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1、 精品资料Period TwoListening;Function and Speaking;Everyday English;Writing (时间:45分钟).短语填空1They divided themselves into three groups_ age.2The pay of the teacher has been_these years.3Mike_ and ran towards the window.4I managed _an American news broadcast.5_ I didnt know what had happened.6The children

2、are very quiet; I wonder what they are_. 7I didnt need to go to the bank_Mary lent me the money.8Are you going to _or against Bill?答案1.according to2.on the increase3.rose to his feet 4to pick up5.At first6.up to7.after all8.vote for.完成句子1据说他已经去了上海。_ he has gone to Shanghai._to Shanghai.2. 美国人提出抗议,最终

3、美国选手被宣布为获胜者。The Americans protested and in the end the American runner_.3. 旅客们对那家饭店低劣的服务表示不满。The tourists _ the bad service at the restaurant.4. 还轮不到你来告诉我怎么做我的事。_ tell me how to do my job.5她父亲非常富裕。 Her father is very rich.那又怎么样?即使主动给她帮助,她也不会接受的。_ ?She wouldnt accept his help even if it were offered.

4、 答案1.It is said that;He is said to have gone2.was declared the winner3.protested against4.Its not up to you to5.So what.单项填空1Many people protest _ killing wild animals for food.Afor B/ Cagainst Don答案Cprotest against抗议。2I thought I was going to fail the exam,but I succeeded_.Aafter all Babove all Cin

5、 all Dat all答案A句意:我原以为这次考试会失败,但我最终成功了。after all毕竟,终究;above all最重要的是,首先;in all总计,总共;at all完全,究竟。A项符合句意。3Hearing the news, the young man jumped_his feet.Ain Bon Cat Dto答案Djump to ones feet跳起来。4Most of the republican party voted _ the measure, which made it carry out smoothly.Aon Bfor Cagainst Dto答案Bvo

6、te for.投票赞成。由下句意思可知B项为正确答案。5Henry pushed the blanket aside and _.Which one is WRONG?Ahad his feet on the ground Brose to his feetCgot to his feet Dgot up答案A句意:亨利把毯子推到一边,站了起来。have ones feet on the ground意为“脚踏实地”与题意不符。get/rise to ones feet与get up都表示“站起来”。6This company values much_ than _,so that its p

7、roducts are very popular.Aquantity;qualities Bqualities; quantityCquantity;quality Dquality; quantity答案Dquality质量;quantity数量。句意为:这家公司重视质量而不是数量,因此它的产品深受欢迎。7In 1938, Hitler _ war against Poland, which started the Second World War.Adeclared Bannounced Cbroadcast Dadvertised答案A对宣战,常用declare war on/again

8、st.。8AIDS is said_the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.Athat it is Bto be Cthat it has been Dto have been答案D句意:在过去几年中,据说艾滋病对那个地区的男女来说都是最大的健康挑战。在“sth/sb is believed to do/to be.”句型中,不定式的完成时表示不定式的动作已发生。9About three_ died of cold last winter.Ascores of

9、 old people Bscore of old peopleCscores old people Dscore of old peoples答案Bthree score六十;scores of许多的,大量的,不与确切的数字连用。10Rose entered the room _, wearing a tiny red dress, which caused all the people in the room to burst into laughter immediately.Afantastically Belegantly Cdramatically Dinterestingly答案

10、C从下文“极小的红裙子”“惹得所有人哄堂大笑”可知,应选C。dramatically戏剧性地;fantastically 极好地; elegantly 高雅地; interestingly 令人感兴趣地。11Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?_.AIts your opinion BI dont mind CIts all up to you DThats your decision答案C句意:我们立即去艺术展览馆吗?全由你决定。be up to sb“由某人决定”,符合语境。12You have been getting home ve

11、ry late recently._? Cant I enjoy myself if I want to?ASo how BSo what CSo why DSo where答案B句意:你最近回家太晚了?那又怎么样?我想玩得开心一些,不行吗?此处只能用so what?表示说话者不以为然的态度,意为:那又怎么样?.阅读理解AWinterswimming has become popular in Beijing. Three years ago, few people would go swimming in the icy water. But now there is a Winterswi

12、mming Enthusiasts Club(冬泳爱好者协会) and it has more than 2,000 members. The oldest is 84 years old and the youngest is only 7. The members are from all walks of life. They may be workers, peasants, soldiers, teachers, students.Though it is now the coldest part of the season and the water temperature in

13、the citys lakes is around 0 ,many winterswimmers still swim in the icy water, even when it is snowing. They enjoy themselves in the lake, while the people by the side of the lake are wearing heavy clothes.Why are so many people interested in winterswimming? Because winterswimming can be good for ones health.Bei Sha is a good example. He is 69, and he once suffered from(患病)heart trouble for 26 years. After ten years of winters


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