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1、Module 9 People and placesUnit 1 Were enjoying the school trip a lot!【学习目标】:知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和短语的意思及用法take photos, buy postcards, lie in the sun, walk on the Great Wall, stand in line, a few, wait for the bus, on sale ,on a school trip, right now, by email, talk to, go back to , 能力目标:能听懂、会谈论自己或他人正在做的事情。

2、情感目标:通过对其他国家或地方人们生活的了解,培养对异国文化、生活习俗的兴趣,提高对本国文化的认识。【教学重难点】:1. 重点句型:Im talking to my friends. He is lying in the sun. We are enjoying the school trip a lot. 2. 难点:现在进行时的用法、结构以及动词形式的变化规则。【教学过程】:检测联系一、学生做值日报告,然后提问复习旧知识。二、课前朗读:朗读postcard, call, lie, sun, line, take, take photos, wait, wait for, walk , tr

3、ip, few, a few, sale, on sale, enjoy, anyway, back, go back.养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。三、检查词汇预习:翻译下列词组1.长城 2.与朋友们交谈 3.拍照 4.许多,大量 5.躺在阳光下 6.给我发送贺卡 7.等公共汽车 8等某人_ 9.正在出售 10.回到学校 11.正在出售的贺卡 12.在郊游 a.利用组长监督、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。b.朗读单词,注意发音。c.学生完成Activity 1激趣导入一、教师让学生表演动作,询问:What is he doing ? What are yo

4、u doing? 等等,学生回答,以此为情境,引出现在进行时态,导出新课。(板书:Module 9 unit 1 Were enjoying the school trip a lot.)二、播放几组幻灯片,让学生用进行时态谈论内容。三、学习进行时态。由于有课前预习任务,此部分由学生自主完成,老师最后给予归纳,总结。板书: 句型结构:be (am, is, are) +v-ing 时态标志:look, listen, now 分词构成:looking, playing Making, having Sitting, running Lying, dying四、小听力:(自主完成,合作释疑)Li

5、sten and listen and number the pictures.完成Activity 2.五、大听力 多层听听对话,完成下面问题,然后学生阅读对话,验证答案。 (1) What is Betty doing ? (2) What is Tony doing ?(3) What is Wang Hui doing?(4) What is Lingling doing ? (5) What is Daming doing ?联动探讨一、1.小组内合作解决activity3的汉语意思,找出不懂的地方。2.小组间合作解决不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。二、重难点突破(合作探究):(一)对重点

6、内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。(二)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。 1. Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you . the Great Wall 普通名词作专有名词,要注意 ;和某人交谈 ,它的同义词是 。eg:我的老师正在和他谈话。 。2. Were a school trip. 汉语意思是 。3.Lingling is buying a few presents and postcards. a few 汉语意思是 代表 。它修饰 。 它的反义词是 。代表 ,修饰 。与之类似的还有: 代表 ,修

7、饰 ; 代表 ,修饰 。eg: .4. Lingling and I are writing postcards ,Daming is lying in the sun .其中 writing的原形是 ;lying的原形是 .5.Please take some photos of the Great Wall and send them to me by emil.其中send sth to sb汉语意思是 。它可以写成 。Eg: . (学生展示)by email的汉语意思 。 6.Its time to go back to school now.其中Its time to do sth

8、意思是 它还可以写成Its time for sth ,例如Its time to go to school.= Its time for school.Eg: . (学生展示) 升华总结 1. 我学到了什么? 2.通过对对话的学习,小组合作让学生归纳本课的重要短语。各小组比赛,看谁记得多,记得牢。(选作,时间允许就进行。)作业:1. 复习巩固 用本单元的重点内容,包括知识点,短语,重点句子等。2、分层作业 1) 熟读对话(必做)2) 背诵对话(选做)3) 习题巩固 (必做,见下)3.预习任务1) 读熟第二单元单词2) 预习第二单元课文。(见导学案unit 2)反思:1.成功之处:2.不足之处

9、:习题巩固:用所给词的适当形式填空:1.单项选择:1)At the moment,everyone dumplings. A. are eating B. eating C. is eating D. eat 2) Listen! She in the classroom. A. is singing B. sing C. to sing D. is sing 3) Americans like the sun. A. lie in B. lying in C. to lie under D. lying on 4) My father enjoys piano. A. to play B.

10、playing C. play the D. playing the 5) This is not easy work. A. a B. / C. one D. an 2. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1)Listen! She (sing) a song.2) Look! Tony (take) photos.3) John (play) basketball at this moment.4) -What are you doing ? - I (run) for the bus .5) They are (see) friends, calling home or (shop).1) Im

11、 _(write) postcards now.2)We _ _ (play) games now. 3) Listen! She _ _ (sing) an English song. 4)They _ _ _(wait) a bus now.5) Look! Xiaoming _ _(lie) in the sun.6) Betty _(call) her mother at this moment.7) Tom with Hellen (shop) now.8)Lister! Someone outside. Yes, the girl often there. (sing)9)其他人在

12、做什么?(翻译)11)我们在参加学校的郊游。We are _ _ _ _.12)不管怎样,我们现在就要回家了!_, were _ _now.13)我们这次学校郊游很开心。Were _ the _ _ _ _.14.请用e-mail给我发一张照片。 .15.请拍几张长城的片。 .B)用所给动词的适当形式填空。1)Listen! She (sing) a song.2) Look! Tony (take) photos.3) John (play) basketball at this moment.4) -What are you doing ? - I (run) for the bus .5) They are (see) friends, calling home or (shop).


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