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1、management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluation; 20, is responsible for company-wide employee tim

2、e and attendance, poor management approaches and specific work on duty; .Class of business information (including changes in policies and regulations, national policies and other building materials industry) collection, maintenance of electronic equipment, network maintenance, and analysis of market

3、 information and reporting; 26, is responsible for arranging the Managers daily agenda; 27, responsible for coordinating the social relations of the company and the surrounding villages; 28, the company responsible for all the guest register, informing, guiding and other services, is responsible for

4、 the guest, visitor reception and accommodation arrangements; 29, responsible for proof of company-wide; 30, the company responsible for the third grade warehouse and material management, including storage procedures, materials distribution, inventory and materials inventory storage notice after usi

5、ng the Departments work; 31, is responsible for the management of health development and company-wide afforestation and beautification, sanitation management; 32, in charge of human resources management, including recruitment, employment, obtainment, classification, salary, promotion, transfer, dism

6、issal, contract (including the labour contract and the expatriate staff training in drafting and signing of the agreement),北京经济技术职业学院毕业论文封面论 文 题 目:清扬在北京去屑洗发水市场现状分析姓 名: 系(院)专业:北京经济技术职业学院(商务管理系)年 级 班 级:200国际经济与贸易(2)班学 号: 指 导 教 师: 完 成 时 间:2009年 10月30日摘要2007年4月27日,联合利华在北京召开新闻发布会推出的第一款新产品、全国首款“男女区分”去屑洗发水

7、“清扬”正式上市。它的上市标志着宝洁与联合利华的新一轮战争即将拉开,据调查显示,70%的人都有过头皮屑,市场上也不乏海飞丝、雨洁、康王、霸王等专业去屑洗发水,给清扬既带来了机遇又带来了挑战。本文针对此产品在北京市场的销售状况、营销策略及市场占有率的分析,主要与宝洁集团的海飞丝进行比较,也包括其他专业去屑洗发水,分析其品牌定位及营销模式,使之克服营销死局,扬长避短,更具有市场竞争力取得长远发展。关键词:清扬,北京市场,调查分析 renewal, modification, cancellation and other relevant procedures work, and periodica

8、lly on the situation of human resources analysis; 33, responsible for the companys employees retirement fund management work; 34, responsible for the companys rooms, dormitories, dining hall sanitation management; 35, was responsible for organizing the voluntary work of the company; 36, is responsib

9、le for collection of training material and organize staff training and examinations; 37, according to company-related systems, issued to departments in recognition of or administrative punishment, personnel files, etc; 38, is responsible for the development of company holiday benefits programme and

10、the distribution of benefits; 39, the company responsible for the toilet, garbage cleanup; 40, responsible for the rationalization of work to collect, compile and report; 41, are responsible for the necessary goods (including raw materials, equipment, spare parts and so on) application, review, appr

11、oval and acceptance of the relevant procedures work. Charge function: 1, responsible for the guidance of departmental administration, logistic services; 2, the company responsible for the relevant activities of the organizations of the party building work; 3, responsible for the management of the co

12、mpany departments system implementation, operation, security, etc. Jurisdiction: 1, Corporate Office Regional Office; 2, doormen, restaurant, guest rooms, dormitories, correspondents room, meeting room, boiler room, toilets and other subordinate Office area; 3, the rules of other jurisdictions. Powe

13、rs: 1, personnel management rights, the right of inspection, supervision and10目录摘要1目录2一、联合利华集团简介3(一)联合利华在中国3(二)清扬简介3二、清扬在经营发展现状4(一)产品销售现状和竞争情况4(二)产品的品牌定位4(三)产品销售策略5三、清扬在市场竞争中的营销死局、挑战及解决方案5结论7致谢7参考文献7附录1 问卷调查8附录2 调查问卷分析9一、联合利华集团简介(一)联合利华在中国早在二十世纪三十年代,联合利华的前身利华兄弟公司在上海投资开设的中国肥皂有限公司生产的“力士”香皂、“伞”牌肥皂等产品因品


15、。自一九八六年至一九九九年,联合利华在中国已投资八亿美元,创立了十四家合资企业,引进一百多项先进的专利技术。旁氏、力士、夏士莲、奥妙、中华、立顿黄牌、和路雪等十三个品牌分属家庭及个人护理用品、冰淇淋、食品等三个系列的产品,使得在中国贴有联合利华标签的产品种类已经可供开设一家很象样的商店,并且联系着人们日常生活的各个方面。(二)清扬简介清扬 qngyng(1) presence指眉目清秀,也泛指人美好的仪容、风采。今日幸会,得睹清扬。(2) clear and sweet声音 清越悠扬,钟声清扬。2007年4月27日,清扬去屑洗发露产品的新产品发布会在北京举行,并现场请来了其广告代言人台湾当红艺人小S(徐熙娣)现身说法,除了分享自己的护发滋养、养发去屑的心得和经验,还巧妙地阐述了自己对于清扬品牌的理解就是有型就要秀,无屑更清扬!从而清扬品牌在中国大陆市场的品牌推广工作正式开始拉开了序幕。据联合利华旗下清扬官方网站介绍:清扬是法国清扬技术中心的研究结晶,产品的附加值突破在于“维他矿物群”去屑,并拥有全球专利及临床测试验证,同时为“维他矿物群”进行了商标知识产权注册。在过去10年中,联合利华研发中心在中国已为超过3000名消费者进行过临床实验,以更多了解中国消费者头皮状况和问题从而为中国消费者提供更精纯的去屑产品配方。根据联合利华公



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