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1、Lesson One Twelve Things I Wish They Taught at Schoolwell: adv. quite, rather The work is well done. 这件工作干得很好。 Its well past midnight, I think its time you went home. 早过了午夜,我想你该回家了。above/below average高于或低于一般标准或水平 Your monthly salary is well above average.你每月的工资大大超出了平均水平。 yet: at this point in time I

2、 would be .if I had learned虚拟语气, 主句表示现在,从句表示过去 I would not be so sleepy if I had slept well last night. back then: back in my high school days what really matters: what is important matter is used as a verb- eg: Does it matter much whether he will not pass the exams 他能否通过考试是否很重要? In some respects在某些

3、方面;in respect of 就某方面Louisiana Purchase路易斯安那购置some: about; approximately Some 35 students have taken the advanced course. worth teaching-be worth doing值得做deficiencies:不足,缺乏,缺少 This disease is caused by Vitamin D deficiency. since:从那以后(与完成时态连用) He left home in 1980 and has not been heard of since. 他于

4、1980年离家,此后便音信全无。 morethan+n 与其说-不如说 For me, music is more a way of life than an interest. 对我来说,音乐与其说是一种爱好,还不如说是一种生活方式。matter, n. (讨论、考虑的)问题 a matter of principle 原则问题 a matter of time 时间问题 a matter of opinion 看法问题 a matter of life and death 生死攸关问题 Socrates苏格拉底:古希腊哲学家。 of the greatest of human joys:

5、the+ 形容词最高级+名词的用法:the most beautiful of the places 最美的地方 the greatest of scientists 最伟大的科学家 the best of my friends 我最要好的朋友 and it is: learning is still one of the greatest of human joys today.make sure: to do sth. in order to be sure that sth. else happens eg: Well do our best to make sure that ever

6、ything is ready before the sportsmeet.我们将努力保证在运动会前把一切准备就绪。 It hardly matters what: 句型it +否定词 + matter(s) + wh-eg: It doesnt matter how you do it as long as you finish it on time. 你如何做并不重要,但只要按时完成。 as long as: so long as: (表示条件)只要 You will succeed as long as you work hard. context:上下文;背景 We will be a

7、ble to understand why this event happened if we see it in its historical context. 如果我们能够从该事件的历史背景来考虑,就能理解事件为何发生。 Be/get trapped: to be in a bad situation someone from escaping from dangerous place 陷于,被困于 More than 50 miners got trapped in the pit following yesterdays explosion.50 多名矿工在昨天的爆炸发生后被困在矿井中

8、。 get trapped: (fig.)to get so deeply involved that one finds it hard to be interested in anything else They got trapped when they were doing the experiment.他们全身心地投入到实验中去。 all grown up-fully grown up我们完全长大成人之后,才发现很遗憾,大部分我们一辈子也发现不了。 all副词,完全地a gateway to-通向-途径;获得-手段 A good education can be a gateway

9、to success.良好的教育是获得成功的手段。 The Suez Canal is a gateway to Europe from East Asia.苏伊士运河是从亚洲通向欧洲的通道。 confine .to把-限制在-之内 They managed to confine Sars to a certain area. 他们设法将非典控制在一定的范围。 prospect:something that you expect or know is going to happen 预料会发生的事 He doesnt like the prospect of having to live al

10、one.他将不得不独居,这事他可不喜欢。 bee deadened to sth.对-变得麻木 He has bee deadened to failures, for he has experienced so many.他对失败已经麻木了,因为他经历了许多失败。deaden sb. to sth.使-对-麻木 Greed has deadened him to what other people are suffering. 贪婪使他对别人的痛苦麻木不仁。lead to : to result in; to bring about 通向;导致 All roads lead to Rome.

11、条条大路通罗马。 Hard work can lead to success.勤奋使你成功。 have sth. to say: have a say, have a right to make a decision about sth. I have something to say about the newly issued traffic rules.我对新的交通法规有我的看法。 it takes effort/energy, etc. to do sth. : it needs or requires the specified amount, quality or action f

12、or a person to plete a certain task or process to do sth. eg:It takes courage to ask stupid questions. 问“傻”问题需要勇气。It takes two to make a quarrel.Cf:It takes sb. Time to do sth. It took him two years to write the book. 他用了两年时间写这本书。 In a world as tightly connected as ours is: 在介词短语 in a world. 中,过去分词短

13、语 as tightly connected as ours is 起形容词作用,作定语,修饰 a world; 在 as.as 表示形容词同级比较的结构中,第二个as引出比较从句 ours is. there is something to/in: 确有道理、见地、不同凡响之处 There is something to what he just said. 他刚才说的话很有见地。 restrict oneself/sb./sth. (to sth./ doing sth.): to put a limit on Families in China are generally restric

14、ted to (having) one child. 中国家庭一般只允许生一个孩子。 Nowadays women are no longer restricted to domestic work. 当今妇女不再只限于做家务活be capable of sth/doing sth.: be able to do 有能力做某事;有潜力做某事 He is capable of overing the difficulties. 他有能力克服困难。 Under the leadership of our Party and our governments, we are capable of wi

15、nning the battle against Sars. 在党和政府的领导下,我们有能力取得抗击Sars这场战役的胜利。take (a) delight in sth. /doing sth.以-为乐 eg: The old man takes great delight in playing chess. 这位老人从下棋中得到很大乐趣。 We should never take delight in others failures. 我们不应该对别人的失败而幸灾乐祸。 see的宾语从句how powerful is the human will to learn 是倒装句,由于主语the human will to learn较长而置于系动词is之后. passion热忱;激情passion 同情心,作者在此用了passion 与passion 两个谐音词来表达他对人类的希望。谐音词是一种修辞手法,用来取得一定效果。 provide sth. or sb


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