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1、CLASS : Class 3 DATE : 2009.04.08. DAY : WEDNESDAY教学名称:UNIT 4 New words & sentences教学目标:学会用英文表达一日三餐“Breakfast、Lunch、Dinner”,能够表达句型“Time for-”,将所学单词、句型应用于生活中。教学内容:Wordsbreakfast、lunch、dinner. SentenceTime for-教学准备:时钟、布(衣服)、骰子。教学过程:Step 1:warm-up Greeting & Two little funny birds T:Good monring,everyb

2、ody. C:Good monring,teacher. T:Nice to meet you. C:Nice to meet you.T:Can you tell me what day is today?C:Its Wednesday.T:Whats the weather like today? C:Its sunny.T:Lets sing a song,OK? C:OK!T:Two little funny birds,1 2! C:Two little funny birds-.T:You are very good! Lets praise ourselves. Good job

3、-Step 2:Word Time 引入:实物Breakfast:bread&milk Lunch:noodles Dinner:saladT:Now,Im very full. Are you full? C:Yes! Im full.T:Ah,bread and milk!Do you like it? Yummy!These are breakfast.These are noodles! Our lunch. These are salad. Its has tomatoes, apples.Our dinner. (show cards) Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinn

4、ner. C:Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner. Practise:T:Look at me! C:Look at you!T:This is breakfast/lunch/dinnner. OK! Everybody, read after me! Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner.C:Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner.Game 1 掀起你的盖头找一块布(或衣服),盖住卡片,将布(或衣服)一点一点往上移,让孩子们慢慢猜,并说出单词。当整个卡片都露出来,可以带读几遍。每个单词都要掀开。这个过程中,由于卡片给与的信息很少,孩子们可能就会将3

5、个单词都猜出,这样就一遍一遍的进行了联系和巩固。Game 2 Who is missing?三张卡片面朝上,故意用身体挡住卡片,并不时回头检查孩子们,悄悄抽走一张卡片,让大家说出抽走的卡片是什么。可以反复进行。T:Breakfast、Lunch、Dinnner,3 cards. (偷偷抽走) Ah!Who is missing?C:Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner.T:Where is it? Where? Where? Ah,here!Yes!Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner. You are so great! Lets try again. OK?C:

6、Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner.T:You are so great! Lets try again. OK? C:OK!Step 3:Sentences Time Show clock to kids. 8:00/11:00/6:00.T:What time is it? C:8点/11点/6点Show cards to kids.T:8/11/6 oclock! At this time, we have breakfast/lunch/dinner.Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner. C:Time for breakfast/lunch/

7、dinner. T:OK! Very good! Everybody, open your mouth, read after me.Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner. C:Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner.T:Everybody. You are very good! (Praise) And then, Lets play a game, OK?C:(Praise) OK!Step 4:Game time.Dice game, Review sentence点将歌W字母chantT:Look at me! C:Look at yo

8、u!T:Haha,This is a dice. It has 1 2 3 4 5 6 pictures. Ill throw it. Stop! This picture, Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner.(card) This picture, Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner.(clock) OK? C:OK!T:Who want to try? Today,lets sing a song. If the song stop at you,you will come here, and then throw the dice. OK?

9、C:OK!T:Eerybody, are you ready? C:Yes, ready! T:Lets sing a song,OK? C:OK! T:Mr. Wolf, 1 2! C:Mr. Wolf-water.T:Mr. Wolf, 1 2! C:Mr. Wolf-water. T:Oh,*. Come here. Hello,*. Nice to meet you! C:Nice to meet you! T:Now, thow it. Stop! Whats this?C:Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner. Time for breakfast/lunch/din

10、ner. T:Very good! Yeah! (five) Go back to your seat. Once again. Try again. T:You are so great! Youve done a good job. Lets praise ourselves! Wugaga- C:Wugaga-,oh super!Step 5:Review Time Show cards and dice to kids(翻转),let them speak out(直接展示).T:Everybody, everybody. C:Here, here, here.T:Girls, gir

11、ls,girls! Boys, boys, boys! C:Here, here,here!T:Lets review the words ang sentences! Boys and girls. Who is better, Ill give you a sun! Now, bofore start, boys, 3 sun. girls 3 sun. But if you are noise, Ill back it to me! Boys/Girls, Are you ready? C:Yes, ready!Show cards and dice to kids(翻转),let th

12、em speak out(直接展示).C:Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinnner. Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Step 6:OverT:Today, everybody is very good! Lets praise ourselves! Wugaga- C:Wugaga-,oh super!T:Our class is over. Lets sing a goodbye song. OK? C:OK!T:Goodbye teacher-1 2 C:Goodbye teacher-next time!T:Everybody, see you next time! C:See you next time!


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