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1、齿轮油泵零件右端盖的设计第一部分 摘要此设计当中包含了机械设计,机械制图,数控加工工艺和数控编程夹具设计等基本知识。在此我以齿轮油泵零件的右端盖为研究对象,通过深入的构思和多次的查阅资料,设计出合理的工艺装备及编制出合理的加工工艺和程序。学会用理性思维发现问题,处理问题,并解决问题。以达到最终实际目的,使自己的理论知识与实际知识更好的融合在一起。1、 齿轮油泵右端盖的功用和结构特点 齿轮油泵右端盖是齿轮油泵的基础零件之一,用手将一些轴套和齿轮等零件组装在一起,使其保持正确的相互位置,并按照一定的传动关系协调的运动。组装后的齿轮油泵,用端盖的基准平面安装在机器上。因此,齿轮右端盖的加工质量对箱体

2、部件装配后的精度有着决定性的影响。且其属于剖分式箱体,结构特点为:结构形状稍微复杂,内部呈空腔,箱壁较厚且不均匀,其上有许多精度要求很高的轴承孔和装配用的基准平面。此外,还有一些精度要求不高的紧固孔和次要平面。因此,齿轮油泵右端盖要加工部位较多,加工难度也较大。2、 齿轮油泵右端盖的材料和毛坯齿轮油泵右端盖采用灰铸铁HT200,它是有容易变形,吸振性好,耐磨性及切削性好等特点。当生产批量不大时齿轮油泵右端盖毛坯采用木模手工造型,制作简单但毛坯精度较低,余量也较大,大批、大量生产时则采用金属模机器造型。毛坯精度高,余量可适当减少。在单件生产时,有时采用焊接件作毛坯,以缩减短生产周期。关键词数控编

3、程、加工工艺、铣削加工、齿轮油泵右端盖、装夹方案AbstractThis design which includes mechanical design, mechanical drawing, digital processing technology and design of numerical control programming, such as basic knowledge of the fixture. I gear pumps in order to cover parts of the right to study, through in-depth access to

4、a number of ideas and information, design and reasonable process and the preparation of equipment at a reasonable level of processing technology and procedures. Institute found that the problem with rational thinking to deal with the problem and solve the problem. In order to achieve the ultimate ob

5、jective of practical, so that their theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge and better together. cover the right gear pump function and structure of the characteristics of the Gear pump cover is the right gear pumps on the basis of one of the parts, some with their hands and sleeve assembly o

6、f parts such as gears together to keep each other in the right position, and in accordance with the transmission of a certain relationship between the co-ordination of movement. After the assembly of gear pumps, cover with the base machine installed in the plane. As a result, the right gear on the c

7、over of the processing quality of the cabinet after the assembly of precision components have a decisive impact. And his cabinet belong to Split, structural characteristics: the structure of the shape of a little complex, was an internal cavity, thick-walled box and uneven, and its many high precisi

8、on bearings used in the assembly hole and the base plane. In addition, there are a number of less demanding precision fastening holes and secondary plane. As a result, gear pumps right to cover large parts of the processing, processing more difficult. gear pumps cover the right materials and rough G

9、ear pumps use the right cover gray cast iron HT200, it is easy to deformation, vibration absorber of good wear resistance and good cutting and so on. When the production volume is not right when the oil pump gear cover rough shape by hand using wooden mold, but the simple production of rough lower a

10、ccuracy, is also a greater margin, a large number, when mass-produced metal mold machine model. Blank and high precision, to reduce the margin may be appropriate. In the production of one-piece, sometimes used for welding pieces of rough, so as to reduce the short production cycleKey wordsNC program

11、ming, processing,milling, gear pumps right end caps,clamping program第二部分 右端盖的工艺分析如图1-1所示泵盖类零件,材料为HT200,毛胚尺寸长X宽X高为83mm x56mm x32mm,小批量生产,试分析其数控铣床加工工艺过程。图的线条不行,粗细分开2-1 零件图工艺分析该零件主要由平面,外轮廓以及孔系组成,其中1600.018 的两个孔的表面粗糙度要求较高,为Ra 1.6m ,而25H7的表面粗糙度要求更高为Ra 0.8m ,该零件材料为铸铁,切削加工性能较好。根据上述分析2160+0.018 mm的孔、25H7mm的

12、孔和67/沉孔6深6mm孔的粗、精加工应分开进行,以保证表面粗糙度要求。增加毛坯的选择2-2 选择加工方案1) 上、下表面的粗糙度要求为Ra 3.2m ,可选择粗车精车方案。2) 孔加工方案的选择:孔加工前,为便于钻头引证,先用中心钻加工中心孔,然后再钻孔。内孔表面工方案,很大程度上取决于内孔本身的尺寸精度和粗糙度。对于精度较高、粗糙度Ra 值较小的表面,一般不能加工到规定的尺寸,而要划分加工阶段逐步进行加工。该零件孔系加工方案选择如下:a) 160+0.018 孔表面粗糙度为Ra 1.6m ,选择“钻粗镗半精镗精镗”方案。b) 25H7的两个孔的表面粗糙度为Ra 0.8m ,选择“钻粗铰精铰

13、”方案。c) 200+0.021 孔表面粗糙度为Ra 3.2m ,选择“钻粗车精车”方案。d) 67/沉孔9深6mm孔,表面粗糙度为Ra 6.3m ,选择“钻半精镗锪孔”方案。2-3 确定装夹方案该零件毛胚的外形比较规则,因此在加工上下边面和M271.5的外螺纹面及退刀槽时,在车床上用四爪卡盘夹紧;在加工孔系时采用“一定位销,一防转挡销和两可转动压板自制夹具”来定位夹紧,既以下低面、200+0.021 mm的孔和外轮廓定位。2-4 确定加工顺序及走刀路线1. 零件上下表面采用车刀加工,选择适当的切入切出长度,以提高加工精度,并减小相邻两次进给之间的接刀痕迹。2. 切槽刀选取与槽同宽的刀具,刀具

14、宽度为3mm。3. 孔加工各工步的刀具直径根据加工余量和孔径确定。该零件加工所选刀具详见表1-2齿轮油泵右端盖零件数控加工刀具卡片。表1-2齿轮油泵右端盖零件数控加工刀具卡片产品名称或代号零件名称泵盖零件图号Mill-02序号刀具编号刀具规格名称数量加工表面1T01端面(外圆)车刀1上下表面及27的外圆面2T02切槽刀1切槽宽为3mm的退刀槽3T033的中心钻1钻所有空的中心孔4T046.8钻头1钻67底孔5T0596.5锪钻1锪沉孔9深6mm6T064.8钻头1钻25H7底孔7T075铰刀1铰25H7底孔8T0811钻头1钻160+0.018 的盲孔9T09内孔镗刀1粗镗、半精镗、精镗160

15、+0.018的盲孔编制韦晓敏审核XXX批准XXX年 月 日共1 页第1 页2-5 切削用量选择该零件切削性能较好,车削平面及外圆时留0.5mm精车余量;孔加工精镗余量留0.2mm;铰余量留0.1mm。选择主轴转速与进给速度时,先查看切削用量手册,确定切削速度与每齿进给量,然后计算进给速度与主轴转速(公式V=dn/1000 ,计算过程从略)。2-6 拟定数控铣削加工工艺过程卡片 为更好地指导编程和加工操作,把该零件的加工顺序、所用刀具和切削用量等参数编入表1-3所示的泵盖零件数控加工工艺过程卡片。表1-3所示的泵盖零件数控加工工艺过程卡片机械加工工艺过程卡片产品型号零部件图号Mill-02共 页产品名称齿轮油泵右端盖零件名称泵盖第 页材料牌号HT200毛坯种类铸件毛坯外形尺寸835632每毛坯件数1每台件数1备注工序号工序



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