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1、初二英语作文集合七篇 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都常常接触到作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调整自己的心情。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我整理的初二英语作文篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。初二英语作文 篇 The iat anda isnonase nationa teasue of Chahe ada ws a kd o rdinr anima iChin lngao Hoeer,for some reasos,to may of thm have been killed. Sothe nmbeo thm is fi quic. At pest eoere ag n im

2、rantmeasur to a pansPepl wntto find homefor the, adreey, thehav up a atur pro thm inSichuanrovice,hich callePandaH. Thr pandas anejo their ife hppy. her is a amboo forstner e Pana Hme. So the pandascan fn bbeasiy which theyik to etvery mch. .ecs pandas rewell protte ow, th number f tem isincean evey

3、 year W ope at oe dy w wil a enough pads setem ree andlethem lve n the wild aain. ands are good fieds of man. Man should ty to rotect hm and et he livin thea they like!初二英语作文 篇 olphinis favore aial. Its n f t os preionials. Theiroies arevry lng, about onzang. Dolpins liv in the sea. Teyli n fsh,shim

4、s nd n.Dolis are ryfried and cefu. hy eer atack people. ntead,they avesved many opl in angerinthepast year. Howhelpfth dopn ar! olphin ae ver cever. Peope oftntan theso tht hey can gea dolphn showhh bins peoplea lot of hapins and joy. Unuciy, he bero dolphin i gtting smaler d sml. eauof waer olltin,

5、 there ess nd less spce for dolhins. Manpeple k ne byhutingdlpnsfe dntprotectthm, mybe elllour goo fre one day A a studnt, I hopemor an more people hu taeacions to protcdolphinsolphinis初二英语作文 篇3 Te i-Autumn Festia sne thew ot important hliay in the Chiee clenar (the other ein eChese Lunar ew ear), n

6、d i alegaholiday i severl countres Farm elebrate the nd of th sumer arstn sasoon this datTdnly, s d, hesefailmes ndfren will gather t dire the rig id-atun aesmoo,and etmoon caes n pmles together. It is also cmno a barbecue oute nde moon, and topu pmelo rids onnes head. Brightlylit ltrns ar otncarred

7、 arond byhidren. Tgeer wit he clbratio, thre appa somespeilcs niferen pts of the untr, sch as urnig incns, lantin Mid-Autumntees, lhtin terns ntowrs, ad iredraon dne. Shosselling moocks,eforthe fstiva, otendsplay pitures of Chnge, floatingto te mon. Monckeis often eate uring tefestivaTyial moonckes

8、are rono rectgulpaies, msuri abo 10 ci aeer an 4-thick. A thick pstyfilng is sronedy areltivelyhin (-3) ustanday cntain yls fro salte duck egs. Moncaks are ich, heav, anddnsecomped w most tern cakad pastis. hey re usually eatn nal wd ccpanedby Chinee tea.初二英语作文篇4 Elehanis the larg nial n lnoda. Itwe

9、ighs soe nnet koga andis autonmete high when brn Wen it is 12 years ld,i s er thre metersand de now anymr. lphats usualy ren colo, havig lon trnkwih largeivruskpotrding fro each sde f is outh. Ullymovi in roup and carng fo achotr, Elephant is now o a very andgenlecrear Forany yrs peole hae u hestrng

10、tho thee poeful anmso oetrees adeav logs. Elepant has beenndisa vitatolfo eole o do ny thngs ha would normally be pos-e.lephant i d wil coninue tbe oothe eaest creaturs m haser om ito ontactwith Its se. beaut,dpe wllfoeerbeusefultoan.初二英语作文 篇 M hometon has yseic places, the are fouspring likeLontn c

11、ave, rit fragrncha a harmin scneran pinnae,ps. Butmy avoritis te mounain o mmown. I the ht smr day, m fahrtook me t clmb themotin ad loed u fmthe foot of th ontain. e peak s s high tha seems o be th k. Lok t he eeptn tep, on lyer and ne layer.I sem that tere is no ay to find t, als! As want to ieup,

12、 mf sadto me, do thi oth end! At last,I bganoclimb the ounain. I bbe he wes ith y ands. y eg preed hard.Soone climbedal the mounti, and I cimbed adcmbein hi steep muntin.Iddt know tI so lexible.At his tie, m tach rmleup, nl a red fritroma difn,I smellhfagacefound a tll red fuit tre, the re ndeis ful bi adwee red fuit, I s wan t gedyDC slobbr, lmbd up e tree to pic oeo ea, sudnlyA rieed



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