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1、洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第一单元 本单元学习目标: 1.会用礼貌用语:How are you-Im fine 互相问候2.学会歌曲Hello3.学习问候语: Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night4.学习歌曲:Greetings5.学习手指游戏:Finger plays Dance your fingers6.复习的单词句子: Good morning(Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you. Long time no see. Get up /Go to bed

2、.本单元知识拓展:Leftright boygirl2011-3-1(四):1. Review Teddy Bear profile。Name、Favorite Food、Favorite color、Best Friends(their favorite food);2.Warm upTeddy bear3.Ask and answerA: Hi,How are you?B:I am fine. Thank you . And you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.4. Story time; Nicky非常的有礼貌,他起床之后,去叫谁啦?Nicky对Kitt

3、y都说了什么?5. Situational dialogue. 角色互换,一个小朋友扮演Kitty在床上睡觉.另一个小朋友扮演Nicky,按照故事里的情节幼儿预演.(语言点:Now lets go to bed /get up; Good morning ,Teddy)延伸-男孩都扮演Kitty角色,女孩都扮演Nicky角色,女孩子下地自由活动,叫起孩子睡觉的男孩子.;角色互换;6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Hello8. Homework time;2011-3-2(五):1. Review the dialogue。A: Hi,Kitty

4、. How are you?B:I am fine. Thank you .How are you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.2.Warm upHelloRabbit dance3. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good morning, kitty.B:Good morning, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会,互相问候下吧.记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点:Good morning(Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I a

5、m fine. Thank you. Long time no see.4. Story time; 小朋友再次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.5.Follow me;小朋友模范Nancy老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要Copy .6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Hello8. Homework time;2011-3-5(一):1.Warm upHelloRabbit dance Review the dialogue(情景表演,小朋友们互相问候)。A: Hi,Kitty. How are you?B:I

6、 am fine. Thank you .How are you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.2. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good afternoon, kitty.B:Good afternoon, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会,互相问候下吧.记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点: Good afternoon (Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you. Long time no see

7、.4. Story time; 小朋友再次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.5.Follow me;小朋友模范Nancy老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要Copy . 把left hand-right hand用肢体语言表示出来.6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Greetings2011-3-6(二):1. Warm upHelloRabbit dance Review the dialogue(情景表演,小朋友们互相问候)。A: Hi,Kitty. How are you?B:I am fine. Thank

8、 you .How are you ? A: I am fine, too. Thank you.2. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good evening, kitty.B:Good evening, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会,互相问候下吧.记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点: Good evening, (Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you. Long time no see.4. Story time; 小朋友再

9、次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.5.Follow me;小朋友模范Nancy老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要Copy . 把left ear-right ear用肢体语言表示出来.6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Greetings2011-3-7(三):1. Warm upHelloGreetings Review the dialogue(情景表演,小朋友们互相问候)。A: Hi,Kitty. How are you?B:I am fine. Thank you .How are you ? A: I

10、am fine, too. Thank you.2. Situational dialogue. (幻灯片-太阳)A: Good night, kitty.B:Good night, Nicky. (小朋友们,你们有没有互相问候啊?如果没有,那么请小朋友们借英语课的机会,互相问候下吧.(记得要用我们学过的问候语进行问候哦!语言点: Good night, (Review); Hi/Hello; How are you?-I am fine. Thank you. Long time no see.4. Story time; 小朋友再次体会小对话.让小朋友们模仿他们的声音,互换角色.提高语感.

11、5.Follow me;小朋友模范Nancy老师有节奏的熟记句子.一切的动作/声音都需要Copy . 把left eye-right eye用肢体语言表示出来.6. Practice;7. Song time-Enjoy the music Greetings洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第二单元- 本单元学习目标: 1.学会歌曲What can you see?4.学习Chant: Ant ant ,in a hat. Apple apple,in a cat.5.学习手指游戏: Finger plays: Dance your fingers6.学习单词: ant bird frog snai

12、l monkey snake 7.学习句子: -What can you see? -I can see a snake.本单元知识拓展:Updown ; rightwrong Tummy ; Fingers ; head ; shoulders2011-3-8(四)1.warm up: Songs: Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: Bear dog cat mouse(mice) rabbit bee3. Story time: Look at story and can you guess what we will learn today?(Na

13、ncy shows the card and ask children whats this?)4. New words: Frog5.Follow me:(小朋友们学习青蛙的样子,蹲在地上,把两个手下垂,边跳边读出单词,)6.Race:小朋友扮演青蛙比赛.看谁跳得远,读的声音大.每组5-8人.选出胜利者(winner).小朋友们给予鼓励.7. Practice: ; 8. Song time and Homework time.2011-3-9 (五)1.warm up: Songs: Finger Plays :2. Review animal words: frog3. Story ti

14、me: Look at story and can you guess what we will learn today?(Nancy shows the card and ask children whats this?)4. New words: snake5.Follow me:(小朋友们学习青蛇的样子,双手上举并合拢,身体从上往下扭动,扭动一下,读一遍snake.然后从下往上扭动身子) 6.Race:小朋友扮演青蛇比赛.看谁扭动的漂亮次数多多,读的声音大.每组5-8人.选出胜利者(winner).小朋友们给予鼓励.7.Practice: ; 8. Song time and Homework time.洪恩幼儿英语第三册英语教案第二单元- 本单元学习目标: 1.学会歌曲What can you see?4.学习Chant: Ant ant ,in a h



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