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1、Unit 7 Reading: Memory corner教学设计课 型:阅读课授课教师:广州市西关外国语实验学校初二级魏静霞授课班级:广州市西关外国语实验学校初二2班教学时间:2021年12月3日第8节课 时:40分钟教材分析:本课内容来自牛津英语上海版八年级上册第7单元的阅读板块。此单元以“记忆为话题,以提高记忆力的方法为主线。阅读Reading板块中主阅读篇章的体裁为说明文,题材为 三篇关于提高记忆力的学生习作,学生通过阅读了解和掌握三种能有效提高记忆力的方法: 图像记忆法、编短句记忆单词法和理解记忆法,并在学习中实践这些方法,从而提高学习效 率。本课作为阅读课的第一课时,以引导学生了解

2、主阅读篇章的主旨大意及深入理解文本细 节为主要目标。学情分析:本课的教学对象为实验初二 3班的学生。本班学生思维较活泼,喜欢热烈积极的上课氛 围。通过初一的学习,学生对常见的阅读微技能比拟熟悉,并能在教师的引导下积极参与课 堂的各种活动。教学目标:1 .语言知识目标:? 能通过阅读了解和掌握三种有效的记忆方法:图像记忆法、编短句记忆单词法和理解记 忆法;? 能掌握并运用: memory, trouble, list, method, improve, mention.2 .语言技能目标:? 能在阅读过程中熟练运用阅读微技能预测 predicting;略读skimming;扫读scanning

3、? 能与小组成员讨论并总结出课文主人公Henry, Paula, Millie关于提高记力的方法。? 能与小组成员合作,运用课文的知识来完成读后任务。3 .学习策略目标:? 积极与让人合作,共同完成学习任务。? 在课堂学习交流中,认真倾听,积极思考。4 .情感目标:? 能与老师和同学们交流学习体会,探索适合自己的记忆方法。? 体会到成功探索记忆方法的喜悦,激发学习兴趣。教学重点:? 能通过阅读了解和掌握三种有效的记忆方法教学难点:? 能与小组成员合作,运用课文的知识来完成读后任务。教学资源/用具:多媒体设备、黑板教学过程:TeachingAims of activitiesTeacher s

4、activitiesStudents activitiesproceduresWarming upTo inspire students interest and make them be familiar with the topic。Lead in the topic of memory by playing a game: Challenge your memory with the students.Play a game: Challenge your memory.PrereadingTo arouse Ss background information and get ready

5、 for reading.1. Ask Ss the questions about their background information on human memory.2. Ask Ss to tell whether the given statements are true or false.1. Answer the teache rs questions.2. Tell whether the given statements are true or false and predict what they will learn from the passage.Whilerea

6、ding1. To train students reading sub-skills: skimming, scanning and detailed-reading.2. To Promote Ss to get a better understanding of the passage.3. To help Ss understand the use of some new words.Step 1 Skimming1. Guide Ss to finish the exercises and get the main idea of the passage by skimming th

7、e title, pictures, introduction and the topic sentences of each paragraph. 2. Check the answers.Step 1 Skimming1. Finish the exercises and get the main idea of the passage by skimming the title, pictures, introduction and the topic sentences of each paragraph.2. Check the answers.Step 2 Scanning1. A

8、sk Ss to finish theT or F exercise and find out the supporting sentences at the same time by scanning the passage.2. Check the answers.Step 2 Scanning1. Finish the T or F exercise and find out the supporting sentences at the same time b scanning the passage.2. Check the answers.Step 3 Detailed-readi

9、ng1. Ask Ss to read the details of the passage and finish the comprehension questions.2. Check the answers.Step 3 Detailed-reading 1. Read the details of the passage and finish the comprehension questions. 2. Finish the exercise on vocabulary.3. Check the answers.Step 4 Vocabulary Ss to read the pas

10、sagealoud.2. Ask Ss to finish the exercise on vocabulary. the answers.Step 4 Vocabulary the passage aloud. the exercise on vocabulary. the answers.Step 5 ConclusionGuide Ss to summarize three ways to improve memory by drawing a .Step 5 Conclusion Summarize the three ways to improve memory by drawing

11、 a .Postreading1. To give Ss a chance to put the ways they veActivity 11. Set two examples to let the Ss know how to rememberActivity 11. Discuss in groups about how to remember the givenlearnt from the passage into practice.2. To help Ss know more about this topic by making them find more ways to i

12、mprove memory.the words by using Henry s and Paula s ways.2. Give Ss more words and ask them to discuss in groups about how to remember the given words by using Henrys and Paula s ways.3. Ask Ss to show their ways.words by using Henrys and Paula s ways.2. Show their ways.Activity 21. Ask Ss to do a

13、survey about more ways to remember words in groups.2. Choose 2 or 3 groups to show their opinions.Activity 21. Do a survey about more ways to remember words in groups.2. Share their opinions with the whole class.SummaryTo help Ss have a quick revision of this lesson.Guide Ss to review what they have

14、 learnt in this lesson.: 1. Reading skills: skimming, predicting, scanning, supporting sentences.2. Three methods to remember things easily.3. Some new words and expressions.Review what they have learnt in this lesson.HomeworkTo make Ss consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson.Assign the homework.Write a report about the results of your survey (about 100 words).教学流程图:3. Three ways to remember things: Lets compete!G1:G2:G3:G4:G5:G6:All things are easy that are done willingly.Alayoutoftheblackboard:Aims:1. Key words:2. Reading sub-skills:1) 2) 3)


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