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1、8B 各单元单词词形变化及常用短语Unit 1单词词形变化1. past反义词present2. southern名词south3. married动词marry名词marriage4. wife复数wives5. factory复数factories6. poison形容词poisonous7. pollute形容词polluted名词pollution8. unhealthy副词unhealthily9. unlucky副词unluckily10. unpleasant反义词pleasant11. pleasant区别词pleased12. repair同义词mend/fix13. exh

2、ibition动词exhibit14. recently形容词recent15. century复数centuries16. own名词owner17. development动词develop形容词developed/developing18. relax形容词relaxed名词relaxation19. feeling动词feel20. dictionary复数dictionaries21. advantage反义词disadvantage22. describe名词description23. attraction动词attract形容词attractive常用短语1. A marry

3、B=A get married with B=A and B get married A和B结婚2. turn into变成3. turn A into B 把A变成B4. take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事5. Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事了。6. used to do sth.过去常常做某事7. a bit+形容词a little+形容词 有点8. a bit of +不可数名词a little + 不可数名词 少量的9. interview sb.=have an interview with sb.采访某人10. the oppo

4、site of 的反义词11. the title of the article文章的标题12. during the past several centuries在过去的几个世纪里13. in fact=actually世纪上14. lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人(区别borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物)15. be in service/use投入使用16. on ones own= by oneself=alone肚子17. the advantage of doing sth.做某事的优势18. have the same feeling有同感Unit

5、 2单词词形变化1. include介词including2. performer动词perform名词performance3. magic形容词magical有魔力的4. shiny动词shine5. excitement动词excite形容词excited6. harm形容词harmful/harmless7. helpless反义词helpful名词help8. useless反义词useful名词use9. delight形容词delightful10. meaning形容词meaningful/meaningless11. success形容词successful动词succeed

6、12. endless名词end13. hopeless反义词hopeful名词hope14. experience形容词experienced15. conference同义词meeting16. tie现在分词tying17. cultural名词culture18. state名词statement声明19. clearly形容词clear常用短语1. the symbol of的象征2. ,including/,included3. at the speed of以的速度4. ten minutes ride 骑车十分钟的路程5. such as+多个单词/短语例子6. wave to

7、 sb.朝某人挥手7. do sth. with excitement=do sth. excitedly兴奋地做某事8. do harm to =be harmful to 对有害9. be a great success=be very successful非常成功10. go sailing去帆船11. go abroad for further study出国深造Unit 3单词词形变化1. educational名词education动词educate2. designer动词design3. traveller动词travel4. itchy动词itch5. correctly形容

8、词correct6. correctly反义词incorrectly7. mouse复数mice8. print名词printer9. connect名词connection10. foot复数feet11. daily名词day12. tour名词tourist(scientist/artist)13. cover反义词discover14. producer动词produce名词production15. create名词creation形容词creative常用短语1. turn on/off打开/关闭2. the designer of 的设计者3. be/fall asleep入睡4

9、. do sth. correctly正确地做某事5. play the role of扮演的角色6. reach=arrive in/at=get to到达7. in+颜色 用某种颜色8. be widely used被广泛使用9. connect A to/with B将A连到B10. have connection with和有练习11. the total of 的总数12. become bald变秃13. be set on Mars以火星为北京14. daily English 日常英语15. be under control/be out of control在掌控之中/脱离控

10、制Unit4单词词形变化1. charity复数charities2. advertise名词advertisement3. introduce名词introduction4. duty复数duties5. host (男)hostess(女)6. business形容词busy7. organization动词organize (名词organizer)8. actor(男)actress(女)9. perform名词performance节目performer表演者10. arrange名词arrangement11. speaker动词speak12. education形容词educa

11、tional动词educate13. snowy动词snow14. silent名词silence15. donation动词donate常用短语1. fund-raising events资金募集活动2. the host of的主持人3. on time准时4. in time及时5. My job is to do/doing我的工作是做6. seem+形容词7. seem to do sth. 似乎做某事8. in public在公共场合9. take part in 活动join in 活动 参加活动10. in a low voice 用低的声音11. be set up in 年

12、份 建立与年12. phone sb.=call sb.=ring sb.up=make a phone call to sb. 打 给某人13. on a snowy evening 在一个下雪的夜晚14. keep silent 保持安静15. send donations to 把捐赠寄给16. have a break=have a rest休息一下17. give a speech to sb. 给某人做演讲18. the purpose of doing sth.做某事的目的Unit 5单词词形变化1. further原级far2. interviewer动词interview3.

13、 blindness形容词blind4. affect名词effect5. medical名词medicine6. treatment动词treat7. volunteer形容词voluntary8. operation动词operate9. improve名词improvement10. rich反义词poor11. agreement动词agree12. invention动词invent 名词inventor13. punish名词punishment14. ugly反义词beautiful常用短语1. be used to doing sth.习惯做某事2. for further i

14、nformation为了得到进一步的信息3. affect sb.=have an effect on sb.影响某人4. operate on sb.=perform operations on sb.给某人做手术5. cant afford to do sth.做不起某事6. be proud of 为感到自豪7. be proud to do sth.骄傲地做某事8. carry on with sth.继续某事9. carry on doing sth.继续做某事Unit 6单词词形变化1. blind名词blindness2. fitness形容词fit3. toothbrush复数

15、toothbrushes4. upstairs反义词downstairs5. attention动词attent6. rainy名词rain7. wise副词wisely8. lost动词lose常用短语1. the disabled残疾人2. go hiking去远足3. within+一段时间 在之内4. have the chance to do sth.有机会做某事5. record sth.=keep a record of sth.记录6. the aim of doing sth.做某事的目的7. have a headache头疼8. look down on sb.看不起某人9. pay attention to sth./doing sth. 集中注意做某事10. get lost


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