2024年上海十六区高三英语模考试卷分类汇编专题02 词汇填空(十一选十)(答案版)

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2024年上海十六区高三英语模考试卷分类汇编专题02 词汇填空(十一选十)(答案版)_第1页
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《2024年上海十六区高三英语模考试卷分类汇编专题02 词汇填空(十一选十)(答案版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024年上海十六区高三英语模考试卷分类汇编专题02 词汇填空(十一选十)(答案版)(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题02 词汇填空(十一选十)卷01:2023年上海市虹口区高三一模卷02:2023年上海市宝山区高三一模卷03:2023年上海市嘉定区高三一模卷04:2023年上海市金山区高三一模卷05:2023年上海市闵行区高三一模卷06:2023年上海市松江区高三一模卷07:2023年上海市杨浦区高三一模卷08:2023年上海市长宁区高三一模卷09:2023年上海市黄浦区高三一模卷10:2023年上海市静安区高三一模卷11:2023年上海市崇明区高三一模卷12:2023年上海市青浦区高三一模卷13:2023年上海市浦东新区高三一模卷14:2023年上海市奉贤区高三一模卷15:2023年上海市普陀区高三一

2、模卷16:2023年上海市徐汇区高三一模卷01:2023年上海市虹口区高三一模Section BDirections: Fill in eat blank with a proper word chosen form the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. arrives B. observable C. boundless. D. contained. E. distancing. F. expansionG. lies H. parallel I.

3、 perceiving J. threads K. volumeWhat Comes After Space?Looking at a clear night sky you witness the vastness of space, which holds everything humans know to exist. To find out what _11_ beyond a good place to start is to determine where the universe ends. However, the problem is that scientist are u

4、ncertain about where space ends or whether it ends at all.The _12_ universeThe furthest humans can see out into space,using all the technology currently available to us,is 46 billion light years (alight year is the distance that light can travel in one year,and is equivalent to about 9. 5 million mi

5、llion kilometres). The _13_ of space that humans can see is called the visible universe. Beyond this, it remains a mystery whether its an expanse of more galaxies and stars or possibly the edge of the universe. Some think that the universe is _14_, meaning space goes on forever in every direction. I

6、n this case,there is nothing after space,because space is everything.Moving further awayExperts have captured images of the entire Earth from space,and some astronauts have personally witnessed its beauty from orbit. Perhaps _15_ the limits of the universe would also be possible too, if only humans

7、knew where to go to look for it.Another challenge is the universes rapid _16_. As galaxies move further away their light takes longer to reach us. Eventually, some galaxies may be so distant that their light never _17_. This might imply that any edge and whatever is on the other side is increasingly

8、 _18_ itself from us. Regardless of these uncertainties, scientists still spend a lot of time thinking about what comes after space.Many universes?Its possible that there isnt just one universe, and that our universe is just one small part of a “multiverse”. Perhaps our universe is _19_ within its o

9、wn distinct region of space, separated from others by vast expanses of nothingness. Or maybe _20_ universes exist pressed tightly against each other. Getting an idea of the universes true shape may help astronomers find out whether it has an edge. What comes after that could be an even great mystery

10、.【答案】11. G 12. B 13. K 14. C 15. I 16. F 17. A 18. E 19. D 20. H【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。看着晴朗的夜空,你会看到浩瀚的太空,它容纳了人类所知道的一切。太空之后是什么?作者分享了几个有关太空的谜团。【11题详解】考查动词。句意:找到一个好的起点之外的东西就是确定宇宙的终点。分析句子可知,空格处是what引导的宾语从句的谓语动词;根据句中is to determine where theuniverse ends可知,此处应用一般现在时态。主语是单数,故谓语动词应用单数第三人称形式。根据句意,此处指“好的起点之外还有什么”,

11、故选lies。故选G。【12题详解】考查形容词。句意:可观测的宇宙。此处是一个名词短语,空格处应填入形容词作定语。根据句意,此处指“可观测的宇宙”,故选observable。故选B。【13题详解】考查名词。句意:人类所能看到的空间体积被称为可见宇宙。分析句子可知,空格处应填入名词作主语。根据句意,此处指“体积”,故选volume。故选K。【14题详解】考查形容词。句意:有些人认为宇宙是无边际,这意味着空间永远朝着各个方向发展。分析句子可知,空格处应填入形容词作表语。根据句意及句中“meaning space goes on forever in every direction”可知,此处指“无

12、边际的”,故选boundless。故选C。【15题详解】考查动名词。句意:如果人类知道去哪里寻找宇宙,也许感知宇宙的极限也是可能的。分析句子可知,空格处应填入动名词作主语。根据句意及句中“if only humans knew where to go to look for it”可知,此处指“感知”,故选perceiving。故选I。【16题详解】考查名词。句意:另一个挑战是宇宙的快速扩张。分析句子可知,空格处应填入名词作表语。根据句意,此处指“扩张”,故选expansion。故选F。【17题详解】考查动词。句意:最终,一些星系可能离我们太远,以至于它们的光永远不会到达。分析句子可知,空格处

13、应填入谓语动词。根据上下文可知,此处应用一般现在时态,且主语their light是单数,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。根据句意,此处指“到达”,故选arrives。故选A。【18题详解】考查时态。句意:这可能意味着,任何边缘以及另一边的边缘都在与我们越来越疏远。根据空前is increasingly可知,空处应填入现在分词,构成现在进行时。根据句意,此处指“与疏远”,故选distancing。故选E。【19题详解】考查时态语态。句意:也许我们的宇宙包含在它自己独特的空间区域内,与其他宇宙被浩瀚的虚无所分隔。根据空前is可知,空处应填入过去分词构成一般现在时的被动语态。根据句意,此处指“包含

14、”,故选contained。故选D。【20题详解】考查形容词。句意:或者也许平行的宇宙紧紧地压在一起。分析句子可知,空格处应填入形容词作定语。根据句意,此处指“平行的”,故选parallel。故选H。卷02:2023年上海市宝山区高三一模Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. invaluable B.

15、roughly C. satisfying D. distraction E. simply F. advantage G. reasonable H. performed I. schedule J. planned K. excellencePeople tend to think that productivity involves doing several things at once, but according to Cal Newport, the secret to success is the opposite of multitasking. Newport is the author of Deep Work, a book that describes the benefits of focusing on one thing and doing it with 31 .Newport defines deep work as the ability to focus without 32 on a cognitively (认知地) demanding task. It


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