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1、软件工程重点总结5篇简介第一篇:软件工程重点总结软件工程复习重点总结 1. (P-2) Analysis: decompose a large problem into smaller, understandable pieces,(一个大问题分解成更小的、 可以理解部分)abstraction is the key Synthesis: build (compose) software from smaller building blocks, (生成撰写软件从较小的构造块) composition is challenging 2Software Engineering Solving P

2、roblems (continued):(P-4) method: refers to a formal procedure(指的是一个正式的程序) tool:an instrument or automated system for accomplishing something in a better way procedure(过程):a combination of tools and techniques to produce a product(工具和技术来生产一种产品的组合) paradigm(范例):philosophy or approach for building a p

3、roduct 3. (P-6) A fault: occurs when a human makes a mistake, called an error, in performing some software activities(在执行某些软件活动); A failure: is a departure(偏差)from the systems required behaviour; Error can lead to fault;fault can lead to failure。 4. participates in a project:(P-15) Customer:the comp

4、any, organization, or person who pays for the software system Developer:the company, organization, or person who is building the software system User: the person or people who will actually use the system 5.Activities and objects(P-16) An activity is an event initiated by a trigger(活动是由一个触发器的事件) Obj

5、ects or entities are the elements involved in the activities(Objects 或实体是要素参与活动的) 6. Relationships and the system boundaries(P-17) A relationship defines the interaction among entities and activities(A 关系定义实体和活动的相互作用) System boundaries determine the origin of input and destinations of the output(边界确

6、定输入的来源与目的地的输出) 7.a system as a collection of things : (P-17) a set of entities(一组实体), a set of activities , a description of the relationships among entities and activities and a definition of the system. 8.The development of software includes the following activities (P-24) Requirements analysis an

7、d definition System design Program design Writing the programs Unit testing Integration testing System testing System delivery Maintenance 9.developer roles(P-26) Analyst Designer Programmer Tester Trainer 10. (P-45) A process: a series of steps involving activities, constrains, and resources that p

8、roduce an intended output of some kind(一系列步骤涉及活动,受到了限制,及资源,产生一预期的输出) A process involves a set of tools and techniques 11.(P-46) Software life cycle: Implementation ,delivery ,use, and maintenance(实施、发布、 使用及维修)When a process involves building a software, the process may be referred to as software lif

9、e cycle Requirements analysis and definition System (architecture) design Program (detailed/procedural) design Writing programs (coding/implementation) Testing: unit, integration, system System delivery (deployment) Maintenance 12software process models:(P-48)Waterfall model V model Prototyping mode

10、l(原型化) Operational specification model Transformational model(转化) Phased development(阶段化开发): increments and iterations(反复递增) Spiral model(螺旋模型) Agile methods(敏捷方法) 13.Prototyping is useful for verification(确认) and validation(验证)(P-51) 14.Elements of a process are viewed in terms of seven types(P-64)

11、 Activity Sequence Process model 过程模型 Resource Control Policy Organization 15. Project schedule(P-83) Describes the software-development cycle for a particular project by enumerating the phases or stages of the project(枚举阶段或项目的阶段) breaking each phase into discrete tasks or activities to be completed

12、(每个阶段分成离散任务或活动,以完成) Portrays(描绘) the interactions(相互影响) among the activities and estimates(估算) the times that each task or activity will take 16. Activity and milestone(P-83) Activity: takes place over a period of time Milestone: completion of an activity - a particular point in time 17. Critical Pa

13、th Method(CPM)(P-87) 见作业 18. Key activities requiring personnel(P-95) requirements analysis system design program design program implementation(实现,执行) testing training maintenance quality assurance(保证) 19. risk(P119) is an unwanted event that has negative consequences(消极结果) 20. Risk impact(影响): (P-1

14、20) the loss associated with the event与该事件关联的损失 Risk probability(概率): the likelihood that the event will occur事件发生的可能性 Risk control(控制): the degree to which we can change the outcome我们可以更改结果的程度 Quantify(量化) the effect of risks: Risk exposure = (risk probability) x (risk impact) 21. Risk management:(

15、P-121) risk assessment(评估) risk control 22.(P-143) A requirement: is an expression of desired behaviour是所需行为的表达式 A requirement deals with : objects or entities ,the states they can be in,and the functions that are performed to change states or object characteristics 23.Process for Capturing Requirem

16、ents(P-144)Elicitation(引入) Analysis Specification Validation(验证) /构成了software requirements specification (说明书) 24. functional requirement (P-148) describes required behavior in terms of required activitie描述所需的活动所需的行为s Quality requirement or nonfunctional requirement describes some quality characteristic that the software must possess(拥有) Design constraint(约束): a desi



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