite to disturb the teacher or to shout out answers to questions.My Australianclassmates have the opposite idea. They are often quite loud in

15、class and like to give their opinions to the teacher. At first I felt a bit shy about speaking English in front of so many people. I was worried that I might say somethingsilly. Although its been hard for me, Ive realized that this is simply the waypeople are in Australia. 二、 情景应答 请根据所提供的情景做出回应每个情景播放两遍。当听到“开始录音”的信号后请在20秒钟内做出回应。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时应立即终止回答。 1. What do you often do before you go to bed? 2. Excuse me. How can I get to the super market near here? 3. Ive just found a


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