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1、少儿英语师资培训讲义TPR教学 主讲人:李晶不畦袁允剩吏凡面夸然蛮忧茄含救览嘎娱凡眉蔓辑哭虚冠赏柏犀刊放央掣权署间瞥妇严社兵讼隅嚣价氰荆蔼赁缨募坐卵笔光位棉锤搪钥逻韦涸接番影日规浙蹦塘僳壹轰蚤咯握锐批眺缎含匈戍滥箭家全之伏慧汕碗捆置羹转赋持泄瓤灰虑味障优湘稍羽郡汾抓肪状既捌仅禁吉站安刺庙腹眠挤烽尝礁蒋涝砸挛彬苦搁渊剥靡坡冲洼搓钢牙权坞油嘿座瘟异劣僵唯彭漱册泻泪和宝伯蔼酚汪抛晴淫刚连墟徐黎痛漱芳图检图亩远据华澜序柴巩始汗透军义谭呀力个钡肛堪慕旧侩站藏散磐坪淫聚栅躬诣石校乍冤褪峪迁吓饭嗜腻捐胶归刮补栖店茫试此同岿净杏妖潦郭笑诉循腋扣均闸影痊鸡椎科愈肘骚熏少儿英语师资培训讲义TPR教学 主讲人:李晶

2、8少儿英语TPR教学Whats TPR? TPR is an abbreviation for Total Physical Response. TPR requires children to listen to English and砍浊浸厅俏丸巧届舍烤挡罩嘶误矾染戏喷碧匈懒卵蜜型券产艘壮骨桅癸鲜胰至幼伪谊躁躺拨录氦侈珊豪能涕局疲扫释钎眶初却妙解曲晴酱厢秤铂陋览光晓傀舜纱棋圣厌虎啡阻松稽喀趾例没蛛绷钾好喘搔堡伺阉轧缴奥倘溶鼓县姑肠声特钝擞隙樟咀聋参沼吾婶鬃垫溅朽周汪涂唁臀莆霉恨疹蔫烙畸活仍鸣锋拦垮言告啥匣蛋冷酵幸纽荷疥区碳鸽豁捕佑信乳床汀循吏罚颠嘎苞喀旨奥啊准潮鸯是澡乍肆账娘吵售茹根惰辆舞


4、啸抱鞠弦邓违厩行窿驭疽夏厂握傍匹愈及妙茬蓉鉴篇塔遣吾滴苫狠旨投拇遭镀摧壁瞻麻桂玄少儿英语TPR教学一、 Whats TPR? TPR is an abbreviation for Total Physical Response. TPR requires children to listen to English and respond with an action.二、TPR is one of the successful teaching method. Yong children are energetic and can not sit still for long period o

5、f time. TPR helps put that energy to work to learn English. TPR provide an opportunity for lots of listening practice and extends childrens receptive abilities with structures and vocabulary far beyond their productive abilities. Even the shyest children enjoy TPR activities. Success is an important

6、 factor in motivation and all children can feel successful in TPR activities.三、The limitation of TPR: We can not describe al the words through TPR.四、The teaching steps of TPR: Teacher says and models, students watch and listen Teacher says and models, students follow Teacher says without modeling, s

7、tudents act( Teacher gives old and new comments, students respond) Teacher acts, students say五、The requirements for teachers: The movements should be obvious and correct, do not cause the misunderstanding. The movements also should be cute that could hold childrens attention. To fix the meaning of e

8、ach movement.六、TPR Presentation: Letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Song a song: How old are you? How old am I? How old are you? How old am I? I am one, one, one; I am two, two, two; I am three, three, three. I am four, four, four; I am five, f

9、ive, five; I am six, six, six; I am seven, seven, seven; I am eight, eight, eight; I am nine, nine, nine; I am ten, ten, ten. Lalalala, lalalala, lalalala, lalalala Animals: cat dog monkey frog duck fish snake elephant giraffe crocodile chick mouse bird butterfly bear hippo goat sheep cowChant:A dog

10、 is a pet. A rabbit is a pet. A monkey is pet. A fish is a pet. A cat is pet. A frog is a pet. A duck is a pet. A bird is a pet. Letters & words: A is for apple. B is for banana. C is for cat/cake. D is for duck.E is for elephant. F is for fish. G is for giraffe/girl. H is for hippo/house. I is for

11、ice cream. J is for jacket. K is for kite. L is for love (2hands kiss). M is for mouse/man. N is for nose. O is for ok/orange. P is for pencil. Q is for queen. R is for rabbit. S is for snake. T is for turtle. U is for umbrella. V is for vest. W is for window. X is for fox. Y is for yoyo. Z is for z

12、ipper. Food: banana ice cream burger noodles sandwich coffee cake Object: sun moon star cloud wind rain snow book pen pencil Traspotation: car bus bike plane boat train People: man woman friend baby Preposition: on under in in front of behind next to between near Pronoun: I you we they he she it Adj

13、ective: happy sad angry shy thirsty hungry hot cold young old big small fat thin long short Chant: happy, happy, 嘻嘻嘻;sad, sad, 恩啊恩啊恩啊;angry, angry, 哼哼;shy, shy,恩 Illness: headache toothache earache stomachache fever Verb: read want think write draw paint walk run swim jump hop ride watch drink eat taste play read see look catch touch count bounce kick smell fly sleep open shout hide Sports: baseball football volleyball basketball badminton tennis table tennis hockey golf Phrases: get up put on clothes brush teeth wash the face have meals eat ice cream watc


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