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1、h外国语学院本科生英语专业毕业论文装订顺序(MLA格式)(注:此格式用于文学、翻译方向的论文)1. 毕业论文封面(汉语)2. 毕业论文首页 (英语)3. 致谢(英文)4. 毕业论文中文摘要及关键词5. 毕业论文英文摘要及关键词6. 目录7. 正文8. 尾注(可选)9. 参考文献(英语文献在前,汉语文献在后)10. 附录(可选)附:论文模板(模板内容仅供参考,毕业生可根据实际情况填写)u河南师范大学本科毕业论文 学号:060501010085 四号黑体20磅字号,华文中宋,加粗,居中从后现代主义视角看等待戈多的反戏剧手法黑体,小三,居中学 院 名 称: 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 名 称: 英

2、语 教 育 年 级 班 别: 2002 级 5 班 姓 名: 刘 海 涛 指 导 教 师: 李 庆 东 2007 年 5 月 A Study of “Anti-play” Techniques on Waiting for Godot from the Perspectives of PostmodernismA Thesis Submittedto Faculty of International Studies of Henan Normal Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bach

3、elor of ArtsByYour nameSupervisor:Li QingdongMay 5, 2007全文每段首行缩进3-5个字符Acknowledgements (Times New Roman 三号 粗体 居中) I would like to thank all those who have given me their generous helps, commitment and enthusiasm, which have been the major driving force to complete the current paper. Times New Roman


5、号,粗体全文每段首行缩进3-5个字符 Abstract(Times New Roman,三号,粗体,居中)Samuel Barclay Beckett (1906-1989) was an Irish-born poet, novelist and playwright, and is admittedly regarded as one of the greatest masters in the literary world of 20th century. His masterpiece Waiting for Godot, is widely regarded as a classic

6、 of the Theatre of the Absurd. The writer of this thesis tries to understand those anti-play techniques from the perspectives of postmodernism and perceive the spirit of postmodernism that the play owns. Here, this thesis focuses on four typical features of postmodernism: the dissolution of the subj

7、ect; depth-less-ness; indeterminacy; parody and irony. By the analysis of Becketts anti-play techniques in Waiting for Godot, we can not only perceive how he overthrows traditional dramatic regulations thoroughly and extraordinarily but also experience the spirit of postmodernism that he conveys to

8、us as a precursor of postmodernism. The prominent techniques of Beckett not only have inimitable artistic value in modernism movement, which is surging forward at his times but also leads literary excellence in the newly arisen postmodernism. Key words: Samuel Beckett; Waiting for Godot; anti-play;

9、postmodernismTimes New Roman 五号,1.5倍行距Times New Roman 五号 粗体Times New Roman,三号,粗体,居中 Table of ContentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTSII摘要IIIABSTRACTVTABLE OF CONTENTSVIIIINTRODUCTION1PART ONE THE THEORETICAL PREMISES61.1 The Dissolution of the Subject10Times New Roman 五号,1.5倍行距1.2 Depth-less-ness111.3 Indeterminacy

10、121.3.1 Indeterminacy of the Theme121.3.2 Indeterminacy of Characters121.3.3 Indeterminacy of the Plot131.3.4 Indeterminacy of the Language131.4 Parody and Irony14PART TWO DEHUMANIZED CHARACTERS AND PAIRING RELATIONSHIPS IN WAITING FOR GODOT15PART THREE DIRECT EXPRESSION IN WAITING FOR GODOT233.1 Em

11、pty Stage and Muddle-headed Characters243.2 Disordered Temporal Structure263.3 Devalued Language and Silence Aesthetics28PART FOUR THE “INDETERMINACY” IN WAITING FOR GODOT334.1 Indeterminacy of the Characters334.2 Indeterminacy of the Theme384.3 Indeterminacy of the Plot40PART FIVE WAITING FOR GODOT

12、: JUXTAPOSITION OF COMEDY AND TRAGEDY44CONCLUSION50WORKS CITED53 hTimes New Roman 三号,粗体,居中Introduction全文每段首行缩进3-5个字符Samuel Barclay Beckett (1906-1989), an Irish novelist and playwright, is admittedly regarded as one of the greatest masters in the literary world of 20th century. In 1969, he was award

13、ed the Nobel Prize for Literature by right of his eminent play, Waiting for Godot, which has influenced later generations of contemporary playwrights throughout the world. Actually Beckett considered himself a much better novelist and he thought of his plays as diversions undertaken at times when wo

14、rk on his fiction had brought him to a creative impasse, but since Waiting for Godot was first performed in Paris on 5 January 1953, the greater part of his literary career has resulted in his special form of writing for the theatre.正文部分用阿拉伯数字编排页码The play contains two acts in which two tramps, Vladi

15、mir and Estragon, wait for someone named Godot who is supposed to keep an appointment with them. They are joined by a man and his servant, Pozzo and Lucky, who stay with them briefly, then continue on their unspecified way. A boy comes at the end of the first act to tell Vladimir and Estragon that Mr. G



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