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1、2022年考博英语-陕西师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Translate the following passage into Chinese.Short message service is a mechanism of delivery of short messages over the mobile networks. It is a store and forward way of transmitting messages to and from mobiles. The message (text only) from the sending mob

2、ile is stored in s central short message center which then forwards it to the destination mobile. This means that in the case that the recipient is not available; the short message is stored and can be sent later. Each short message can be no longer than 160 characters. These characters can be text

3、or binary Non-Text Short messages. An interesting feature of SMS is return receipts. This means that the sender, if wishes, can get a small message notifying if the short message was delivered to the intended recipient.【答案】短信服务是通过移动网络来传送短消息的机制。它是一种在手机间储存和发送信息的途径。发送手机所传来的信息(纯文本)被储存于中央短消息中心,然后这个中心将它转发

4、到目标手机。也就是说,在这种情况下,收件人收不到消息。短消息是先被储存后再被发送。每条短信可能不超过160个字符。这些字符可以是文本,或是二进制非文本消息。短信有趣的地方在于有回执。就是说,如果收件人成功收到短信,那么发件人就会收到一条提醒通知。2. 单选题Diamonds have little_value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.问题1选项A.extinctB.permanentC.surplusD.intrinsic【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项extinct“灭绝的”;B选项perma

5、nent“永恒的,不变的”;C选项surplus“过剩的”;D选项intrinsic“固有的,内在的,本质的”。根据their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity可知D选项符合语义。句意:钻石几乎没有内在价值,其价格几乎完全取决于其稀缺性。3. 单选题I wouldnt_to interfere. Instead, I let my students make their own decision问题1选项A.resumeB.presumeC.assumeD.consume【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项resume“重新开始,

6、恢复,继续”;B选项presume“假设,冒昧,擅自主张”;C选项assume“假定,认为,承担”;D选项consume“消耗,消费”。根据转折词Instead后面的内容可知B选项符合语义。句意:我将不会擅自干涉。相反,我让我的学生们自己做决定。4. 单选题The kings daughter threatened to drink the chemical if he refused her request.问题1选项A.deadlyB.deathlyC.fatalD.mortal【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:国王的女儿威胁国王说,如果不同意她的要求,就喝下毒药。A选项dead

7、ly adj.致命地,非常地,表示致死的可能性极大,用于能引起死亡的事物,如:a deadly disease是通常会致死的疾病。B选项deathly adj.死一般的,让人想到死亡的,如:a deathly silence死一般的寂静。fatal强调命运或必然性,用来形容导致毁灭,灾难,死亡的潜在或实际原因。在预测未来时,多用fatal。而mortal 是死亡已经发生或一定会发生,因此该词只用于事实上已经引起死亡或即将引起死亡的事物。此处是表示“致命的东西”,因此,A项是正确答案。5. 单选题The lawyer promised to go to great to defend him.问

8、题1选项A.lengthsB.measuresC.effortsD.endeavors【答案】A【解析】考查短语搭配。A选项lengths n.长度(指距离,时间);B选项measures n.方法,对策;C选项efforts n.努力;D选项endeavor n.努力,尽力。go to great lengths 表示“竭尽全力;不遗余力”,因此,正确答案是A项。句意:律师向他保证会竭尽全力为他辩护。6. 单选题Linda was_the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.问题1选项A.to

9、 startB.to have startedC.to be startingD.to have been starting【答案】B【解析】考查过去将来完成时。be to do表示按计划、安排即将发生某事或打算做某事,其完成时的形式为be+to+have+done。根据was与changed可知动作发生在过去,“start”这个动作发生在“changed”的之前,故用过去将来完成时,因此选B。句意:琳达本打算一个月前开始做这个实验,但她在最后一刻改变了主意。7. 单选题The court considers a financial _to be an appropriate way of p

10、unishing him.问题1选项A.optionB.obsessionC.obligationD.penalty【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项option“选择”;B选项obsession“痴迷,着魔,困扰”;C选项obligation“义务,责任”;D选项penalty“惩罚”。根据punishing him可知D选项符合语义。句意:法院认为经济处罚是惩罚他的适当方式。8. 单选题I can never touch lobster because Im()to shellfish.e问题1选项A.sensitiveB.allergicC.infectedD.sensibl【答案】

11、B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项sensitive adj.敏感的,易受伤害的;B选项allergic adj.对过敏的;C选项infected adj.被感染的;D选项sensible adj.明智的,明显的,通情达理的。句意:我不能接触龙虾,因为我对壳类动物过敏。根据句意,本题选择B项正确。9. 单选题The_of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from Greek.问题1选项A.originB.generationC.decentD.cause【答案】A【解析】考查名词。A选项origin“起源,来源”,指事物开始出现的始点

12、或其来源与出处;B选项generation“一代,产生”;C选项decent“正派的,得体的”,为形容词;D选项cause“原因,起因”,指某事件、后果等的起因。句意:这个词的起源是未知的,但肯定不是来自希腊语。10. 单选题Surprisingly, no one knows how many children receive education in English hospitals, still less the content or quality of that education. Proper records are just not kept.We know that mor

13、e than 850,000 children go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education while in hospital. We also know there is only one hospital teacher to every 1,000 children in hospital.Little wonder the latest survey concludes that the exten

14、t and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal across the country. It is found that half the hospitals in England, which admit children have no teacher. A further quarter has only a part-time teacher. The special childrens hospitals in major cities do best general hospitals in the cou

15、ntry and holiday areas are worst off.From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some contact with a hospital teacherand that contact may be as little as two hour s a day. Most children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospital at all. They had not been prepared for it by parents of their own school. If there was a teacher, they were


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