蜜饯盒注塑模具设计(DOC 32页)

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《蜜饯盒注塑模具设计(DOC 32页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《蜜饯盒注塑模具设计(DOC 32页)(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、毕业设计(论文)任务书题 目 蜜饯盒注塑模具设计起讫日期 学生XX专业班级所在院系指导教师职称所在单位 模具设计 2011 年 10 月 10 日摘要此毕业设计课题的制品的名称为“蜜饯盒”,是用于放置果脯的盒子。制品材料为:PS(聚苯乙烯),聚苯乙烯为无色、无味的透明刚性固体,透光率可达88%90%,制品质硬,落地时会有金属般的响声。聚苯乙烯的密度在1.041.07之间,尺寸稳定性好,收缩率低。聚苯乙烯容易燃烧,点燃后离开火源会继续燃烧,并伴有浓烟。在设计模具时需要考虑制品的材料的一些特点。制品的外形尺寸和内部结构尺寸大部分是按照标准系列来定的,在模具设计时尽量使用标准件。通过分析制品外形特点


3、从模具中推出时,就必须克服因包紧力而产生的摩擦力。对底部无孔的筒、壳类塑件,脱模推出时还要克服大气压力。型芯的成型端部,一般均要设计脱模斜度,另外,塑件刚开始脱模时,所需的脱模力最大,其后,推出力的作用是克服推出机仅仅是为构移动的摩擦力。本塑件采用推杆脱模方式。 最后,在计算机上用CAD绘图软件画出装配图和所有的零件图,并标注尺寸,技术要求极其制造标准。关键词:模具设计 蜜饯盒 注塑模具AbstractThe graduation subject product name is preserves box, is used to place the dried fruit of the box

4、. Product materials: PS (polystyrene), polystyrene is a colorless, odorless, transparent rigid solid, 88% light transmission rate of up to 90%, system quality, hard, landing there will be metal-like sound. The density of polystyrene is between 1.04 to 1.07, good dimensional stability, low shrinkage.

5、 Polystyrene is easy to burn, lit the fire source will continue to burn out, acpanied by smoke. Need to be considered in the design of the mold products, some characteristics of the material. The dimensions and size of the internal structure of the products are mostly of the standard series, in the

6、mold design, it is better to make use of standard parts as many as possible. By analyzing the physical characteristics and material properties of the products,we can select the appropriate sub-surface. By calculating I choice the XS-ZY-125 as the injection machine model.From the main channel gating

7、system, shunt, gate and cold material points posed of four parts. The conical shape of the main channel is good for the flow of melt and pouring mold material when the main channel smooth pull up. Main channel directly affects the size of the melt flow rate and filling time. In addition, because of

8、its high-temperature melt and plastic injection molding machine nozzle repeatedly lifted, so the design midfield designed to replace the removable gate sets. . This requirement does not allow plastic deformation defects and cracks, the surface quality requirements. I choose four-cavity mold injectio

9、n, to facilitate adjustment of the shear rate and die at closing time, I choose side gate. The cross-sectional shape is simple, easy processing, easy to fix after the tryout, and the opening in the sub-type surface, the feed from the edge of the cavity. After the injection molding of plastic parts,

10、plastic parts in the mold cooling, due to volume contraction, tight package of core power generation, when it was introduced from the mold, it must overe the bag tight friction force generated. On the bottom of the barrel, non-porous, shell type plastic parts, mold release when they overe the atmosp

11、heric pressure. Core of the molding ends, generally to design stripping slope, the other, the beginning plastic parts ejection, the ejection force required for the largest, followed by the introduction of the role of force is introduced to overe the machine only for the organization moving of fricti

12、on. The plastic parts are putting Stripping. Finally, use CAD to draw all of the parts assembly drawings and diagrams, and dimensioning, technical requirements very manufacturing standards. Keywords: injection mold, mold design, preserves box目 录第一章绪论11.1 模具在加工工业中的地位11.2 模具的发展趋势21.3 国外注塑模的研究现状及发展趋势21

13、.4 课题的研究意义41.5设计(论文)的主要内容61.6总结6第二章塑件分析及分型面的设计72.1 ps的性能82.2蜜饯盒(ps)的外形尺寸122.3注塑设备的选择102.31估算塑件体积102.32注射机型号的确定10第三章浇注系统的设计133.1主流道的设计133.2分流道的设计143.3浇口的设计153.4 校核主流道的剪切速率163.5冷料穴的设计及计算16第四章成型零件的结构设计及计算174.1成型零件的结构设计174.2成型零件材料的选用174.3成型零件工作尺寸的计算174.4成型零件尺寸及动模垫板厚度的计算224.5排气系统的设计234.6导向结构的设计234.7推出机构的

14、设计244.7.1推出方式的确定244.7.2脱模力的计算244.8冷却系统的设计24谢辞27参考文献2828 / 32绪 论1.1 模具在加工工业中的地位模具是利用其特定形状去成型具有一定的形状和尺寸制品的工具。在各种材料加工工业中广泛的使用着各种模具。例如金属铸造成型使用的砂型或压铸模具、金属压力加工使用的锻压模具、冷压模具等各种模具。对模具的全面要求是:能生产出在尺寸精度、外观、物理性能等各方面都满足使用要求的公有制制品。以模具使用的角度,要求高效率、自动化操作简便;从模具制造的角度,要求结构合理、制造容易、成本低廉。模具影响着制品的质量。首先,模具型腔的形状、尺寸、表面光洁度、分型面、



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