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1、2022年考博英语-东北师范大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题In this new era, the single most immediate and most serious challenge to Americas traditional identity comes from the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from Mexico, and the fertility rates of these immigrants compare to black

2、 and white American natives. Americans like to boast of their past success in assimilating millions of immigrants without distinguishing among them and have focused on the economic costs and benefits of immigration, ignoring its social and cultural consequences. As a result, they have overlooked the

3、 unique characteristics and problems posed by contemporary Hispanic immigration. The extent and nature of this immigration differ fundamentally from those of previous immigration, and the assimilation successes of the past are unlikely to be duplicated with the contemporary flood of immigrants from

4、Latin America. This reality poses a fundamentally questions: Will the United States remain a country with a single national language and a core-Anglo-Protestant culture? By ignoring this question, Americans acquiesce to their eventual transformation into two people with two cultures.The impact of Me

5、xican immigration on the United States becomes evident when one imagines what would happen if Mexican immigration abruptly stopped. The annual flow of legal immigrants would drop by about 175,000 closer to the level recommended by the 1990s Commission on Immigrants Reform chaired by former U.S. Cong

6、resswoman Barbara Jordan. Illegal entries would diminish dramatically. The wages of low-income U.S. citizens would improve. Debates over the use of Spanish and whether English should be made the official language of state and national governments would subside. Bilingual education and the controvers

7、ies it spawns would virtually disappear, as would controversies over welfare and other benefits for immigrants. The debate over whether immigrants pose an economic burden on state and skills of the immigrants continuing to arrive would reach their highest levels in U.S history. The inflow of immigra

8、nts would again become highly diverse, creating increased incentives for all immigrants to learn English and absorb U.S culture. And most important of all, the possibility of a de facto split between a predominantly Spanish-speaking United States and an English-speaking United States would disappear

9、, and with it, a major potential threat to the countrys culture and political integrity.1.What makes Americans very proud in the past is ( ).2.Which of the following did not make the Americans neglect the current immigration flood?3.It can be inferred from the passage that( ).4.Which of the followin

10、g is true according to the passage?5.The best title for the passage is( ).问题1选项A.their strong economic and political power on world stageB.their capability of integrating other people into their cultureC.their great tolerance of the cultural features of immigrantsD.their high fertility rate of nativ

11、e blacks and white问题2选项A.The focus on the economic costs and benefits of immigration.B.The failure in making a distinction between immigrants.C.The lack of recognition of the immigrants cultural influence.D.The indulgence in celebrating their success in the past.问题3选项A.a more diversified immigrant f

12、low will help the promotion of English languageB.an abrupt stop in Mexican immigration is around the comerC.the sudden stop in legal immigration will often result in a sudden increase in illegal entriesD.former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan is strongly against Mexican immigration to the US问题4选项A.The

13、increasing number of Mexican immigrants is going to stop expanding in thecoming years.B.The Mexican immigration has already resulted in the number of Spanish speaking people.C.The Mexican move to the US with the deliberate intention of destroying her cultural and political integrity.D.The Americans

14、do not have to worry about the impact of Mexican immigration at all.问题5选项A.The challenge to the US from Hispanic immigrantsB.The decreasing diversity of immigrants to the USC.Immigrants and their influence on the US cultureD.A disappearing United States and a possible solution【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:

15、B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段中的Americans like to boast of their past success in assimilating millions of immigrants without distinguishing among them and have focused on the economic costs and benefits of immigration, ignoring its social and cultural consequences(过去美国成功同化了成千上万移民,没有在移民中造成任何区别对待的问题,并且把关注的

16、焦点放在了移民的经济成本和收益方面,没有去考虑移民带来的社会和文化影响,为此美国几乎可以进行自夸), 可知过去让美国感到自豪的是“将其他国家的人融入自己文化的能力”,即选项B。2.细节事实题。第一段指出: Americans like to boast of their past success in assimilating millions of immigrants without distinguishing among them and have focused on the economic costs and benefits of immigration, ignoring its social and cultural consequence



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