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1、低碳节能英语演讲稿low carbon livinglow carbon life is a very environmental protection and civilization.my understanding is that of low carbon in daily life from yourself, from small start, minimize every possible cost.of course, low carbon is main or refers to reduce carbon dio_ide emissions.actually, low ca

2、rbon life from everyone very close, as long as pay more attention to some of the details, life can have to reduce energy consumption role.my life in some low carbon small doohickey of water-saving aspects is aims at.production tap water and wastewater treatment are to a significant amount of energy.

3、so, water is energy saving.for e_le; water may be used for washing a face wash the feet of water, wash clothes can be used to rinse dishcloth, clean the floor, then these wastewater can again to flush the toilet; water after washing vegetable can be used to water the flowers.dont look down upon thes

4、e water reuse, accumulated, only a 3 home can save a ton per month above water.in addition, if monthly wash clothes, so once per washer can save electricity, also saves power of the coal, also will reduce carbon emissions, if all the family can do monthly by hand to wash clothes, reduce the emission

5、s of carbon dio_ide once is 68.4 tons, can achieve this figure is very surprising.meanwhile, but use washing machine while holding with clothes to wash washing machine also can cause unnecessary waste.so for us students have more ways energy-savingpaper, save paper; use double-sidedneed not disposab

6、le chopsticks and disposable lunch bo_;need not disposable bags;reduce food waste;the lights on, conveniently mind faucet.our earth needs we work together to love, let us start from around things, cherish resources, reduce the energy consumption and make our life more beautiful.低碳的生活是一件非常环保和文明的事。我对低

7、碳的理解就是在日常生活中从自己做起,从小事做起,最大限度地减少一切可能的消耗。当然,低碳主要还是指减少二氧化碳的排放。其实,低碳的生活离每个人都很近,只要多注意生活中的一些细节,就可以起到降低能耗的作用。我的生活中的一些低碳小窍门就是针对节水方面的。生产自来水和处理污水都要耗费大量的能。所以,节水就是节能。例如;洗脸的水可以用来洗脚,洗衣服的水可以用来涮抹布,擦地板,然后这些废水可以再冲马桶;洗完菜的水可以用来浇花。别小看这些水的重复利用,积累下来,仅一个三口之家每月就可以节约一吨以上的水。另外,如果每月手洗一次衣服,那么每台洗衣机就可以节约用电,也就节约了发电的煤,同样也就减少的二氧化碳的排放,如果全国所有的家庭都能做到每月用手来洗一次衣服,减排的二氧化碳可以达到68.4万吨,这个数字是非常惊人的。同时洗衣机虽然好用,但是三两件衣服就用洗衣机来洗也会造成不必要的浪费。那么对于我们学生来说还有更多的方法节能纸张的双面使用,节约用纸;不用一次性的筷子和一次性的饭盒;不用一次性的塑料袋;减少粮食的浪费;随手关灯,随手管好水龙头。我们的地球需要我们共同来爱护,让我们从身边的小事做起,珍惜资,降低能耗,让我们的生活更加美好。第 页 共 页



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