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1、仁爱英语八年级(上)专项总复习 单词拼写根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.If I have a _(机会), I believe I will do better next time.2.Their _(字典)must be cheap.3.He _ (花费)two hours playing games yesterday.4.One of my teammates fell ill, so he cant _(训练)with us now.5.Hobbies can bring _ (快乐) and knowledge.6.I _(想知道) if the winner is Jo

2、e.7.Er Yuehe is one of the _(现代的) writers.8.Pandas feed on _(竹).9.He is an _(活跃的)boy.10.We will take a walk near the _(湖).11.Work hard, and your _ (未来) is not a dream.12.The Big Big World is a very _ (受欢迎的) song.13.We can watch movies in the _ (剧院).14. Sun Yang is the most _(成功的) Chinese male swimme

3、r.15. The old man was born in the 19th _(世纪).16.He isnt here now. _ (也许)he is at home.17.Liu Xiang broke the Olympic _ (纪录)in the 2004 Athens Olympics.18.Dont be _(生气的)with your mother.19.Staying up late is a bad _(习惯).20. He can play two kinds of musical _(乐器).21.She has _(足够的)money to buy the new

4、car.22.My mother was _ ( 切)an apple when I came home.23.Would you _(介意) not smoking here?24.The box is too heavy. Can you help me _ (举起)it?25.His illness was more _ (严重的) than the doctor first thought.26.Whats wrong with you ? - I have a _(头疼).27.Sunshine is _(必要的) for our life.28.Everyone is here _

5、 (除.之外) Jim.29.He wrote an _ (文章) about Wang Xiaoya.30.He was very _(兴奋的)when he heard the exciting news.31.Fruit is good for our health. We like to eat _(西瓜) in summer.32.There ae plenty of _(鹅)on Jims grandmas farm.33.Please take some Chinese _(药)and have a good rest.34. You must _ (控制) yourself w

6、ell.35.I want to _ (选择) a nice gift for her as a birthday present.36.The burglar (盗贼) got in_ (穿过) the window.37.Li Fei likes throwing _ (垃圾) about. Thats not polite.38.She is _ (惊奇) to see her old friend,Lulu.39. However, Internet is not_ (完美的)?40. Our teeth have a hard _ (表面), so we can eat hard f

7、ood.41. Every _(文化)has its own special kind of drumming.42. Yesterday, they _(提供) the old man with some food.43.Please answer my _(问题) as soon as possible.44. Sorry, he isnt in. Can I take a _(信息)?45.Driving carelessly _(引起)accidents. 46.My favorite pet is a cat. Because I think its the _(可爱的)of all

8、 .47.Chatting on the Internet can bring us happiness and _(友谊).48.Whats your hobby? I like _ (收集) coins very much.49.The children can learn a lot of _ (知识) on TV.50.We should _ (种植)more trees on the hill51.I think pigs are really very _ (愚蠢的).52.His face looks very black and _ (丑陋的) .53.Hobbies help

9、 people relax after their _ (日常的) work.54.I used to like playing the piano, but now I prefer playing the _(小提琴).55. Our classroom is very _(肮脏的), please keep it clean. 56. He can _(借) his scissors to you.57.What is your _(年龄)?58.Who is going to sing at the _(音乐会)? Celine Dion.59.Youd better _(检查)you

10、r answers after class.60.Xiang Qiuchi was listening to the _(新闻)at nine last night.61.Look at the young man . He is _(勇敢的) than that one.62.They used to work in different _(工厂).63.I really like the strawberries . They _(尝) so delicious.64.Do you _(理解) what I said?65.Can you _(解决)the problem ?66.Peop

11、le can enjoy _(大自然) in the countryside. 67.She _(覆盖) the table with a cloth yesterday.68.In the _(海洋), there are all kinds of fishes.69.Thousands of old trees were in the _(森林) ten years ago.70.A terrible _ (地震)struck Qinghai.71.We should save every _ (滴) of water.72. He is very funny and often makes us _ (笑).73.We take care of animals and plants. In fact we _ (保护) ourselves.1



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