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1、定语从句翻译定语从句就其与先行词的关系分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。因此英语定语 从句的译法主要涉及限制性和非限制性定语从句的译法。翻译限制性定语从句可以采用以下几种方法:(1)合译法 合译法指把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组,放在被修饰词的前面,从而将复合句译 成汉语单句。合译法一般适用于结构比较简单或具有描写性的限制性定语从句。经典例 : Yet no such effect had been detected in any of the ingenious and delicate experiments that physicists had devised: the velo

2、city of light did not vary.参考译文:然而在任何物理学家所进行过的精细巧妙的实验中,都没有发现这种影响: 光速没有变化。经典例题: If the probe takes ,say,100 years to make a copy of itself ,then the average speed at which all probes would spread throughout the galaxy would be about 1/25th the speed of light.参考译文;如果探测体需要,比如说,100年时间来生成自己的副体,那么所有探测体 传遍

3、整个星系的平均速度大约为光速的1/25。经典例题:But such trouble is confined mainly to the railways on which the current is picked up from a third rail rather than from overhead conductors.参考译文:但是,这样的问题主要局限干从第三轨而不是从高架线得到电力的那些铁路 上。(2)分译法 如果限制性定语从句结构较为复杂。译成前置的定语短语显得太长而不符合汉语表达习惯时,从句一般与主句分译,往往可以译成后置的并列分句,也可以依据上下文译成前置的 并列分句。经典

4、例题: As brighter areas of the image eject more electrons than the darker or shaded portions, an electronic image is produced in which varying degrees of positive charge duplicate light intensities seen in the scene being pictured.参考译文:因为图像的较明亮的部分比黑暗的部分或者阴影部分发射的电子更多,所以 产生的电子图像随正电荷的变化强度,使正在描述的荧幕上的光强度成倍

5、增强。经典例题: In this unusual state , helium in many ways resembles a vacuum particles can move through the super fluid without resistance, for example, and spontaneous miniature ripples sometimes form that correspond to the virtual particles(虚拟粒子)that pop in and out of existence within a vacuum.参考译文:在这种

6、非常状态下,氦在许多方面类似于真空例如,粒子可以无阻力地在其中移动,并且有时会形成自发的微小波纹,与真空中悄然隐现的虚拟粒子对应。经典例题:To kill weed which may sprawl rampantly among crops in the first several years effective weedicide is needed to play the same role as ploughing fields does to eliminate weed.参考译文: 在最初的几年里,杂草可能在农作物之间繁茂地蔓生,为了消灭这些杂草, 需要有效的除草剂,发挥与耕地同样

7、的消灭杂草的作用。(3)融合法 当定语部分所给信息与被修饰词关系紧密、必不可少时,可将原来的语序打乱,用自己的话将原句中的主句与定语从句重新组织,译成一个独立的句子。经典例题: There are those who insist that the era of a computer terminal on every desk is just around the corner,while others insist that traditional teaching methods will never give way to computerized instruction.参考译文:

8、有些人坚信,每张课桌上放一台计算机终端设备的时代即将来临,而另一些 坚持说传统的教学方法决不会让位于计算机教学。经典例题: At a large terminal railway station,the work of the station master is largely administrative because of the extent of the operations and the staff of which he is in command.参考译文:在大的铁路终点站,站长的工作主要是行政管理性的,这是由于车站运营范 围广、工作人员多。(4)断开法 当前置或后置都要影响

9、上下文连贯时,可以将其放在主句中间,用破折号或括号等将其 与主句断开。经典例题:The last bits and pieces of interplanetary debris (星际碎片)from which Earth is formed were just arriving.参考译文:最后的一批星际碎片(地球正是由这些碎片构成的)正降落在地球上。 翻译非限制性定语从句可以采用以下几种方法:非限制性定语从句和它的先行词之间只有比较松散的关系,对先行词不起限定的作用。 就其意义来说,在句中有时相当于一个并列分句。翻译此类句子,一般可采用以下方法:( 1)译成独立句 一般来说,非限制性定语从

10、句较少译成带的的定语词组。在翻译成汉语时可以将从句与 主句分译,独立成句。经典例题: Attending services at the Cathedral of Pisa, he found himself watching a swinging chandelier, which air currents shifted now in wide arcs, now in small ones.参考译文:一次在比萨大教堂做礼拜时,他发现自己正看着一个吊灯架,它随着气流时 而划一个大弧,时而划一个小弧。经典例题: Although he got generally good grades an

11、d was outstanding in mathematics, Einstein hated the academic high school he was sent to in Munich , where success depended on memorization and obedience to arbitrary authority.参考译文:虽然爱因斯坦门门功课都很优异,数学尤为突出,但他很讨厌上这所慕尼黑 的中学。在这所学校里成功取决于死记硬背和对专制权威的服从。经典例题: One is the visible edge of the sun,which is a gas

12、eous surface from which visible light photons (光子)freely emerge,参考译文:一个例子就是太阳的边缘,这是一个气状的表面,可见光的光子从中源源涌 出。( 2 )断开法 我们同样可以用括号或破折号将非限制性从句和主句断开。经典例题:All commercial communication satellites, which began to be launched in 1965, are now designed for use in geosynchronous orbits (地球同步轨道)。参考译文: 所有商业性通讯卫星(196

13、5年开始发射的)现在都设计用于地球同步轨道。经典例题:On this and succeeding days , during which our anticraft guns were doubled in numbers, very hard and continuous air fighting took place over the capital , and the Lufewaffe were still confident through their overestimation of our losses.参考译文: 在当天和随后几天(我们的高射炮在这几天增加了一倍),首都上空

14、发生了 连续不断的激烈空战,德国空军由于过高地估计了我们的损失,因而仍然怀有信心。(3)翻译成有状语职能的句子 非限制性定语从句在语义上有时起状语分句的作用,表示原因、目的、结果、条件、让 步等意义。因此可将此类从句译为相应的状语分句。经典例题: Rockets perform best in space,where there is no atmosphere to impede their motion.参考译文: 火箭在太空中运行最佳,因为在太空中不存在阻碍火箭的大气。经典例题: Congress which had met to continue its protests to the

15、 Crown,found itself raising an army and selecting George Washington as its commander in chief.参考译文:国会先前已集会决定继续向英皇提出抗议,而现在则发展到招募兵员并推选 乔治华盛顿为总司令了。历年真题分析经典例题: The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this ,which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and mark

16、eting food (1991 年)参考译文: 食品供应的增加将赶不上人口的增长,这就意味着我们在粮食的生产和购销 方面正陷入危机。经典例题: In short,a leader of the new school contends,the scientific revolution,as we call it,was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instrumentsthat expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.(1994 年)参考译文: 新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说:简而言之,我们所谓的科学革命,主要是指 一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。经典例题: This t



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