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1、哈佛女校长毕业典礼励志讲话:职业选择与幸福寻找(2)對于這個問題有多種考虑和答复方式。有一種解釋就是如Willie Sutton所說的,一切向錢;看。Willie Sutton是個搶銀行犯,被逮住後當被問到爲什麽去搶銀行時,他說:Because that is where the money is!;你們中很多人見過的普通經濟學教授Claudia Goldin 和Larry Katz,基于對上世紀70年代以來的學生的職業選擇的研究,作出了差不多的答复。他們發現了值得注意的一點:即使從事金融業可以得到很高的金錢回報,很多學生仍然選擇做其它的事情。實事上,你們中間有37人簽到了教育美國人;Teac

2、h for America,美國的一個組織,其作用類似于中國的希望工程;;1人将去跳探戈舞蹈并在阿根廷從事舞蹈療法;1人将緻力于肯尼亞的農業發展;另有1人獲得了數學的榮譽學位,卻轉而去研究詩歌;1人将去美國空軍承受飛行員訓練;還有1人将参加到與乳癌抗戰當中。你們中的很多人将去法學院,醫學院或研究生院。但是,和Goldin 和Katz教授有據證明的一樣,你們中相當一部分人将選擇金融和理财咨詢。Crimson對于上屆學生的調查顯示,在就業的學生中,58%的男生和43%的女生做出了這個選擇。今年,即使在經濟受挑戰的一年,這個數據是39%。High salaries, the all but irre

3、sistible recruiting juggernaut, the reassurance for many of you that you will be in New York working and living and enjoying life alongside your friends, the promise of interesting work there are lots of ways to explain these choices. For some of you, it is a mitment for only a year or two in any ca

4、se. Others believe they will best be able to do good by first doing well. Yet, you ask me why you are following this path.也許是爲了高薪難以抵抗的招聘誘惑,也許是爲了留在紐約然後和朋友們一起工作生活和享受人生,也許是爲了做自己感興趣的工作對于這些選擇可以有各種各樣的理由。對你們中的一些人,無論如何那也隻是個一兩年的契約。其他的一部分人相信他們隻有在過得富有;了以後才有可能過得富有;價值。不過,你們仍然會問我,爲什麽要走這條路?I find myself in some wa

5、ys less interested in answering your question than in figuring out why you are posing it. If Professors Goldin and Katz have it right; if finance is indeed the rational choice,; why do you keep raising this issue with me? Why does this seemingly rational choice strike a number of you as not understa

6、ndable, as not entirely rational, as in some sense less a free choice than a pulsion or necessity? Why does this seem to be troubling so many of you?我發現我自己有時候對于答复你們的問題并沒有多大興趣,比較而言更感興趣的卻是捉摸你們爲什麽提那些問題。假如果真如Goldin和Katz教授所說;假如去搞金融确實是一個理性;的選擇,爲什麽你們會不停地向我提出這類問題?爲什麽看似理性的選擇卻讓你們當中相當一部分人認爲是令人費解的,僞理性的,或出于某種需求和

7、強迫所作出的并不自由的選擇?爲什麽這個問題似乎困擾着你們當中的很多一部分人?You are asking me, I think, about the meaning of life, though you have posed your question in code in terms of the observable and measurable phenomenon of senior career choice rather than the abstract, unfathomable and almost embarrassing realm of metaphysics. T

8、he Meaning of Life capital M, capital L is a clicheacute; easier to deal with as the ironic title of a Monty Python movie or the subject of a Simpsons episode than as a matter about which one would dare admit to harboring serious concern.我想,你們問我的是:關于人生價值的問題。雖然你們問得比較隐晦即是些可以觀察和衡量的大四學生職業選擇的問題,而不是那抽象的,晦

9、澀的,甚至會令人難堪的形而上學範疇的問題。人生價值,要人生?還是要價值?作爲Monty Python那部片子指的是六人行裏?人生的價值?那一集的諷刺意味的片名是不難理解的,作爲?辛普森一家?美國特别受歡迎的動畫連續劇的其中一集的主題也是不難理解的,可是當關系到生存問題;的時候,就是不那麽好辦了。But lets for a moment abandon our Harvard savoir faire, our imperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find the beginnings of some an

10、swers to your question.那讓我們還是暫時摘下那戴着的哈佛面具,收起那缺乏熱情的冷漠,卸下我們看似刀槍不入的僞裝,讓我們嘗試去探尋你們問的一些問題的答案。I think you are worried because you want your lives not just to be conventionally successful, but to be meaningful, and you are not sure how those two goals fit together. You are not sure if a generous starting salary at a prestigious brand name organization together with the promise of future wealth will feed your soul.


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