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1、2022年考博英语-燕山大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题There are _ approaches to English teaching Hut not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students.问题1选项A.originateB.diverseC.doubleD.joint【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A选项originate“起源;创建”;B选项diverse“多种多样的”;C选项double“两倍的;成双的;双人的”;D选项joint“联合的”。句意:英语教学的方法_,但并不是所

2、有的方法对我们的中国学生都同样有效。根据不是所有的方法都有效,可知有很多种方法,B选项diverse“多种多样的”符合题意。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Kuwait is famous for its _ resources.问题1选项A.fameB.jawC.petroleumD.jar【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项fame“名声,声誉”;B选项jaw“下颌”;C选项petroleum“石油”;D选项jar“(玻璃)罐子;坛子”。句意:科威特以其_资源而闻名。根据语境,这里要表达的是科威特因为拥有某个资源而出名,C选项petroleum“石油”符合题意。因此C选项正确。3

3、. 单选题The wreckage of the exploded car _ the traffic.问题1选项A.interferedB.interpretedC.disruptedD.corrupted【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项interfered“妨碍(有损害)”;B选项interpreted“解释;作口译”;C选项disrupted“妨碍,扰乱(使维持正常状态有难度)”;D选项corrupted“腐化”。句意:汽车爆炸的残骸_交通。根据语境,这里指汽车爆炸扰乱了正常交通,C选项disrupted“妨碍,扰乱(使维持正常状态有难度)”符合题意。因此C选项正确。4

4、. 单选题The computer revolution may well change society as _ as did the Industrial Revolution.问题1选项A.fundamentallyB.comparativelyC.certainlyD.insignificantly【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查副词辨析。A选项fundamentally“根本地”;B选项comparatively“相对地”;C选项certainly“无疑地”;D选项insignificantly“无关紧要地”。句意:计算机革命很可能像工业革命一样_改变社会。根据语境,这里指的是计算

5、机革命和工业革命一样对社会的影响重大,A选项fundamentally“根本地”符合题意。题干中提到计算机革命很可能会改变社会,C选项certainly“无疑地”错误。因此A选项正确。5. 翻译题(1) The developing countries of Central and South America, Africa, and Asia once merely exported raw materials and cash crops in return for manufactured goods. People in these countries provided for mos

6、t of their own needs through subsistence agriculture and small-scale crafts. In time, though, people in these countries grew increasingly dependent on the global economy, because local crafts could not compete with the cheap, factory-made exports of the developed countries, such as European nations,

7、 the United States, and Japan. To decrease their dependence, many developing countries sought to strengthen their economies by building factories, modern dams, and roads during the 1960 and 1970s. Government frequently made poor financial choices. However, infrastructure projects such as dams and hi

8、ghways were often too massive for local needs. Choices about industry were sometimes not based on the best interests of the country, and protection from competition frequently resulted in inferior goods. (2) As result, products could not compete on the global market with the higher-quality goods fro

9、m the industrialized countries. Many developing countries then had little income to pay off debts incurred (招致) during their expansion.A few developing economies succeeded in building prosperity through industrialization during the 20th century. The most notable of these were South Korea, Singapore,

10、 and Hong Kong S.A.R. Like Japan during the 19th century, they established tariffs and other barriers to protect local products from foreign competition and invested local wealth in industrial development. (3) Also like Japan, they focused on selling the products they manufactured to foreign consume

11、rs in order to bring wealth into the country. By the end of the 20th century some experts considered these economies to be developed, rather than developing, although many of South Koreas economic successes were reversed in the financial crisis of 1997. (4) Following a similar path, China advanced e

12、conomically through a rapid expansion of manufactured exports during the late 20th century.Meanwhile, multinationals based in the economically developed world set up low-wage manufacturing facilities in some developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia and in Central and South America. These

13、 factories typically generated few long-term benefits for the local economy. The profits flowed outside the country to the shareholders of the foreign multinationals. Also, the developing countries were forced to participate in a “race to the bottom” to attract multinational investment. (5) If a dev

14、eloping country or its people sought higher wages or enforced labor or environmental protections, multinationals often simply relocated production to a country with lower cost.【答案】1. 中南美洲、非洲和亚洲的发展中国家曾经仅仅依靠出口原材料和经济作物换取制成品。2. 因此,产品无法在全球市场上与工业化国家的高质量产品竞争。3. 也像日本一样,他们专注于向外国消费者销售他们制造的产品,来为国家带来财富。4. 20世纪末

15、,中国通过制造业出口的快速扩张,实现了经济的快速发展。5. 如果一个发展中国家或其人民要求更高的工资、实施劳动保护或环境保护,跨国公司通常只需要将生产转移到成本更低的国家。6. 单选题You had better _ teasing these newcomers, for that will hurt their feeling.问题1选项A.leave offB.leave behindC.leave outD.leave for【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查短语辨析。A选项leave off“漏掉;停止”;B选项leave behind“永远离开;留下;落后”;C选项leave out“排除;不考虑”;D选项leave for“出发前往(某地);把留给(某人)做;把留在(另一时间做)”。句意:你最好_取笑这些新来的人,那样会伤害他们的感情。根据语境,这里指的是不要取笑别人,A选项leave off“停止”符合题意。因此A选项正确。7. 单选题What are the _ farm products in this region?问题1选项A.princip



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