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1、20132014学年第二学期小学期末试卷(建议卷)学校 班级 姓名 一、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确答案(听两遍)(5分)( ) 1. A. Chinese B. English C. Maths( ) 2. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday( ) 3. A. hill B. river C. boat( ) 4. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( ) 5. A. coats B. shorts C. shirts( ) 6. A. hurt B. hurry C. hungry( ) 7. A. cough B. cold

2、 C. coffee( ) 8. A. go skatingB. go boating C. go climbing( ) 9. A. take care B. not so good C. take the pills( )10. A. Are you tired? B. Is she hungry? C. Are they happy?二、听录音,选出相对应的应答句(听两遍)(6分)( ) 1. A. Sounds good.B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Im so happy.( ) 2. A. Yes, I do.B. I have many books.

3、C. No, Im not.( ) 3. A. Yes, she does.B. Yes, she can. C. Yes, she is.( ) 4. A. I have four. B. He likes Maths and Chinese. C. I like English and Art.( ) 5. A. Its a hot day.B. Its sunny. C. Its Tuesday.( ) 6. A. Its five. B. Its Toms. C. Its Tom.三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号 (听两遍)(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

4、四、听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确的答案 (听两遍) (5分)( ) 1. What is behind the door?A. Coats. B. Books. C. Jackets.( ) 2. Mikes and Helens coats are .A. blue. B. blue and brown. C. not brown or blue.( ) 3. Mike and Helen are .A. in the classroom. B. in the playground. C. at home.( ) 4. Perhaps Mike and Helen are .A.

5、playing basketball B. watching the running race C. playing football( ) 5. Whose coats are they? A. Theyre yours. B. They are Mikes and Helens. C. Theyre Yang Lings.五、听录音,根据录音内容将对话填写完整(听三遍)(8分)1、A: How many are there in a year? B: . A:What are they? B: They are spring , autumn and winter.2、A: this sw

6、eater? B: No, it . A: sweater is this? B: Its .笔试部分(70分)六、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内(6分)( ) 1. A. Kate B. lakeC. skateD. bag( ) 2. A. snackB. grape C. hamburger D.sandwich ( ) 3. A. bedB.he C. green D. three( ) 4. A. ChineseB. kiteC. white D. fish( ) 5. A. homeB. closeC. coffee D. nose( ) 6. A.

7、dogs B. grapesC. hamburgersD. jeans七、翻译下列词组(每空填一词)(10分)1. 在星期三下午 _ 2. 堆雪人_ _ _ 3. 得了严重咳嗽_ _a_ _ _ 4. 今天早晨_ _ 5. 星期几 _ _ 6. 在七点 _ _ 7. 什么时候_ _ 8. 太短 _9. 谁的连衣裙_ _ 10.晚安 _ _ 八、用所给单词的适当形式填空(6分)1.I have a (swim) lesson this evening.2. Mary (have) lunch at school every day.3. This is Miss Li (speak).4. -M

8、y shorts are too short. -Try (they).5. Its my (brother) birthday today. 6. How many _ (lesson)do you have this morning?九、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的正确选项 (10分)( ) 1. He usually watches TV night. A. withB. atC. inD. to( ) 2. Its nine oclock. Its time _. A. to bedB. for go to bedC. to go to bedD. go to

9、bed( ) 3. Would you like pies? A. anyB. aC. anD. some( ) 4. Its cold. We can make . A. snowmanB. snowmenC. snowmansD. a snowmen( ) 5. May I speak to Helen? Yes. _Helen speaking. A. ImB. this isC. This isD. That is( ) 6. What colour is your ? -White. A. jeansB. shortsC. socksD. shirt( ) 7. Lets go .

10、A. boat B. boating C. a boatD. boats ( ) 8. Im thirsty. I want . A. a pie B. to eat a pie C. have some waterD. to have some water ( ) 9. My pencil is too short, but your pencil is . A. bigB. longC. shortD. small( )10. shoes are they? _Helens.A. Whos ,itsB. Whose ,Its C. Whos ,theyreD. Whose ,Theyre十

11、、对话匹配(10分)( ) 1. Lets make a fruit salad. A. She has some dolls.( ) 2. Hoe old are you ? B. I have twelve.( ) 3. What subject do you like ? C. I can fly kite.( ) 4. Do you like Maths or Art? D. We have Chinese, Maths, Art and PE.( ) 5. I have a doll. What about Yang Ling? E. Im twelve( ) 6. What can you do in the park? F. Its Sunday.( ) 7. Can Mike swim? G. I like Chinese.( ) 8. What day is it? H. I like Art。 Its fun.( )



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