人教版八年级英语下册第四单元 单元检测题

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1、人教版八年级英语下册 Unit4 单元测试Why dont you talk to your parents?姓名:_班级:_学号:_一、单项选择(15 分)1.Peter, its not _big deal.You can talk to your friend on_phone.A/;a Bthe;a Can;the Da;the2.We dont have coffee.Would you like tea _?Ainstead Blate Cearly Dhard3.I hope to _because my parents want me to go to a good high

2、school.Aread books Bget good gradesCwatch movies Dplay computer games4.Stop there, Mike! Its _of you to skate on such thin ice.Alazy Bcrazy Cpossible Dfriendly5.My parents give me so much _I feel very bored.Could you help me?Apressure Binformation Ctime Dsleep6.We should think more of others if we w

3、ant to _them.Ahear of Bget on well withCget ready for Dhear from7. Im very _about the coming exam, Dad.Dont worry.Just try your best.Anervous Bnormal Cnatural Dnoisy8.We didnt have enough money to buy the house.Luckily, Mrs. Taylor _to lend us some. Adepended Bargued Coffered D fixed9.In order to im

4、prove our speaking_,we keep practicing every day.Ahobby Bskill Creason Dpart10.There are lots of people in the street.What happened?_we go and have a look?AWhy dont BWhy not CHow about DWhat about11.“Dont _your kid too hard.He should relax and think for himself, ” the teacher said.Apeel Bplan Cpush

5、Dpass12.After one days hard work, I feel so tired.Well, you _lie down and rest.Acannot Bwill Cwont Dshould13.He joined the Reading Club at the age of ten.He has been a _for six years.Aperson Bmember Cworker Dstress14.I am afraid it is difficult for you to _with your best friend Mary, because she is

6、good at all subjects. Acompete Bagree Ctalk Dargue15.Thank you so much for your advice._I hope things will be better.ANo problem BSounds greatCSorry to hear that DGlad to meet you二、完形填空(10 分)What must you do when you receive a present 1 your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you note.

7、 The words “Thank you” are 2 important. We have to use them very often. We say them when someone gives us a drink, 3 us to pick up things, lends us a book or gives us a gift.Another important word is “please”. Many people4 to use it. It is rude to ask someone to dosomething without saying “please”.

8、We have to use it when we5 something, too. It may be a book 6a pencil, more rice or help. We have to use “please” to make request pleasant.We have 7“Sorry”, too. When we have 8someone, we ll have to go up and say were sorry.When we have forgotten something, we will also say “sorry”. We can make peop

9、le it.9 wrongs by sayingThese three words are 10 .Our children must learn to use them. They are pleasing words to use in any language.1. A. in B. at C. for D. to2. A. so B. veryC. ratherD. such3. A. helps4. A. want5. A. ask for6. A. butB. hasB. forgetB. sayB. andC. letsC. likeC. needC. orD. makesD.

10、rememberD. wantD. as7. A. learn to say 8. A. fellB. to learn and say C. learn and say B. touched C. feltD. to learn to say D. hurt9. A. remember B. forgetC. needD. think10. A. difficult but importantC. useful but difficult三、阅读理解。(40 分)Dear Aunt Maria,B. simple but importantD. helpful but difficultAI

11、 feel upset these days because my best friend Danny is still angry with me.Last Wednesday,it was very windy.When we were playing on the way back to school from lunch,I accidentally (意外地)pushed him too hard.As a result,he fell down.From then on, he stopped talking to me.What should I do?Yours,JoeDear

12、 Joe,Its normal for friends to have problems.My advice for you is to write him a note.Explain to him that it was an accident.Tell him that you didnt mean to hurt him, and that you feel very sorry.If a note doesnt seem like the best way,find some other ways.You can email him,send him a message, etc.M

13、y experience with friends is that problems like this wont last for too long.Good luck!Yours,Maria1.Joe feels upset these days because _Ahe didnt do well in the examBhis friend didnt reply to his letterCDanny doesnt talk with himDhe has too much homework2.What was the weather like last Wednesday?_ASu

14、nny. BWindy. CRainy. D Snowy.3.Joe pushed Danny down _Aon Wednesday morningBon Wednesday eveningCon their way homeDon their way to school4.Maria does NOT advise Joe _ Ato give Danny a callBto write Danny a noteCto send Danny an e-mailDto send Danny a message5.In which column of a newspaper can we probably find the reading?_ANEWS. BSTORIES. CADVICE. DSPORTS.BBelow youll find s



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