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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2016-2017学年第一学期初一英语期末复习卷(1)一单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)1I like_film called Zootopia very muchWhat about_? Aa;him Ban;he Cthe;him D;he2一_the shoes_walking? Yes,of course AAre;fit for BDo;fit CDoes;fit DIs;fit for3There_one pen and five books in the bag,but we need_books Ais;more five Bare;another f

2、ive Care;more five Dis;another five4Eddie is thinking about how_some money Hobo Ato borrow;from Bto lend;from C1end;to Dborrow;from5一What about having_meat tomorrow? 一Great! Aany Ba lot Csome Dlot of6一I like the black trainersCan I_? 一OK,here you are! Atry it on Btry them on Ctry on it Dtry on them7

3、Do you know who they are waiting _the bus stop? Afor at Bfor Cat Dfor on8一Excuse me,_I ask you a question? 一Of courseI _ Acan;listen Bshall;am listening Cmust;am listening Dwould;am going to 1isten9一How much money did you pay for the drink? 一I didnt pay any moneyIt was_ Afree Beasy Ccheap Dexpensive

4、10一They will _a fashion show the evening of February 8th 一Great! Ill go and watch it Ahave;on Bhave;in Cbe;on Dbe;in11一What_is it today? 一Its Monday Atime Bfestival Cday Ddate12一What are you_? 一An interesting football match Atalking Btalking about Ctalking with Dtalking to13一Do you like_cartoons? 一Y

5、esThey make me _great Awatching;feel Bto watch;to feel Cwatching;feeling Dto watch;to feeling14一The book is _ interestingDo you think so? 一YesI like it _ Amuch;very much Bvery;a little Cvery;very much Dvery much;a lot15一Can I help you? 一_ AYes,you can show me a skirt BSome New Years cards,please CSo

6、rry,I just take a look DThank you for your help二完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) One Monday morning,I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt illI couldnt stand stilland the world began to sway(摇摆)and then went blackAll I heard was“Oh,my God,shes falling”The next thing I 16 was that the doctor was aski

7、ng me my nameThis happened 17 I was too tiredI was so busy cleaning my new house that I didnt eat 18 last weekend The doctor told me that a gentleman waiting for the 19 saw me fall downHe got to my side 20 ,and told others to call 911He stayed with me 21 the ambulance(救护车) arrivedThen he went with m

8、e to the hospitalwhich made him 22 his trainThe doctor told me the gentleman didnt want to leave his name I dont know who this gentleman is 23 if he reads this article and remembers a young lady fainting(晕倒)at the train station,Id like 24 to know that 1 want to say“Thank you”to him Whenever I meet w

9、ith such a thing,I will do the same as he 25 to meAnd Ill pass on the kindness to others16Amet Bforgot Csaid Dremembered17Aso Bbecause Cthough Dhowever18A1ittle Bmuch Cfew Dmany19Atrain Bplane Cbus Dcar20Aat first Bjust now Cat least Dat once21Awhile Bsince Cuntil Das soon as22Acatch Bmiss Cdrop Dme

10、et23AOr BAlthough CFor DBut24Ame Bhim Cher Dyou25Adoes Bdo Cdid Dwill do三阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)26Things in Smiles Shop are on sale for _only Atwo days Bfive days Cseven days Dtwo weeks27Which of the following is NOT true? AJacksons Shop is a clothes shop BAll office things in Xiangang Shop are 30off CYou

11、can buy things in Xiangang Shop at 4 PM on Sunday DJacksons Shop is on the corner of Main Street and East Street28Bob wants to buy a Tshirt in Jacksons ShopIt was 200 yuan last weekIf he buys it this week,how much does he need to pay? A200 yuan B175 yuan C150 yuan D50 yuanB Pauls brother bought him

12、a new car as a Christmas presentOn Christmas Day Paul saw a boy walking around his new car,admiring(欣赏)it “Is this your car。Sir?”he asked “Yes,”Paul said,“My brother gave it to me for Christmas” The boy was surprised“You mean your brother just gave it to you? Boy,I wish” Paul knew what he was going to wish fora brother who would buy him a carBut the boysurprised Paul “I wish that I could be a brother like that,”he said Surprised,Paul asked the boy to go for a ride in the new car After a short ride,the boy said,“Would you mind driving to my house?” Paul th



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