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1、 订单评审程序Purchase order Review Procedure1、 目的Purpose为保证公司能满足客户的要求,并能及时合理安排生产,故对客户所下之订单进行有效评审,特制定本程序。This procedure is stipulated in order to meet customers requirements, assort production reasonable and timely and ensure to review customers order and requirements effectively. 2、 适用X围Scope适用于公司所有客户订单的评

2、审。Be applicable to all customers order review.3、 定义Definition无 No4、 订单评审过程图Purchase order review flow chart输入部门:外部客户Input: External customer过程客户:外部客户Process clients: customer支持部门:工厂技术 部、生产部Support dept.: Factory tech. dept.; production dept. 过程责任者:Related principle:市场部经理。其能力和资格见岗位职务说明书Market manager

3、, Specified requirements see job specification使用资源Resources1、 计算机网络puter & internet2、Telephone3、 传真机Fax machine过程输入:Procedure input:1、客户订单;2、订单变更信息;3、产品库存信息;4、物料库存资料;5、生产能力;6、技术质量要求 1 Customer PO; 2 PO revised information; 3 Product inventory information; 4 Raw material inventory information; 5 Prod

4、uction capacity; 6 Technical and quality requirements过程输出:Procedure output:1、 订单签定回传PO confirmation & transfer back2、 订单评审表PO review sheet3、 生产通知单Production order4、 订单更改通知单Revised PO notification接口部门CX10订单评审过程Purchase Order Review Procedure支持过程:无Support: No如何做(方法程序技术):How(methods/procedure/technolog

5、y1、订单评审程序PO review procedure过程衡量指标:Procedure measurement1、 订单评审时效:一个工作日内完成PO review in a timely: One work day5、 作业内容Procedure序号No.订单评审作业流程PO review Procedure权责部门人Related Dept./ Principal作业要求Procedure参考文件使用表单Related documents /sheet5.1订单接收Receipt of PO市场部Market dept.5.1 市场部收到客户之订单需交市场部经理审核后复印至财务部作结存之

6、用,原件留市场部待完成订单后连同相关资料一并交财务部。All Purchase orders copy should be submitted to financial department for settlement and archiving after check by market manager. The original purchase order (PO) will present to financial dept. also when orders pleted.5.2订单评审PO review NG OK订单调整 Adjustment调整NG OK 订单取消 Cance

7、l po取消Cancell PO订单协调Dicuss市场部技术部生产部Market dept./ Technology dept./ Production dept.5.2.1 市场部收到客户订单时应审查产品名称、图号、数量、交货期、交货地点及其他各项要求。Market dept. salesman should check products name, draw no., quantity, deliver date, destination and other requirements. 5.2.2 对于新产品订单由市场部填写订单评审表连同图纸,交技术部进行技术能力评审。For PO of

8、 new products, the salesman should fill in “order review sheet” and present to technology dept. with drawings.5.2.3 对于未报价产品依报价管理程序进行报价及签定相关协议。For products not quoted, salesman should offer the price according “quotation management procedure” and sign relevantagreements with customers.5.2.4 对于客户紧急订单或

9、交期少于生产周期时,市场部应填写订单评审表交工厂生产部评审是否有能力按期完成。For urgent PO or short deliver date PO, market dept. salesman should fill in “PO review sheet” and present to production dept. reviewing of capability of on time plete of full order. 5.2.5 常规订单市场部应先查是否有库存产品,若有则减除库存量。For regular purchased order, market dept. sal

10、esman should check warehouse reservation first, if there are stored products and have to decrease the quantity of production order.订单评审表PO review sheet报价管理程序Quotation management procedure5.3订单回签Sign PO & email back 市场部Market Dept.5.3 若不能满足订单的要求由市场部以或书面及时与客户联络协调,若可以满足或协调后的调整可以满足,由营销人员签回或以协调结果签回客户订单。S

11、alesman should contact with customers by phone call or written material on timely if we cannot meet purchase order requirements. And salesman should sign PO and present it back to customer of discussed PO which is revised requirements for customer approval.5.4生产通知Production Order市场部技术部生产部Market dept

12、./ Technology dept. /Production dept.5.4.1 营销人员将确定的客户订单输入电脑,并开出生产任务通知单连同图纸技术资料一并交给技术部,同时将生产任务通知单的电子档发给技术部和生产计划员。Salesman inputs customer PO information to puter and issue “production order”, then present production order with relevant drawings and technical requirements documents to technology dept.

13、 At the same time, the salesman should email electronic file of “production order” to technology dept. and production scheduler.5.4.2 技术部完成图纸审查转换,技术经理在生产任务通知单上签名确认后交生产经理确认交期并签名。经签核完整的生产任务通知单原件交回市场部,技术部保存复印件。Technology dept. in charge of convert drawings. Manager of technology dept. should sign name

14、on production order for confirmation and then present it to production manager. The production manager should confirm deliver date, sign name for confirmation and present original signed production order back to market dept., technology dept. only reserves copy. 生产任务通知单Production order5.5订单变更Revise PO市场部Market Dept.5.5.1 对已确认的订单,当客户提出减少或取消订单时,市场部应先了解该订单的生产情况,若已投入生产,要评估造成的损失,并向客户协商处理。If the customer asks to decrease or cancel already confirmed order, then market dept. should learn order manufacture status first, if we have started manufacturing, we shall evaluate ou



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