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1、本科生毕业论文雾都孤儿批判现实主义的力作院 系: 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 Oliver Twist-A Masterpiece of Critical Realism摘要维多利亚时代是英国现实主义小说的辉煌时代,查尔斯狄更斯是英国十九世纪最杰出的批判现实主义作家。狄更斯从民主资本主义和人道主义的立场出发,揭露英国社会丑恶和不公,批判资本主义制度。他的作品主要以写实笔法揭露上层社会和资产阶级的虚伪、贪婪和凶残,并对贫苦人民的不幸,特别是妇女、儿童和老人的悲惨处境,表示了极大的同情。雾都孤儿是狄更斯第一部结构严谨,情节连贯的批判现实主义小说,它以资本主义社会为背景,描写了英国伦敦贫苦儿童的悲

2、惨生活。本文将全面阐述雾都孤儿这部小说创作的历史背景、社会环境和人物特征,分析狄更斯雾都孤儿批判现实主义的创作用意和艺术特征,进而挖掘批判现实主义对西方文学的影响及贡献。关键词:查尔斯狄更斯;雾都孤儿;批判现实主义Abstract Victorian age is a magnificent time of the English realistic novels. Charles Dickens is the greatest representative of English critical realism in the nineteenth century. Dickens expos

3、ed the chief traits of English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic and humanistic viewpoint. His works expose the social upper classes and bourgeois hypocrisy, greed, ruthlessness, and show deepest sympathy with the lower class, especially women, children and the elderly.

4、Oliver Twist is Dickens first structured and coherent realistic novel. It takes the English capitalist society as the background, describing the miserable life of London poor children. Based on the study of the creation background, social environment and characters of Oliver Twist, this essay is to

5、analyze the writers intention and artistic characteristics in Oliver Twist. Furthermore, the paper further studies the impact and the contribution that the critical realism made on western literature. Key Words: Charles Dickens; Oliver Twist; Critical Realism Table of ContentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI摘要IIAB

6、STRACTIIITABLE OF CONTENTSIVCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1CHAPTER 2 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO OLIVER TWIST42.1 The Synopsis of the Novel42.2 Literature Review52.3 The Comments of the Novel6CHAPTER 3 CRITICAL REALISM IN OLIVER TWIST83.1 The Definition of Critical Realism83.2 Charles Dickens- the Greatest Engl

7、ish Realist93.3 The Critical Realism in Oliver Twist103.3.1 Condemnation of the Decay in the Society113.3.2Condemnation of the New Poor Law123.3.3 Critical View of the Capitalistic System133.3.4 Critical View of the Morality of Money Worship13CHAPTER 4 THE WRITING SKILLS OF CRITICAL REALISM IN OLIVE

8、R TWIST154.1 Characters Creation154.2 Humor and Satire164.3 Profound Symbol17CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION19BIBLIOGRAPHY2123本科毕业论文Chapter 1 IntroductionDuring the reign of Queen Victoria, the English novel came of age, swiftly, and dramatically. One innovation of Victorian novelists was Realism, which presen

9、ted a detailed portrait of life in nineteenth century England. Many factors explain the rise of novels as a dominant genre during the Victorian age. First, England grew from an agricultural country into an industrialized one and became the workshop of the world as well as its financial and political

10、 center. Second, the writing had become a profession, which made it possible for the writers to make a living by writing. Third, the conditions of the time, the terrible poverty on the one hand and the enormous wealth on the other hand needed a secular form to explore human relations rather than ser

11、mons given in church. The Victorian novelists were primarily concerned with people in society and with their relation to other people. And the function of a novelist was also extended from mere description and moralization to social criticism. All the evils of the existing institutions government, l

12、aw, church, education, and penal systems, with their injustice and corruption and the wretchedness were inflicted by bourgeois. Many of the great novels of the day were rousing popular successes. Cui Tong (2010) pointed out that for a great artist, he should live with the people and maintain closely

13、 ties, which reflected in the creation of the principle to follow, and then he will certainly reflect the nature of some aspect in his works. In the nineteenth century, novelists are generally known as critical realists. The novels explored the condition of the poor and the manners of the society, s

14、atirized the individuals or institution, advocated social reforms, and providing diversion for people of all levels. Wang Lei(2007) states that in their works, the greed and hypocrisy and corruption of the upper class were contrasted with the honesty and kind-heartedness of the obscure common people

15、 of the lower classes. Humor and satire are the very important characteristic of the English realistic novels.With regard to the literary form the major contribution made by the nineteenth century critical realists lies in their perfection of the novel. The realistic novels not only pictured the conflicts between separate individuals who stood for definite social status, but also showed broad social conflicts above the fate of mere individuals. Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray are regarded as the greatest of the Victorian period.


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