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1、重庆科技学院本科生毕业论文重庆科技学院毕业设计(论文) 题 目 150t3转炉精炼及连铸工艺设计 学 院 冶金与材料工程学院 专业班级 冶金工程2009-03 学生姓名 学号 200944046 指导教师 职称 讲师 评阅教师 职称 助教 2013年 6 月 14日摘 要目前,我国钢铁行业处于低迷期,一些中小型钢铁厂生存艰难,究其原因主要是这些企业能耗高,产品单一,产品科技含量低,缺乏市场竞争力。要想让我国钢铁行业走出困境,就必须使得钢铁企业能够市场处科技含量高,经济效益好的产品。日后,钢铁企业的发展方向将围绕节能减排、提高科技水平、生产性能优越的产品,提高企业市场竞争力而不断改革发展。本课题

2、的主要任务是:拟订产品生产工艺流程;转炉炉型选择,确定转炉和精炼以及连续铸钢工序的配合;制定主炼钢种的操作规程;转炉车间工艺布置方案的设计、厂房主要尺寸的计算;钢水浇铸方案及连铸机机型选择,浇铸系统主要数据和连铸机主要尺寸的计算等。南通是东部发展最快的城市之一,各行各业对钢材的需求量大幅增加。随着全国各地的钢铁企业不断合并重组,为了降低生产成本,提高生产效率,减少能耗和生产成本,保护环境,各种转炉新技术被不断运用到现代转炉炼钢中去。该工艺设计有机的结合了铁水预处理、转炉炼钢、炉外精炼、连铸连轧等现代化工艺,形成紧凑的连续化生产线。 本设计采用公称容量150t转炉3座,采用顶底复吹,实行三吹二的

3、吹炼制度,冶炼过程为45min,吹氧时间18min。连铸工艺采用两台6流的方坯连铸机和一台2流的板坯连铸机。关键词钢铁行业 转炉炼钢 炉外精炼 连续铸钢 烟气除尘III重庆科技学院本科生毕业论文ABSTRACTAt present, Chinese iron and steel industry is in the doldrums, some small and medium-sized iron and steel plant survival difficult. The main reason is that the enterprises consum too much energy

4、,produce a single production, product technology content is low, and lack of market competitiveness. To make Chinese iron and steel industry out of its predicament, we must make the iron and steel enterprises to produce high scientific and technological content, good economic returns of products. Th

5、e future direction of development of iron and steel enterprises, will focus on energy-saving emission reduction, improve the level of science and technology, the production of superior performance products, improving the market competitiveness of enterprises and the continuous reform and development

6、.The main task of this topic is making the production process of products,selecting the conventer,making the operation rulers formulation of th main chain steel and at the end Design and calculation of converter process layout, workshop programme workshop main dimensions.Nantong is one of the fastes

7、t growing city in the East.With the development of NanTong, all walks of life needs a substantial increase in the amount of steel. With the increasing development of iron and steel industry, the iron and steel enterprises in China are going merger and reorganization. In order to meet the requirement

8、s of steel products, reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption and production cost and protect environment, new technologies in various converter are being used in contemporary converter steelmaking. The process design take pretreatment of molten iron, steel,

9、refining, continuous casting and rolling organic together ,forming a continuous production line of compact.In this desing there are 3 converters which is 150t of their capacity,and the converting is of top and bottom blowing, Converting system to implement the three blow two. Smelting process is 45m

10、in, blowing time 18min. Billet continuous casting machine 2 sets of 6 flows and a flow of the 2 slab caster with continuous casting process.Keywords: iron and steel industry;converter steelmaking;Ladle refining furnace;continuous casting and rollin;Flue gas dedustingIII目录目录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 绪论12 厂址选择可

11、行性论证32.1地貌特点32.2气候特点32.3资源特点32.4交通运输32.5技术优势42.6产品市场43 产品大纲53.1产品大纲及产品结构53.2工艺流程:63.2.1铁水供应方式73.2.2铁水预处理73.2.3转炉复合吹炼73.2.4炉外精炼73.2.5连续铸钢73.3技术可行性83.4产量计算83.4.1转炉容量与吹炼制度83.4.2计算年出钢炉数93.4.3计算年产钢量94 铁水供应方式与铁水预处理方案114.1铁水的供应114.2铁水预处理124.2.1铁水炉外脱硫124.2.2 KR搅拌法脱硫工艺124.2.3脱硫剂的选择124.3铁水炉外脱磷、脱硅134.4工艺流程135

12、顶底复吹转炉炼钢的物料平衡与热平衡计算155.1物料平衡计算155.1.1计算原始数据155.1.2物料平衡的基本项目165.1.3 计算步骤165.2 热平衡计算225.2.1计算所需的原始数据225.2.2 计算步骤236 转炉设计256.1转炉炉型设计概述276.2炉型种类及其选择276.3转炉炉型各部分尺寸的确定286.4转炉炉衬316.4.1炉衬材质的选择316.4.2炉衬组成及厚度确定336.5转炉金属构件和底部供气构件336.5.1 炉壳336.5.2 底部供气构件337 转炉氧枪设计357.1喷头类型与选择357.2喷头尺寸计算357.2.1 喷头参数选择原则357.2.2 喷

13、头计算367.3氧枪枪身设计377.3.1氧枪各层尺寸的确定377.3.2氧枪总长度和行程确定398 炉外精炼418.1LF精炼炉418.1.1LF精炼炉的特点418.1.2LF炉在车间内的布置418.2 钢水循环真空脱气处理(RH设备)428.2.1 RH设备的特点428.2.2 RH设备的工作原理428.2.3 RH真空精炼特点:438.2.4RH设备的转炉车间布置439 连铸机设备459.1连铸机机型的选择459.2连铸机的主要工艺参数469.2.1钢包允许的最大浇注时间469.2.2铸坯断面469.2.3 拉坯速度469.2.4 连铸机的流数479.3铸坯的液面深度和冶金长度479.3

14、.1铸坯的液相深度479.3.2铸坯的液相深度479.4弧形半径489.5连铸机生产能力的确定489.5.1 连铸浇注周期计算489.5.2连铸机的作业率509.5.3连铸机的冶金长度509.5.4连铸机生产能力的计算509.6连铸机主要设备509.6.1 中间包容量的确定519.6.2中间包的主要尺寸529.6.3 结晶器的选择529.7连铸操作规程5210 炼钢车间烟气净化与回收5710.1 烟气净化方案选择5710.1.1 转炉烟气净化方法5710.2 烟气净化系统5710.2.1 国内外转炉炼钢烟尘处理系统概况5710.3 烟气净化系统主要设备5810.3.1 烟气冷却设备5810.3.2 烟气净化设备5911转炉车间主厂房的工艺布置及尺寸6111.1 转炉车间主厂房工艺布置6111.2 装料跨布置6111.2.1 铁水供应与铁水预处理布置6111.2.2废钢供应布置6211.2.3出渣方式6311.2.4 装料跨尺寸6311.3转炉跨布置6411.3.1 转炉跨的位置6411.3.2 转炉跨的横向布置6411.3.3 转炉跨纵向布置671



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