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1、分类号 TU99 单位代码 11395 密 级 学 号 0805260215 学生毕业设计题 目西安市沁馨家园2号楼建筑给水排水工程作 者韩小贝院 (系)建筑工程系专 业给水排水工程指导教师李强答辩日期2012 年 6 月 10 日榆 林 学 院毕业设计诚信责任书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。毕业设计中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经公开发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人毕业设计与资料

2、若有不实,愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。 论文作者签名: 年 月 日榆林学院本科毕业设计摘 要该建筑为综合住宅楼,建筑总高度为56.7m,建筑总面积约2.0万m2。该建筑物所有给水排水均按照高层建筑给水排水要求进行设计。建筑给水排水工程的设计应遵循经济性、节能环保性、安装施工简易性的原则,并注重与其他专业的协调配合。根据对实际情况的掌握,结合建筑使用性质、用途和室内所设给水排水卫生设备,给排水系统设计如下:给水系统:本建筑层采用变频水泵和减压阀相接合的给水方式;市政饮水设置两条引入管,既保障了供水安全,又节约了能耗。排水系统:本设计采用了污废水合流排放体制。为了提高环境质量,管材采用具有抗震功能


4、系统采用外排水系统。关键词:给水;排水;消防;消火栓;自动喷淋;热水;雨水VThe Water and Wastewater Engineering Design of the Qin Xin comprehensive residential buildingABSTRACTThis architecture of comprehensive residential buildings total building height is 56.7m. The total construction area is 20000 m2. The building water supply and d

5、rainage requirements in accordance with the high-rise building water supply and drainage design. Building water supply and drainage projects should be designed to follow the economy, energy saving and environmental protection, installation and construction of the principle of simplicity and focus on

6、 with the co-ordination with other professionals. Grasp the actual situation, combined with architectural properties, uses and indoors Water sanitation equipment, water supply and drainage systems are designed as follows:Water supply system: The water supply system of this construction is the water

7、pump and the reducing value joins; Suppose two lead-in tubes, both has safeguarded the water supply security, and saved the energy consumption. Drainage system: This design uses the combined drainage system. In order to improve the quality of the environment, the pipe UPVC pipe has a shock- resistan

8、t feature. In the basement nearby the fire electricity stairwell, the pump house ground is equipped with the sump and the waste water lifting gear. Fire System:Fire rating of the building belonging to a dangerous level , design elements include a fire hydrant systems and automatic sprinkler system.

9、Equipped with a test fire hydrant installations, fire hydrant ring arrangement between the rooftop water tanks, fire hydrant box equipped with fire pump start button and the fire pump can be started directly; hydrant box equipped with fire extinguishers; room peripherals underground pump adapter to

10、ensure that fire safety and reliability. Shopping malls, dormitories and underground warehouse use closed automatic sprinkler system.Hot water system: Design information, the design need to supply hot water for 2-15 layers. To cold water and hot water pressure balance of a water point, the hot water

11、 system uses the same program backwater.Various systems in the riser is located in tube wells within or along the wall laid in horizontal pipe in accordance with the characteristics of various systems using surface or Concealed.Rain-water system: The rain-water system of this building uses the outdo

12、or rainwater system. KEY WORDS: Water supply ; Drainage of water; Fire control ; Fire hydrant; Automatic sprinkler ; Hot water ; Rainwater目 录摘 要IABSTRACTIII1 绪论11.1设计题目11.2设计任务与内容11.3基本要求11.4设计原始资料11.5设计要求22 方案选择42.1给水系统42.2排水系统42.3 消防系统52.4热水系统52.5雨水系统63 设计计算73.1给水系统计算73.1.1给水用水定额及时变化系数73.1.2最高日用水量

13、计算73.1.3最高日最大时用水量计算83.1.4设计秒流量计算83.1.5水力计算103.1.6 生活水泵的确定173.1.7 生活贮水池的确定173.1.8 给水管道的布置与敷设183.2排水系统计算183.2.2.排水设计秒流量193.2.3排水系统水力计算193.3 消火栓系统计算253.3.1消火栓系统布置规范253.3.2水枪喷嘴处所需水压及水枪出流量273.3.3水带阻力及消火栓口水压计算283.3.4消火栓系统水力计算293.3.5消防水池、水箱的贮存容积计算313.3.6屋顶水箱安装高度的校核323.3.7水泵接合器和室外消火栓的选定333.3.8消火栓的减压333.4自动喷

14、洒系统计算343.4.1喷头的布置343.4.2基本设计参数343.4.3自动喷水灭火系统水力计算353.5 室内热水系统计算383.5.1热水量的计算383.5.2耗热量计算393.5.3热水配水管网水力计算403.5.4热水回水管网的水力计算423.5.5选择循环泵553.5.6蒸汽管道计算563.5.7蒸汽凝水管道计算563.6 雨水排水系统计算563.6.1设计暴雨强度q563.6.2汇水面积F573.6.3宣泄能力系数k1573.6.4水力计算574 总 结58参考文献59致 谢601 绪论1.1设计题目西安市沁馨家园2号楼建筑给水排水工程1.2设计任务与内容(1)建筑内部给水供应系统和热水供应系统设计;(2)建筑内部排水系统设计(含污水、废水、雨水的排除);(3)建筑内部消防系统设计(消火栓、自喷等);(4)建筑外部给水、排水、消防系统设计;1.3基本要求在老师的指导下,在独立完成所规定的内容和工作量的同时,要求必须满足以下几内容:(1)通过广泛阅读中外文献,把握该设计的目的、意义和预期结果,调查收集有关资料,拟定设计方案,经综合技术经济分



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