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1、强调句型重点用法例析巩 勃英语中“Its/was +被强调部分+wo/tat+其他”是强调句型的基本构成。这种构造在中学英语课本中屡屡浮现,引起高考命题者的格外关注。强调句的基本句型是:“I is/a被强调部分tht/wo从句。”可强调的句子成分一般为主语,状语,宾语等,不能用来强调谓语动词,表语(主语补语),定语,让步状语, 条件状语等。被强调部分可以是单词,短语,也可以是从句。一、具体用法:强调句的基本构成:It was 被强调的部分 + ho(重要指人时)/ha 其他部分注意这种构造可以强调句子的主语、宾语、状语(涉及时间,地点,方式,因素等),但是不能强调谓语动词。原句的谓语动词如果是

2、目前或将来时态,用I isthat/wh;原句的谓语动词如果是过去时态,用It wastht/who; 强调时间、地点、因素或方式时不要用whn, here或how, 必须用th。例句1I saw him in hesteet yeerday afternon waI ho saw hii thestreet etday aternoon.(强调主语)Itwas n the stret th saw him ysterday aenoon(强调地点状语)twas yetay afternoothat I aw hm inthe stet.(强调时间状语) It wshim tha/who sa

3、win the steet yesterday fteo.(强调宾语)例句He dtgo to bed ntihi mothe cameack. t asot unt s moth came actht he went toed. H didtdohis homw unil hisfhe cameack frmwork Iwast util h fater ame back wrk that id his hmeork 例句nywhen ounearl lose soeonedyo fullyalizehowmcyou vle hi. Iti oy whe o nearly lose some

4、one y fullyeli ho mch you valuehim. 只有你将近失去某个人时,你才意识到你是多么尊重她。例句4as ateaai bcasehetraffi w very evurng the rus hour.It ws eause taficwas vry hevy rig rurha wslate agin.强调句中只能强调由beause引导的因素状语从句,ecse不能换成sice, s, fr,notht等。注意2强调句的疑问构造一般疑问句 Is asit+被强调部分+who ha ?特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+is/w +it+who tat? hatiwas it h

5、a? h s/wa it at? Whe is/wasi ta? Whe is/w ittat?Why iwas ta?Howis/was it ta?例句I sa hm in the stre yestrdayafternoo When it thao saw i ine street?ho wa it th you sa in h stret yesterd afternon?ere was t tatyo a h yestday aftroon?例句dont nowwe h wiloe back. Idont knwenit is tathe wl come bac.(宾语从句疑问词后用

6、陈述句语序)Hw ws it that you gotin tuhwih M. Sith? 你是怎么和ih先生联系上的?Tougha frin of mie. 通过一种朋友。二、强调句型使用的场合1. 强调句型用于强调陈述句。形式:t i/ws 被强调部分+h/wh例:(1) was thre, te olie blee,_ shewasabl o actateth ecoder she kpt n er ag .unt B.which C. ta D. when解析:选C 被强调部分为地点状语ter,thepolic beev为插入语(2)It a afte he gt whathe had

7、eird_ he ralized t wa not sortnA.tat Bhen C. ine .as 解析:选A 被强调的是时间状语atrh got at h had dsir2. 强调句型用于强调一般疑问句。形式:Isast+被强调部分tht/wo?例:Wasitfom th lae_ he ftn wntfhing_ h se the drwnng girl? A.that; that re; here C. here;that D hat; whre 解析:选C 解答此题核心是可以对句型进行对的的分析和判断。本题题干为一种强调句式, wa +被强调部分+ttwo,lae背面是个定语从

8、句,由关系副词wee引导,第二空才是强调句中的ha。注意:如果该句型用于宾语从句中,应使用陈述语序。3. 强调句型用于强调特殊疑问句。形式:疑问词(Wh)+is/as itht+其她部分 rallyont now _ I hdmymoney sten A. when s itthat that it wa when .here t wasth D i wa where ht 解析:选 强调句作kow的宾语,语序应为陈述句语序,被强调部分为where,但是强调句为宾语从句时,此类wh连接代词或副词常置于it之前,作宾语从句的连接词。注意:如果该句型用于宾语从句中,应使用陈述语序。4. 强调句型用

9、于强调notutil句型形式:It iwas not uil +被强调部分+hat+其她成分例:(1) t was o untilshe got hme _Jennifr reaised se hadlost hr key.A.hn .that C.here .befo 、解析:选 考察强调句中对nountl的强调;与否能辨析出引导词th.(2)._the catastrophe happenedtha te lalgovernmn reeh iportae f utanti developmnt.t wast .No untl C. Unil . s not unt 解析:选D。 考察强调句

10、中not unti的用法.考察了 Iwas not uni castrphe hpeetha .5. 变式强调句型变式1 I must /ay/migh/ be+被强调部分+t 变式2 Itmst/miht haveben+被强调部分at变式It cantcoudn be+被强调部分that变式4Culd/can be 被强调部分+tt如:I mightbe i fahr tht youve ben tikng f.Itmut hvben s rotr hat you sa.It can be yor book that he is reang.Cold ite om th is akng e

11、 nie?6. 几种特殊的强调句型的理解与使用1)ts,nt wo 是 而不是 ,例如:It s you,not e, whothat aet et him at theairort.2)Itswas ot bu hat不是 而是, tat后的动词应与t后的名词或代词保持人称和数的一致,例如:It is o wh i ight ut what s rht_isipotnce.whih Bit Ctat . thi 答案为C) I s a t tat,或I isas tht, not,,是而不是 , tha后的动词应与ot前的名词或代词保持一致。例如:Iti th ability todo th

12、 jobtht aters, ot whereyoucom rom r whayu aret s he ayyou speakntwhat yousaytht matrs.4)I is /wasrahr thanthat, 是 而不是 ,ha后的动词应与ath ha前的名词或代词保持人称和数的一致。例如:It is he reveion ofdisease rather than ts uessful teten thteto the rapidincaseofthe worls ppuaion.7. 强调句型中套用定语从句形式:I is/wa + 被强调部分+关系代词/副词+定语从句+tha+其她成分例如:I was t trinng_he a as ayung man_ me hi uch goenineerA.


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