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1、英语四级听力各大题型解题方法小对话(short conversations)题目序号: 11-18 所占比例:8%备考策略一:做完真题分析听力原文时, 多总结同义替换(同根词以及同义词之间的替换),比如hardly,barely,rarely,seldom等,并重点关注出现频率较多较难的短语,比如四级听力中考察过三次的短语stay awake.例:2010年6月第17题(A) Few students understand Prof. Johnsons lectures.(B) Few students meet Prof. Jonsons requirements.(C) Many stud

2、ents find Prof. Johnsons lectures boring.(D) Many students have dropped Prof. Johnsons class.听力原文:W: Youre taking a course with Professor Johnson. Whats your impression so far?M: Well, many students could hardly stay awake in his class without first drinking a cup of coffee.Q: What does the man impl

3、y?解析:通过听力原文中的划线句子,不难看出,正确答案为C选项.该结构曾在01年1月第5题和02年1月第9题中出现过,且均为考点。而当时是以barely able to stay awake的形式出现的。这就要求考生再去多总结一些同义替换,四级听力中类似表示否定的词,除了上文中出现过的hardly和barely,还常考的有rarely和seldom。多掌握些类似词和短语,很多小对话都能迎刃而解了。备考策略二:听力考试历来喜欢分场景进行考察。这就要求考生多去熟悉一些常见的场景词汇。例如校园,职场,机场,酒店,餐馆,健身房等场景的词汇。例:2009年12月第16题(A) She must have

4、 paid a lot for the gym.(B) She is known to have a terrific figure.(C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results.(D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy.听力原文:W: Ive been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape.M: You look terrific. It seems that your effort has paid off

5、.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?解析:通过划线部分的听力原文不难看出正确选项为C,但这道题难点在于很多考生不认识诸如gym(健身房),figure(身材),work out(锻炼身体),pay off(取得成功)等健身场景的词汇。最后,小对话实在听不懂的情况下,考生采取避开那些明显被播读到的选项的方法,比直接从四个选项中蒙一个,正确概率相对要高一些。例:2010年12月第17题(A) He owns a piece of land in the downtown area.(B) He has got enough money to bu

6、y a house.(C) He can finally do what he has dreamed of.(D) He is moving into a bigger apartment.听力原文:M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land Ive had my eye on and build a house on it。W: Congratulations!Does that mean youll be m

7、oving soon?Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?解析:这道题的正确答案为C选项,另外三个选项均被明显播读,所以被排除。长对话(long conversations)题目序号:19-25 所占比例:7%破题技巧:1,视听一致(听到什么选什么)2,同义替换(同根词或同义词进行替换)3,第一题经常对应原文第一句或第一回合4,答句更易出考点。例:2010年12月第二篇长对话22. (A) By reading a newspaper ad.(B) By seeing a commercial on TV.(C) By

8、 listening to the morning news.(D) By calling an employment service.23. (A) She could improve her foreign languages.(B) She could work close to her family.(C) She could travel overseas frequently.(D) She could use her previous experiences.24. (A) Taking management courses.(B) Teaching English at a u

9、niversity.(C) Working as a secretary.(D) Studying for a degree in French.25. (A) Prepare for an interview in a couple of days.(B) Read the advertisement again for more details.(C) Send in a written application as soon as possible.(D) Get to know the candidates on the short list.W: Good morning, Im c

10、alling about the job that was in the paper(Q22答案点,首句考点+视听一致) last night。M: Well, could you tell me your name?W: Candidate Foreset。M: Oh yes. What exactly is it that interests you about the job?W: Well, I thought it was just right for me。M: Really? Um Could you tell me a little about yourself?W: Yes.

11、 Im 23. Ive been working abroad。M: Where exactly have you been working?W: In Geneva。M: Oh, Geneva. And what were you doing there?W: Secretarial work. (Q23答案点,同义替换)Previous to that, I was at university。M: Which university was that?W: The University of Manchester. Ive got a degree in English。M: You sa

12、id youve been working in Geneva. Do you have any special reason for wanting to come back?W: I thought it would be nice to be near to the family。(Q24答案点,视听一致+同义替换)M: I see, and how do you see yourself developing in this job?W: Well, Im ambitious. I do hope that my career as a secretary will lead me e

13、ventually into management。M: I see. You have foreign languages?W: French and Italian。M: Well, I think the best thing for you to do is do reply a writing to the advertisement。W: Cant I arrange for an interview now?M: Well, Im afraid we must wait until all the applications are in, in writing, and then

14、 decide on the short list. If you are on the short list, of course we should see you。W: Oh, I see。M: I look forward to receiving your application in writing in a day or two。(Q25答案点,视听一致+同义替换)W: Oh, yes, yes, certainly。M: Ok, thank you very much. Goodbye。W: Thank you. Goodbye。Questions 22 to 25 are b

15、ased on the conversation you have just heard。22. How did the woman get to know about the job vacancy?23. Why did the woman find the job appealing?24. What had the woman been doing in Geneva?25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?另,长对话历来极喜欢考职场和校园两个场景。考生平时可多去积累些相关场景词汇和表达,可有效提高做题正确率。短文听力(short passages)题目序号:26-35 所占比例:10%破题技巧:1,视听一致(听到什么选什么)2,同义替换(同根词或同义词进行替换)3,顺序出题原则4


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