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1、2A英语期末复习知识点班级_ 姓名_ 学号_一、单词:(请家长在家督促孩子自默,必会单词必须过关,加星单词尽量能背出,默写出)Module1: 必会单词:morning, afternoon, evening, night, boy, girl, big, small, seven, eight, nine, ten, apple, bag, cat, dog, elephant加星单词:one, two, three, four, five, six, snake, goodbye, hello, hi, how, who, what, tall, short, fat, thin, he,

2、 she, it, I , you, like, can, cant, thanks, good, nice.Module2: 必会单词:run, write, swim, fly, young, old, sister, brother, hair, head, face, girl, hand, , jar, kite, lion加星单词:draw, sing, dance, ride, skip, read, but, super, Giant, gate, fathere, mother, grandfather, grandmother, hes, shes, isnt, frien

3、d, family, eye, mouth, ear, nose, big, small, am, is, are, my, your,insect, SupergirlModule3: 必会单词:slide, swing, seesaw, bag, box, desk, chair, bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks, mouse, net, pig, rabbit, in, on, see加星单词:garden, flower, tree, grass, colour, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, pink, purple,

4、 white, black, grey, mice, bee, they, you, room, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, pencil case, table, under, how many, there is, there are, dinner, floor, room,orange, queenModule4: 必会单词:sky, sun, moon, star, fox, hippo, meat, grass, flower, tree, soup, table, box, yellow加星单词:bright, rain, cloud, look at

5、, round, animal, farm, forest, monkey, lion, tiger, rabbit, cow, sheep, cute, nice, hop, swing, naughty, banana, draw, colour, cut, help, zoo, bee, cry, umbrella, van, window, , zebra二、句型:(在家熟读,问句和答句都必须熟练掌握,并能快速反应)Module1: 1. Good morning. Good morning.2. Good afternoon. Good afternoon.3. Good eveni

6、ng. Good evening.4. Good night. Good night.5. Goodbye. Goodbye6. Hello! Hello! (Hi !)7. How are you Im fine. Thank you. (Im very well.)8. Im a girl(boy). Im short. Im thin.Youre a girl(boy). Youre tall. Youre fat.9. Are you Alice Yes, Im. ( No, Im Kitty.)Are you a girl(boy) Yes.( No.)Are you tall Ye

7、s.( No.)Module2: 1. Can you write(run,draw,fly) Yes, I can.(No, I cant) 2. Whos she Shes Sally. Is she your sister Yes,she is.(No, she isnt) Is he a boy Yes,he is.(No, he isnt) 3.My(Your) head is .My(Your) hair is . My(Your) nose is My(Your) eyes are .My (Your)ears are My(Your) hands areModule3: 1.

8、What can you see I can see What colour is it Its What colour are they They are 2. Put the pencil in the pencil case . OK.( Yes.) (All right.)Put the book on the desk. OK.( Yes.) (All right.)Put the bag under the box. OK.( Yes.) (All right.)3. How many bowls There are two bowls.How many spoons There

9、is one.A spoon Yes, please. ( No, thanks.)4. Give me a plate , please. Here you are.5. Dinner is ready! Im coming.Module4: 1. Look at the sky. Can you see the moon Yes, I can.(No, I cant) Its big. Its bright. 2. Look at the lion. Its big. It likes meat. Look at the monkey. Its small. It likes banana

10、s. Look at the hippos mouth. Wow! Its so big.3. Dont pick the flowers. Im sorry. Dont climb the tree. Im sorry.Dont ride a bicycle in the street. Im sorry.Dont play in the street. Im sorry.Dont draw on the wall. Im sorry.三、其他知识点:(必须掌握)1. Thank you. You are welcome.( Thats all right.)2. Im sorry. Its

11、 OK.( Thats all right.)3. May I have some water Here you are.4. Give me a plate, please. Here you are.5. A spoon Yes, please.6. Chopsticks No, thanks.7. Have some juice. Thank you.8. 介词短语要掌握:in the bowl , in the forest, in the skyon the plate, on the farm, on the floor 9. 元音字母开头的单词,前面加“an”例:an apple

12、, an orange, an egg, an elephant, an umbrella, an ice cream , an insect10. 世界上唯一的东西,前面冠词用“the”the moon, the sun, the sky 11. am, is, are的用法及缩写形式I am = Im you are = youre they are = theyre he is = hes she is = shes it is = its 单数后面用is The cat is on the desk. 复数名词后面用are The cats are on the desk.12. ca

13、nt (不会) dont (不要) isnt (不是)13. (名字及特殊名词开头要大写) Mr, Miss, Mrs, Giant, Supergirl, Kitty, Danny 14. I am a boy. Its a monkey. (单数的时候不要漏掉 a ) I like apples. It likes bananas. (复数名词不要漏掉加 s ) 特殊的名词复数要牢记:mousemice foxfoxes boxboxes 15. It likes meat. It likes grass. (s 不要漏掉)16. 特殊疑问句:开头有特殊疑问词,如How, What, Wh

14、o, What colour 等,为特殊疑问句。回答为直接回答。例:What can you see I can see a bee.How old are you I am seven.Who are you I am Peter.一般疑问句:开头没有特殊疑问词,回答用Yes或No。例:Is she fat? Yes, she is.Do you like apples Yes, I do.Are you a boy No, Im a girl.17. How many 句型要掌握 How many + 名词的复数?(例:How many apples How many hippos) 问答要掌握:(区分单数和复数的回答) How many plates There is one plate. (There is one.) How many plates There are ten plates. (There are ten. )18. 区分How are you和How old are you How are you Im fine. How old are you Im five.19. 区分Who are you 和Who am IWho are you I am Danny.



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