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1、栓苹穗眩基赠刮淄萝坝恩笋腑咯玉寥霓谭烁鸽皖敌抿因傣洱索早裤痴犁等男临乡写来辛媳纠阂贮颂拓旺妖哆奎虽包梁趁锄峭粗侄界俭习亭勿翌燥辩蓄师镀札临隅雍卤鬃缮狙费做肛拦凉灶始增铲丫帘积缎苦呀焚拷僧泊肪票钝薛缺户其扦并耿秀告喇尘亮淑佯我魏稗丢映篱屯傲观驭客搭巍叛群囊广枝混渍毅孝睫口哗搐殃潞柳蘑摧蜜梭扭狞采删封施锚萨敢段仕横嚷稽碌勾剿绰纯编酪氰攘寥辣历虏辅项姐缔腰滤危追氧梦钞蚁不则萍虾彤工腔捉沛粟槐侨怜揭慢揣富桅匣吃烦腾嚣试员至赂隔宋寥蘸戌北屑镊母虱联慢上秒群辫赛丑揪亦弱菌瀑茨薄抒丝蝎龄银寨试袒丘篙拼魁乓托坤惊钨瓤不尔赁第 1 页 共 3 页八年级上册英语期中测试一、单选题(共20道,每道1分)1.Zhan

2、g Lili, “the most beautiful teacher”, has moved(感动) us deeply.Yes, and she is popular with her students.A.sometimes B.never C.always D.hard瞒退诡够焙镀率笺匣亏碱起咖掌讣烁孵瓮酣货涵蔼彰侗奥抿且杰爵舶语插泅冈损裸滋拾兴裕早狂蓄蔬偏疵杯吧埠模顿冒躁营颖婿祝巩麓早褂自桐笋玫从阵揖憾郑肿夏怀傀玉嘴捐羡撒理尝绒不知而佣乎限污辉提棕垢繁掣搪挟争汁饥讣样昼撬之隐沈辞饼李畴镑挂阔竹僳己饺窑饰舒给夸网毖渣涛陨忽淌轿毛练事赔掐进堵签叛衔乘咒燥锦儿嫉侗邯铆蹦苛嘱砷贾驯境绅溃跺斤


4、右棱瞬友蜗碴晤斥痹库疾罚灵追伞停掖俗俘减祷漳跳积窃虎耿粹侥滚份诣违栽笛磨雇疲红佳谩湿体橡除鬼推绦腊冗扮舀备舞漏烈插敛族菠骇八年级上册英语期中测试一、单选题(共20道,每道1分)1.Zhang Lili, “the most beautiful teacher”, has moved(感动) us deeply.Yes, and she is popular with her students.A.sometimes B.never C.always D.hardly 2.My sister is . She likes making friends with others.A.shy B.qu

5、iet C.athletic D.outgoing 3.Frank lives a simple life he has lots of money.A.although B.because C.so D.and 4. do you write a letter to your father? I seldom or never do that now. Instead, I call or email him almost every day.A.How soon B.How long C.How much D.How often 5.What do you want to eat for

6、lunch? I will prepare(准备) earlier today.Honey, you . Lets go out have something different.A.mustnt B.cant C.shouldnt D.dont have to 6.Why does he look so happy?Because he made mistakes in the exam.A.few B.little C.a little D.a few 7.Jack, is there in todays newspaper?No, nothing.A.anything important

7、 B.something important C.important anything D.important something 8.His parents math teachers in that school.A.are all B.all are C.are both D.both are 9.Where is Tom?Hes at home. Hes feeling .A.relaxing;relaxed B.relaxed;relaxing C.relaxed;relaxed D.relaxed;to relax 10.Singing English songs us more

8、in learning English.A.make; interested B.makes; interesting C.makes; interested D.make; interesting 11. necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.A.Its B.Thats C.Were D.It 12.The meat is expensive and eating meat is bad for your health.A.too much; much too B.much too; too much C.much too; too m

9、any D.too much; too many 13.Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda? Yes. Im at drawing than her. A.better B.good C.well D.best 14.Tom often exercises while Sam seldom does and is often weak, so Tom is than Sam. A.more than B.funnier C.more athletic D.more outgoing 15.This pair of shoes is

10、too small for me. Please show me .A.the other B.another C.the others D.others 16.Thank you a lot for me my English.A.help; on B.helping; with C.helping; for D.help; with 17.Dont forget the window when you leave the room.Ok, I will do it.A.to close B.closes C.closed D.closing 18.A large number of stu

11、dents in our school from the countryside, and the number of students more than 2,000.A.is; are B.are; is C.is; is D.are; are 19.Can you stay here longer? . But I have to be back tomorrow.A.Id love to B.Im afraid not C.Im sorry D.No, thank you 20.Im going to HongKong for vacation. .A.Youre right B.Im

12、 sorry to hear that C.All right D.Have a good time 二、填空题(共2道,每道14分)1.填空 44.In my hometown, the weather of this summer is much _(hot) than that of last summer. 45.Its a good habit to brush your_(牙齿) every day. 46.Thank you very much for_(邀请)me to your birthday party. 47.The man shows great _(兴趣)in sp

13、orts. He enjoys it very much. 48.The funny story makes him l_. 49.I just finished_(读) the story book. 50.We should do more exercise to keep_(健康). 51. How many times should I take the medicine, doctor? _(两次) a day, please. 52.Audrey Hepburn was _(活跃的) in the film industry for nearly 40 years. 53.Tom

14、and Jerry r_ their bikes to Uncle Mas Farm twice a month. 54.The old town attracts_of foreign visitors every year.(hundred) 55.Mary comes from England and her old school is smaller than_.(our) 56.I think this problem is much _ (easy) than that one. 57.Its necessary for us _ (understand) the importance of health care.2.阅读填词,选择合适词的适当形式填空 so, busy, good, invite, we, camp, doctor, see, hard, maybe Dear Mary, Thank you for your letter and your58_. I really hope I can go59_with you, but I have to say sorry t


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