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1、 中考英语命题被疏忽的一个问题“填空题无空可填”在研究全国各地的中考英语试题时,每年都发现有“填空题无空可填”的情况。笔者曾在新浪博客发表拙文中考英语试题题型设计应注意的一个问题http:/ ,列举了2011年中考英语试题中“填空题无空可填”的几个例子。现从2013年全国各地的中考英语试题中选出几例,进一步谈谈这个问题。中考英语试题中“填空题无空可填”的情况,归纳起来,可分为两种:一、试题题型设计者将不属于填空类的题型列入了填空题。例1:“2013年xx市中考英语试题” 第五大题A部分第2629小题:五、选择填空A. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换划线部分的选项。

2、(共4小题,每小题1分,计4分)A. take a walk B. started C. a lot of D. on 26. My parents always go for a walk after dinner. 27. Mr. Smith wrote a book about how to travel in different countries. 28. Bill began to learn to play the piano at the age of five. 29. Gina likes reading very much. She has read many books

3、. 更正与说明: 大题的标题为“选择填空”,但这4个小题不属于填空题,可以作为“词语释义”题单列一个大题。例2:“2013年xx市中考英语试题” 第二大题A部分第2125小题:二、单项选择填空A、词语替换 从A、B、C中选出能替换句中划线部分的选项,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. Soccer is popular all over the world. A. afterB. aboveC. around22. I went to see my grandparents last Sunday. A. visitedB. calledC. found23. One fou

4、rth of the children are singing in the music classroom. A. A lotB. A halfC. A quarter24. - Dad, did you tell mother about the gift for Mothers Day? - No. Dont let the cat out of the bag. Well give her a surprise. A. let her find the catB. let her knowC. let her see the bag25. - Jane got an “A” in th

5、e Chinese test. - So she did. She works the hardest in our class. A. Many hands make light work. B. Put all your eggs in one basket. C. The early bird catches the worm.更正与说明: 这5个小题不属于填空题,可以作为“词语释义”题单列一个大题。例3:“2013年xx市中考英语试题” 第一节B部分第3135小题:第一节:单项填空B从A、B、C和D四个选项中选与所给句子意义相同或相近的一项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。31. He is

6、our Chinese teacher. A. He teaches us Chinese.B. He teaches our Chinese. C. He is from China.D. He learns Chinese from us.32. She is good at speaking English. A. She speaks English good.B. Her English speaks good. C. She do well at speaking English. D. She does well in speaking English.33. Do you wa

7、nt to see a film with me? A. Could you like to see a film with me?B. Would you like to see a film with me? C. Do you fell to see a film with me?D. Would you feel seeing a film with me?34. Lucy can play the piano and Lily can play the piano, too. A. Both Lucy and Lily can play the piano.B. Neither Lu

8、cy nor Lily can play the piano. C. Either Lucy or Lily can play the piano.D. Lucy and Lily all can play the piano.35. What do you think of the story book?A. Do you think of the story book?B. Why do you like the story book?C. How do you like the story book?D. What is the story book like?更正与说明: 这5个小题不

9、属于填空题,可以作为“选择同义句”题单列一个大题,或将“单项填空”改为“单项选择”。二、命题者在应该有“空”的题目中没有设计留空。例4:“2013年xx市中考英语试题” 第III大题第36、49小题:III选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。36. Which of the following Chinese writers won the Nobel Prize for Literature last year? 49. Which of the following places should we go to if we want to take the high-

10、speed train?更正与说明: 大题的标题为“选择填空”,那么,每个小题都应该有空可填。可以将题干部分改编为对话形式,现有的内容为问句,答句留空。即: 36. - Which of the following Chinese writers won the Nobel Prize for Literature last year? - _.49. - Which of the following places should we go to if we want to take the high-speed train? - _.例5:“2013年xx市中考英语试题” 第V大题第26小题

11、:V单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26. Which of the following signs means “No photos”?更正与说明: 可以将题干部分改编为对话形式,现有的内容为问句,答句留空。即: 36. - Which of the following signs means “No photos”? - _.例6:“2013年xx市中考英语试题” 第二部分第一节第24小题: 第一节 单项填空从每小题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。24. Look at the signs. Stop t

12、ouching it. Which of the following is right?更正与说明: 可以将题干部分改编为对话形式,现有的内容为问句,答句留空。即: 24. - Look at the signs. Stop touching it. Which of the following is right? - _.“填空题无空可填”这个问题,有些与“考纲”上提供的试题题型有关,有些是命题人员的疏忽造成的。不管怎样,作为正式的试卷,还是严谨一点为好。深圳 李启焕http:/ 2013年成都市中考英语试题 http:/ 2013年遵义市中考英语试题 http:/ 2013年湛江市中考英语试题 http:/ 2013年济南市中考英语试题 http:/ 2013年宁波市中考英语试题 http:/ 2013年包头市中考英语试题 http:/


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