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1、-毕业设计论文基于PHP框架及面向对象技术开发进销存管理系统仓存管理理工大学学院毕业设计诚信承诺书本人重承诺:我所呈交的毕业设计?基于PHP框架及面向对象技术开发进销存管理系统-仓存管理?是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,设计使用的数据真实可靠。承诺人签名: 日期:年月日. z.-. z.-摘 要随着我国经济的高速开展,各种大、中型企业的经营规模不断扩大,同时随着信息技术的不断开展,企业信息化建立也越来越重要,采用先进的企业资源方案(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)系统已势在必行。ERP是顺应



4、有力保证。关键词:PHP OA 管理平台 办公系统ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of Chinas economy, various large and medium-sized business have been e*panding, and with the continuous development of information technology, enterprise information is being more important, the use of advanced enterprise resource planning

5、(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) system is imperative. ERP is in line with requirements of the times of information technology and business management product of the bination of new ideas, take advantage of modern information technology to establish an information network system management activi

6、ties of the business of logistics, information flow, capital flow, workflow integration, enterprise the optimal allocation of resources to accelerate business-to-market, speed of response, and improving the management efficiency and level, and ultimately improve the economic efficiency and petitiven

7、ess of enterprises. . Inventory management system through the use of information technology means to the introduction of advanced enterprise management pany, to provide practical business management reform easy way. More importantly, the inventory management system in a timely manner through informa

8、tion technology to corporate data into business information quickly, and then decision-making basis for the relevant managers. In order to strengthen key supplies, equipment management, to periodically control the reserves, consumption, according to the plan and actual consumption of fi*ed pared to

9、the scale of management, making reasonable use of funds, materials, equipment, reserve the best. Therefore, a plete enterprise material supply management system should include project management, contract collection management, warehouse management, quota management, statistics management, financial

10、 management and other modules. Storage management is one of the core material supply management system. Fully automated warehouse management, information technology is one of the most important part. To speed up the pace of automation of warehouse management, warehouse management operations to impro

11、ve efficiency, the establishment of warehouse management systems, warehouse management as much as possible to reduce repetitive and ineffective, has bee very necessary. In the enterprise, inventory management is the foundation and core of support for enterprise sales, procurement, the effective oper

12、ation of manufacturing operations. Routine in the materials out of inventory management, storage control, to ensure normal production play an important role, while the inventory at a reasonable level, providing accurate inventory information. For enterprises to respond quickly to market changes, to

13、meet the market demand and improve the petitiveness of enterprises to provide a strong guarantee. Key words:PHP OA office systems management platform目 录摘要IABSTRACTII目录III1研究的背景/意义12 系统需求分析22.1业务工作流程22.2系统用例分析42.3其他需求52.4运行需求62.5业务需求63 系统设计73.1架构设计7设计思想7设计原则73.1.3 架构设计83.2详细设计9菜单设计9界面设计9系统数据库设计114 系统

14、测试运行154.1 模块测试154.2 整体测试155 总结16参考文献17附录18辞45. z.-1研究的背景/意义在信息化飞速开展的今天,企业的屹立不倒不仅需要一个强大的创业团队来维护自身企业的生存,还需要到一个强大高效的信息管理交流系统来管理部的信息人员业务。OA的出现很好的解决了这一问题,随着时间的开展,OA系统根本上已经能够覆盖整个企业部的每个环节。从传统的员工管理、客户管理,开展到现今的以员工管理为中心,向其绩效、单假、工资的一系列向开展的员工管理体系,已客户为中心,向客户关系分析、业务影响、合同管理、采购管理等向的客户管理。企业人物不仅能通过OA系统很好的管理公司的部信息,也能够

15、通过OA对各项数据报表的统计,得到一系列有针对性、可阅读性很高的材料,便于企业人员分析,从而改善公司的缺乏,也可以更好的选择营业案。作为0A系统中不可缺少的一局部,仓存系统在0A系统中起着不可缺少的作用,目前世界围分工使企业间的关联关系越来越严密,上下游的企业必须共同严密协作,使物流、信息流更加畅顺,提高运作效率,提高企业竞争力。上下游企业由于这种供应关系组成一个链条式的供应链。制造企业作为供应链环节一个节点,其主要处理好与上游供应商、下游客户、以及组织部之间物流、信息、资金的流动,以较低的本钱满足客户的需求。简单来说,就是整合企业各种资源,协调企业人、财、物的高效运作,提供有竞争力的产品,满足客户的需求。 在制造型企业中,仓存管理是企业的根底和核心,支撑企业销售、采购、生产业务的有效运作。仓存管理在物料日常出入库控制、保证生产的正常进展发挥重要作用,同时将库存控制在合理水平,为企业提供准确的库存信息。为企业快速响应市场变化、满足市场需求提高企业竞争力提供了有力保证。 企业主要目标之一是满足客户需求,实现利润最大化。通过保持适宜的库存,降低缺货的风险,能够快速响应客户的需求;同时,合理提高存货使用效率和存货转率,降低企业的呆滞存货,使企业库存持有本钱保持在最正确水平,并降低工厂运作本钱,为市场提供有竞争力的产品


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