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1、早教前台2022年终工作总结早教前台20年终工作总结前台是展示公司的形象、效劳的起点。对于每一位来访万达的客人来说,前台是他们接触我们公司的第一步,是对公司的第一印象,是非常重要的。所以前台在一定程度上代表了公司的形象。同时,公司对来访客人的效劳,从前台迎客开场,好的开场是成功的一半。有了对其重要性的认识,所以我一定要认真做好本职工作。一,努力进步效劳质量。认真接听每一个 ,并且熟记每个部门的分机号,严格接照公司的要求为每一位来访客人打 核对楼上的联络人,并认真的为每一位来访客人办理临时访客证。来访的客人参观或者地方上访时我将时刻注重保持良好的效劳态度,将热情的接待。巧妙答复客户提出的问题。做

2、到笑脸相迎、耐心细致、温馨提示等。在业余时间我将加强学习一些关于 技巧和礼仪知识。最近公司组织英语培训,我坚持每一节课都去参加,在那里认真学习,不断的为自己充电,以适应公司的快速开展。二,努力打造良好的前台环境。要保持好公司的门面形象,不仅要注意自身的形象,还要保持良好的环境卫生,让来访客人有种赏心悦目的感觉。三, 以大局为重,不计较个人得失。不管是工作时间还是休假时间,假如公司有临时任务分配,我将服从安排,积极去配合,不找理由推脱。作为万达的一员,我将奉献自己的一份力量为公司效命。平时积极参加公司组织的活动,加强同事之间的感情和部门之间的沟通。并且多理解公司的根本情况和经营内容。为了往后能更

3、好的工作不断的打下根底。做前台工作也快一年了,工作范围较小;工作内容也比拟少。但自己也有缺乏的地方,工作时集中力不够,会犯迷糊;有时候解决问题还有所欠缺,我希望以后可以更认真上班工作,勤力做事。为公司做的多些。在20年的后半年里我要不断进步自身形象,做好13半年工作方案,进步工作质量、效率。还有责任心.(1)努力进步效劳质量,做事敏捷,有效率,不出过失。效劳态度要良好,接待客人要不断积累经历,要给客人留下良好印象。接 时,也要不断进步用语技巧;巧妙的问答客人。尽量让每一个客户满意。(2)加强礼仪知识学习。如业余时间认真学习礼仪知识,公共关系学。理解在待人接物中必需要遵守的礼仪常识,包括坐姿、站

4、姿、说话口气、眼神、化装、服饰搭配,以及答复客户提问技巧等等。也可以上像玫琳凯的课,讲的知识都是很实用的,上了课后会让人更自信,令一个人有气质。(3)加强与公司各部门的沟通。理解公司的开展状况和各部门的工作内容,有了这些知识储藏,一方面能及时准确地答复客户的问题,准确地转接 。另一方面也能在力所能及的范围内,简要的答复客户的问题,同时也能抓住适当时机为公司作宣传。虽然前台的工作比拟轻松,但大小事都是要认真才能做好。所以我都会用心的去做每一件事。在以后的日子里我将加强学习,努力工作!daily morning eercises or class-break setting-up eercise

5、and discipline inspection and raisal of publ signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school earance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the “national

6、 flag” speech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday“;2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week ”two eercises, cleaning and hyene, behavior norms, attendance“ situation published cloth raisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education wor

7、k:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, bined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education

8、 in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form ”three good student“, ”outstanding student cadres“, ”civilized student“.2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear school card, step posture correct, full of spirit; cycli

9、ng of the same students, at the school gate and get off, go to the car line of the school; are not allowed to ride a bycle in the cus, bycle according to the specified location;2, no time to school, had to leave school.A special reason to leave school early to school, the teacher signature issued on

10、 release;3, order out of the school gate, not chasing;B, classroom activities4, the classroom desks and chairs, arranged in order, decorate beautiful;5, the students on duty should promptly clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, turn off the lights, close the doors and dows, lock the door;6, keep th

11、e classroom clean, no spitting, no littering debris and other debris;7, not in the desk, doors and dows, walls, etc.The Painted graffiti graffiti board;8, the preparation of the bell ring, sitting in their own position, and do a good lesson preparation, keep the classroom quiet;9, when the class to

12、stand up to the teacher Shi Hangli; class speech first raise their hands;10, listen attentively.Speak to raise their hands to answer questions, to stand up to loud sounds;L1, not to be late, do not leave early, not late into the classroom to play truant.Standing in the doorway shouting ”report“, rai

13、sed by the teacher agreed to in classroom;L2, to concentrate on self-study, do not do and learning has nothing to do;13, do not copy homework, do not cheat in the eam;C, assembly activityIn L4, the flag raising ceremony, solemn, neat, orderly queue team, for the national flag stood for salute.The na

14、tional anthem, the orinal should be standing.15, eercise to do fast, quiet, qi;16, the rally should be punctual, keep quiet speak first to Su; teachers and audience charming year ceremony, the end of the speech of thanks; to watch the performances, games, lause to ropriate moderation.D, cus health17

15、7, keep the corridor clean, sanitary, quiet, do not push, do not push, do not play slapstk;18, do not pour from upstairs downstairs, spitting, throg debris;19, clean area on duty to seriously do the clean health work area;20, take good care of the cus environment, do not litter.Paper towels, peel, b

16、everage bottles, food packang bags, etc.should be thrown into the designated bins;2L, love and care for school facilities and equipment, care of flowers and trees on cus park;E, civilized and polite22, teachers and visitors to take the initiative to say hello, smiling; answer question to teachers, guests stand up, generous, humble, polite;23, the use of good manners, please, please, you, Hello, thank you, no, no, no matter, goodbye;244, the use of b



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